

Image for Adebayor

Good morning choristers.

I’ll tempt providence and say that there isn’t much on the cards today. That should do it.

Adebayor’s name has been bandied about with increasing regularity. This may be something to do with all other transfer tales dying on their asses, or it might be something to do with us finally having thrashed out a loan deal.

I guess the Adebayor Elephant song debate has been done to death but if this will be the racists last hurrah. I hope this deal happens as it will be good for us and good for football.

Adebayor isn’t the world’s greatest striker, but as a wise man once said: ‘He scores a lot of goals at White Hart Lane and that’s more than our current lot do. Also it will temporarily shut up the last of the loudmouths that have been responsible for spoiling trips to the Lane for the rest of us.

I’m sure they’ll find something else to ‘protest about’ and I’m certain they’ll find someone else to hate, but another nail in their ugly coffin is only a good thing.

There is a ‘fakinel’ shirt up on the ShotDead website and I noticed this morning that orders started flying in yesterday. I deliberately haven’t put it up on here as to me it isn’t spelled correctly and has a ‘c’ in. This will be rectified but in the interim if people want it without the ‘c’ they need to let me or Shot Dead know!

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  • ChrisD says:

    Is Merr short for Hammerr? That would make more sense.
    Fuck off and support those knuckle draggers instead

  • rogerspurs says:

    Heartwarming response on this site to Merrs racist bile – HH you shouldn’t take all of this to heart. You should be proud that your regulars are of a more enlightened mindset and reject the white supremacist othodoxy. We have indeed come a long way on the kick out racism road – a way to go still but we’re going in the right direction. We’re way way on from the time I recall at WHL after after the signing of lightning Garth – a milestone moment – when the the shouts changed to calling for our lads to “tackle the coloured fellow”.

  • Stu Barney says:

    I would prefer mine to be without the C, kind sir. “Me like sounding cockeney”, I think fakinel was the original spelling was it not?

  • Jean de Floret says:

    merr you fucking cunt. You fucking boring ignorant twat. Die please.

  • Stu Barney says:

    I don’t condone the racist comments but any chance we can stop the swearing? I can’t view the blogs at work otherwise as the site gets blocked, and it is not easy viewing on an iPhone. This site makes my working day easier!

    Thanks all!!

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