
Armchair Guide To Civil Disorder

Image for Armchair Guide To Civil Disorder

Good morning,

Yesterday was a mixed bag then. The atmosphere inside The Lane was a marketing man’s dream. Smiling families, Mexican waves, fans cheering players and singing songs, and Spurs a’ winning. That’s what I like.

Sometime after the atmosphere outside The Lane resembled a bad night night in Belfast. So what happened? What happened to the vehicles that were torched, shops that were looted, the windows that were smashed, the houses destroyed is pretty well documented. I’ve included a short gallery from images I picked up from Twitter.

But what happened to precipitate this? There are actually three paths that took us to this civil disorder.The most obvious, at first glance appears to be some upside down gangster revenge for a policeman shooting dead one Mark Duggan. Duggan –  street name ‘Starrish Mark’ –  was supposedly a gangsta member of Tottenham Man Dem Gang, a street mob believed to be involved with the infamous Jamaica Yardies.

Apparently Starrish Mark was under observation by the fuzz as it was believed he was all set to take revenge for the killing of his cousin Kevin Easton a rapper – street name ‘Smegz’ – who was fatally stabbed outside a Mile End nightclub back in March.

Anyway, legend has it that Starrish Mark was in a taxi when he spotted an armed officer and it alleged took a pot shot at him from the back of the cab. The officer’s life was saved by his radio which took the bullet. The officer then returned fire and Duggan and was shot dead.

A march of people from Broadwater Farm to a local police station then took place last night in protest over Starrish Mark’s death. The march resulted in numerous acts of arson, criminal damage and looting.

The social back drop to this simply reveals how politicians using the phrase ‘Broken Britain’ is a joke. Not a very funny one. It was them that broke it.

You don’t need any  GCSE’s in Neurology to work out that society needs looking after or it goes wrong. Haringey’s youth clubs were shut after the Youth Services budget was slashed by 75% after a cut of £41m to the council’s overall budget.

Now I’m not going to try and kid you that because there’s nowhere for teenagers to play ping pong Curry’s got robbed. But it’s all part of the bigger picture whereby people who are vulnerable are effectively abandoned by society.

Environments where these gang cultures are allowed to blossom need to be attacked. You break the cycle with education and tackling the abysmal places these disaffected people were sent to live.

I have no political affiliations. I think that they’re all bent. But the if you want to point a finger, point it at the last Labour government. In power for years and all they did was become as fat and corrupt as their so called old enemies the Tories. What was their legacy for the going nowhere people of Broadwater Farm? Policies so inept that the weak and the futureless are the first to get bitten as the inevitable cuts are implemented.

That said, whatever insane agenda of revenge the mob had, their social and economic plight doesn’t excuse trying to disguise a looting and vandalism trip as a protest. It’s highly unlikely there will be many arrests, but let’s hope there are. This lot aren’t freedom fighters they’re criminals.

When people are burning cars on their own streets the problem is bigger than looking for a youth in a hoody carrying matches.

Click on the image below to launch the gallery…

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  • Saddened says:

    American Statistics

    While African Americans comprise 13.5% of the U.S. Population, 43% of all murder victims in 2007 were African American, 93.1% of whom were killed were African Americans.

    Victimizations of African Americans from violent crime which include the following; rape/sexual assault, robbery, aggravated and simple Assault was 24.3% in 2007, with the highest percentages of victimizations within the age ranges of 15-24 totaling a percentage greater than 38%.

    London Statistics where blacks make up only 7.5% of the population

    The majority of violent inner-city crime is committed by black men, police figures suggest.
    But the statistics also show that black men are twice as likely to be victims of such crimes.
    Police hold black men responsible for more than two-thirds of shootings and more than half of robberies and street crimes in London, according to figures released by Scotland Yard.
    The statistics released under Freedom of Information laws have provoked a debate about the racial make-up of violent crime in the capital.
    The data, which provides the ethnicity of the 18,091 men and boys who police took action against in London during 2009-10, looked at both violent and sexual offences.
    It found that 67 per cent of those caught by police for gun crimes were black.
    Among those proceeded against for street crimes, including muggings, assault with intent to rob and snatching property, 54 per cent were black males.
    On sex offences, black men made up 32 per cent of all male suspects, with 49 per cent of those apprehended by police being white men.
    The statistics also suggest that police hold black women accountable for a disproportionate amount of violent crime. On knife crime, 45 per cent of suspected female perpetrators were black.
    Among those women and girls police took action against for gun crime, 58 per cent were black and in robberies that figure was 52 per cent.
    The police statistics relate to those prosecuted – whether convicted or acquitted – issued with a caution, warning or penalty notice.
    But they also include a number of suspects arrested by police that the Crown Prosecution Service decided not to charge and those whose crimes were ‘taken into consideration’ during proceedings for other offences.

    I make no, nor have any editorial opinion on these facts and post them only for your consideration

    • Sinkingfeeling says:

      Well that’s that then. You’ve got me bang to rights! I’ll just pack up my 9mm, get the baby mothers rounded up and I’ll be on my way.


    • Astromesmo says:

      There are lies, damn lies & statistics.

      • LosLorenzo says:

        You said it. Sure, 67% of gun crimes may be perpetrated by black people. Close to 100% are perpetrated by poor people with little or no higher education.

        Blaming the crime on race is a cum hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. It misrepresents the actual causality. Immigrants tend to be poor (if they were rich, why would they have emigrated?). Poverty leads to poor education and hopelessness. These things lead people to crime.

        Sure, you can pretend that these commit crime because they are immigrants, and that it would be possible to reduce crime by reducing immigration. But these people are already living with us. So the solution is tackling poverty and proliferating education.

        The solution is certainly not racist oversimplification. Saddened, you are smart enough to have memorized/looked up these stats. Now be smart enough to realize that you can’t convince intelligent and open minded people with your statistical sleight of hand.

  • DisgustedSpur says:

    cannot argue with stats, but behind every stat there is a story. Infact that story can take various routes to other stories. For instance, the “gentrification” of parts of london although welcomed, has pushed up prices of homes, unaffordable by the tottenham locals. Both Hackney and Islington are now off limits. Homes a couple of miles away that are out of reach. A feckless council in Harringey who for years has mismanaged resources. Poverty comes in all shapes and sizes, but the outcome is generally the same. Some in the local population need to change their attitude, that is undeniable.
    But whilst we are discussing it, every drug dealer has to have a demand for his product(lets face it thats what alot of this is about)And that demand comes in all colours

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Jesus there’s some abhorrent racist filth being peddled on this platform in the wake of last nights riot.

    These “American” statistics may be accurate in reported number, Saddened, but do not truly reflect the level of institutionalised racism which runs rampant in a country which generates those statistics, a country which only gave African-American people equal rights less than 50 years ago. Despite this, it should be clear that this was more said than done and remains the case to this day.

    BNP supporters can do one. Astro, we may have had our disagreements re: Spurs/Harry but in this discussion we are agreed. It’s a shame there are some people here that feel the need to share their ill-thought out prejudices off the back of this sorry event.

  • Alspur says:

    On a brighter note, the Spurs kids just won the Eurofoot Tournament…

    …and Team Turban lost to United in the final minute at Wembley, which made me laugh (as I’m not a big fan of those upstarts…)

    Is that racist or just juvenile? ;)

  • melcyid says:

    every single person I have ever met is prejudiced about some one or something.Its nothing new under the sun. be it race ,religion,politics.class, football teams.Mine happens to be islam.pikeys and the arsescum, as winston churchill said after communism the mohammedans pose the greater threat to world peace. On a lighter note why have black people got pink skin under their feet ?why havent white people got black skin under their feet.only god knows the answers.

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