
Can You Guess Which One Of Our Strikers Might Be Off To Spain?

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That’s right.

The worst one, if your idea of worst is the one that’s scored the most. As I hilariously Tweeted yesterday there is an emerging pattern here whereby our principal criteria are that a player can speak the Queens, get a round in and know his way around a roast dinner.

A decent source in Italy is suggesting that Espanyol are enquiring about Super Crazypavinchenko with a view to a loan/option to buy deal.

You tell me. It makes sense from their perspective with Osvaldo doing the off to Roma and given the choice of our fearless trio, would you not go for the one that scores now and again, over the Circus Man© and the Midget Gem? Triffic.

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  • jim says:

    Ive been told all is not well between Levy and Redders. Has anyone else heard anything about this?cant find anything online to back it up.

    • kmiles says:

      No bloody wonder.
      When Chelsea`s first offer was rejected and Danny boy said it wasn`t going to happen, Harry was saying things like “We cant sell him, whats the point in selling your best players?” and ” Our chairman has made a stand, he has to stick to it”. I see that as a challenge to Levy to keep his word. A few weeks later, and its ” I could get 3-4 players”. As far as I can see, Levy is backing the manager, but cant see it happening the other way round. And Harry`s idea of required players includes Parker and Joe Cole. Who`s next? Anton Ferdinand?

  • dancingbarber says:

    Personally I’d be sorry to see him go. The lazy bit is what they used to say about Martin Chivers and he scored some belters too. He strikes me as a really nice guy,…….but..

    how can a top class striker hit row Z from the edge of the penalty area ? That is just poor technique and maybe we can find someone better.

    I agree with Gilbo that 3MP may be best to keep simply because I like circus tricks. Defoe has done well for us and should be respected for his efforts,but we don’t seem to be able to fit him into the team with the players we have.

    • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

      How can you possibly compare Pav with Chivers? For three seasons at least Big Chiv was the best striker in the country. Pav is not fit to tie his bootlaces and neither are the other two come to that.

      So I am massively in favour of shipping out Pav, Defoe and Crouch and bringing in one more thus giving us four with Adebayor, VdV (who is not a midfielder) and occasionally Kane.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I’m with the barber.

      I have an irrational like of Pav, I think football does that to you. If it was a rational business it wouldn’t be special.

      The Chivers reference isn’t a bad one. Most of the names we revere these days got stick for something or other in their own time.

      • melcyid says:

        chivers could not control the ball when played to his feet ,but could run on to the ball and take off the keepers head on the way to the back of the net.I cant remember him ever tracking back.

        • Essexian76 says:

          And Billy Nick took him to West Ham and told him to watch Hurst’s movement and attitude, the next three seasons Chivers was in a different class. now that’s good man management. In other words “You carry like you’re are, and this is where you’ll end up, is that what you want..’cos that’s what’ll happen”

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Thinking about Big Chiv, and latterly Berba, it is not uncommon for big men to look lazy, with their size making them look as if they amble rather than dash. Johnny Wallis, who was on the coaching staff at the time, reported that Chivers was the fastest player in the Spurs team at that time.

      Regarding Pav, is it worth mentioning that in the three years he has been with us, he has in each year, had the record for the least minutes per goal of all out strikers? Based on last years figures, he would have averaged 21 goals for a 38 game season. That’s not shabby by today’s standards.

      I agree with those who say he doesn’t look too enthusiastic, but I also think that he was entitled to a have a decent run in the team, and he never got this. It’s also worth mentioning that in cup games, he has scored 14 goals in 16 games.

      The stats show that in terms of productivity, he is our best striker. I see all of our strikers being vilified, but at least JD and 3MP have had the benefit of “runs” in the side. We could never same the same about Pav.

      I hate to say this, but I think if he does go, as long as he is given a sustained run, he will show his true worth, and then we will complain that he never played like that when he was here, and someone will draw up the stats to show that his minutes per goal was similar to that of his new club.

      • hotspurhartley says:

        He really does need to get a good run in the side, at least 8-10 consecutive games.

        • kmiles says:

          “good run”, not something that you would normally associate with our Pav. More stand and wait for the ball, then hit it as hard as you possibly can, regardless of the direction.
          Not good enough for where we want to be I`m afraid.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:


          That’s it. We spent £70mill on strikers in the past three years. All of them have had a run in the team except, and yet he has the best stats.

          There might be a case now to say that he may not fit in well with VDV, but what about the three years before that?

  • Edspur says:

    I know Levy has been annoyed by Abramovich’s prodding of Ratboy but is that any reason for him to now adopt an Anti-Russian policy in selling Pav and ignoring Ratboys’s “Ivan to go to Chavs” plea?

    Next he’ll insist Harry makes Tommy Huddlestoned the skipper on the basis that he has never been seen Russian anywhere and force Azza to change his surname to St Peters :)

  • Frank Outlaw says:

    Re Jim…..relationship between DL & Rubberchops wasmentioned on tv prior to kick off as Harry appeared not to know that Adebayor had signed and was sitting in teh Director’s Box. This is something that has been mentioned throughout the summer, both on this site and others; wouldn’t be surprised as Harry can’t keep his mouth shut and his constant bleatings to the press re Modric, or any other matter for that. Was rumoured that DL had finally had enough last week and told him to wind his neck in but he just can’t help himself.

    Pav was shockingly bad on thursday but he’s not alone DL to have a bargain basement clearout and take a hit financially on some-Pav, Begbie, Dos Santos etc but we need to clear the dead wood-there is a skip full.

    • Edspur says:

      Also Levy had to be introduced to Adebayor in the seats suggesting that he isn’t as hands-on with transfers as people think

    • kmiles says:

      Absolutely, cant keep his mouth shut.
      Quote from Harry this week- ” I sold Diarra to Real Madrid for 22mil”, all cocky and pleased with himself. Thats going to help DL`s negotiations.
      DL- ” So you want 20 mil for him do you? but he is not in your managers plans, he is costing you a fortune in wages, and there isnt much interest in him from elsewhere. I`ll give you 8 mil, and only if you say thankyou”.
      “But senor Levy, your own manager thinks he is worth 22 million?”

    • jim says:

      Do you think HR is playing all sides so as not to jeopardise England job.? I was told its not about modric its more about Cole. Nedless to say Harry wants him No one else does.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      In all fairness to HR, he has said all along that he did not know the details of the ADE deal, because the chairman was dealing with it.

  • walisford says:

    B4 I couldn’t care who went of the 3 but now after Thursday- it has to be Pav for his abysmal ATTITUDE to the game!! He should be either dropped or spoken to by the management team-UNACCEPTABLE! We NEED another Striker apart from Ade to come in or start utilising Kane- much better than Pav and has more pace.

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