
Can You Guess Which One Of Our Strikers Might Be Off To Spain?

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That’s right.

The worst one, if your idea of worst is the one that’s scored the most. As I hilariously Tweeted yesterday there is an emerging pattern here whereby our principal criteria are that a player can speak the Queens, get a round in and know his way around a roast dinner.

A decent source in Italy is suggesting that Espanyol are enquiring about Super Crazypavinchenko with a view to a loan/option to buy deal.

You tell me. It makes sense from their perspective with Osvaldo doing the off to Roma and given the choice of our fearless trio, would you not go for the one that scores now and again, over the Circus Man© and the Midget Gem? Triffic.

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  • xildnparadise says:

    This is the S&M parlor of Spurs fans websites…. Never a red light on here!!!!!!

  • C says:

    – Sporting Life
    ‘Any new signings are likely to depend on whether Redknapp can move on the likes of Alan Hutton, Giovani Dos Santos and David Bentley – all of whom are surplus to requirements at White Hart Lane.

    There has been little interest in the trio so far this summer, but thinks all three would make decent signings for a developing Premier League team.

    “If I was a team in the Premier League, probably without aspirations of being in the top six or seven, I’d say there are players here who would improve your team,” Redknapp said.’

    lol. Harsh but true.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Your post got me to thinking of previous posts I have seen on other forums about this time of year, but going back over several years,

      The posts are usually along the lines of who they think should be sold. Thedy then list everybody including the little girl that held Daws hand at the start of the last match. Then follows a list of prices that bhey value the players at followed, by a grand total e.g. £65mill.

      They then go on to say that with this we buy Greaves for £15 mill, Eusebio for £20 mill, and use the final £30 mill to buy Pele. Of course the fact that none of these targets might want to play for us is an irrelevance.

      The reason why I mention this is that I don’t know whether I have been looking in the right places, but I have to say that this year, I have yet to see any of these posts. Makes me wonder if some of us are starting to get the idea that Fantasy Football and the real thing are quite different?

      • C says:

        There is a poster called itk who still posts that sort of stuff :)
        I do think we have missed a trick though by not taking a loss on a few early on and reinvesting whatever we got for them. The three mentioned in the article prob wont get a single game between them in the league this year and it is better to use the Europa to train youngsters like last night rather than players we just cannot move on. One 6m player has to be more use than keeping those three for example.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I think that is partly my point. All of a sudden, the whole of the football world has woken up to the fact that “We can’t go on the way we have been”.

          Whereas in the past, the chequebook comes out whenever a player is available and they worry about how they will finance this later. Now it’s a question of “If we buy him for £7 mill and put him on a contact for five years at £50k per week, and he then fails to perform, he will cost us £20 mill.

          At the other extreme, until this season, the Comrade over at Cheatski, has played “money no object”. With FFPR coming in, and the need to balance the books over three years, profligacy is a no-no. Even if you are spending your own money.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          Sorry, but I meant to add that I can see a time in the not too distant future, when players and agents will also start to accept the this cannot go on, and whereas there will still be some players on £200k per week, there will be a lot more such as Joke Hole who will realise that £90k for sitting on a bench is not sustainable.

          Footballers have now become like Lawyers, where even the most mediocre will still be paid, win or lose. I am opposed to a salary cap, but I would much rather see a lower basic salary, and then bonuses for appearances, wins etc. That way a mediocre player who has trouble getting on to the bench and earning appearance money will start thinking about moving to a team where he is going to get game time, rather than take a huge cheque for the length of his contract.

  • kols says:

    we should sell them all, defoe,crouch and pav. none of witch is any good. defoe is so frustrating to watch that it hurts some times. and pav should sett up a camp site where ever he starts a match. and 3mp is a freak show, no more comments needed. get in some real players, that actually scores goals.

  • LLL says:

    It’s that Daily Mail again… But… 20m for them two? Yes please. So long as we don’t spend it on Joe Cole.

  • C says:

    Hope not. The idea of selling Crouch and keeping Pav is terrible. If he was fit I would start him tomorrow alongside VDV instead of Defoe.

    • eastanglianspur says:

      Get rid of all three of the useless tossers – Pav Defoe and Crouch and chuck Jenas in as a freebie.

      Must get 10 mil at least!! 8O

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