
Diarra ‘ITK’ Was Sadly ‘BS’

Image for Diarra ‘ITK’ Was Sadly ‘BS’

Good morning.

I do hope you kept your receipts. It turns out that Diarra transfer we were all encouraged to buy was in fact a lemon.

Things change of course, no man can predict the future. Look at Michael Fish. But it does make you wonder how it is that seemingly dozens of ‘in the know’ merchants told us repeatedly that this was done, double done and done again for the player to then say, 

“Information about my departure is a lie. There is no agreement with Tottenham.”

I can understand one bloke calling it wrong – Benzema anyone? – but this smacks of bandwagon jumping.

The jury on Diarra was split anyhow. Some saw him as an ex Pompey type bloke and others argued you don’t play for Real Madrid for nothing. Well, now we’ll never know.

Ah well …next!

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  • Mush says:


    Apprently we’re loaning half the Barca 1st team for 385 years on half their wages

    not a bad deal…….

  • Snap says:

    POTL’s gone cryptic again:
    [Update 428] POTL re: Adeybayor
    When: 25/08/11
    Where: COYS


    yee of little faith.



  • Fatfish says:

    Love this picture of Modric.

    Is it finally sinking in that he’s staying?,,12040_7123792,00.html?

    Would make a good caption comp, H?

  • Cusop says:

    PS ML Thanks lads, It’s about tine these so called put there backside ITKs we given a good fucking tanning, they are so full of there own self important shit that they make be a good honest SPURS FAN hard work!!

    Half of them post there bollocks on SC then they believe it. They discuss it as if it happened. Mr Redshnapps reads it ! Then he believes it. I think Mr Levy is truly Dr Evil (Dr Zacherys cousin) he has all enthralled and we follow him like Zombies. Actually David Baddels next movie could be Zombie Y words Loot LONDON looking for Diarra!!

    Story line a Muslim Spurs fan turns into a zombie.. OOHH hang on he has already done thAt movie

  • TMWNN says:

    “I don’t want to lose him, but sometimes you are better off and it gives you a chance to build a strong team, there is no doubt about that. [Cesc] Fabregas and [Samir] Nasri have got out of Arsenal. It is very hard to keep people, but the chairman has made his mind up and is not going to let him go.”

    Rent-a-gob has it covered both ways. Sell rat face and he’ll use it as an excuse for not performing, keep rat face and he’ll blame Levy for not selling and using the money for Parker, Cole etc.

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