
Diarra ‘ITK’ Was Sadly ‘BS’

Image for Diarra ‘ITK’ Was Sadly ‘BS’

Good morning.

I do hope you kept your receipts. It turns out that Diarra transfer we were all encouraged to buy was in fact a lemon.

Things change of course, no man can predict the future. Look at Michael Fish. But it does make you wonder how it is that seemingly dozens of ‘in the know’ merchants told us repeatedly that this was done, double done and done again for the player to then say, 

“Information about my departure is a lie. There is no agreement with Tottenham.”

I can understand one bloke calling it wrong – Benzema anyone? – but this smacks of bandwagon jumping.

The jury on Diarra was split anyhow. Some saw him as an ex Pompey type bloke and others argued you don’t play for Real Madrid for nothing. Well, now we’ll never know.

Ah well …next!

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  • garageman says:

    I struggle to see what he would have added to the team. One for the squad, surely.

    • James says:

      Did you not see the Manu game, without sandro we had no one covering the back 4, and with sandro injured for 2 more months we need him

  • mendes says:

    Back to mid table mediocrity then.

  • Feenix says:

    Tottenham transfer windows are beyond a joke. What with Levy’s reluctance to pay the right money and Redknapps continuing policy of buying old players he has worked with before and our scouting system then the only way Spurs are gonna go is downwards. Look at the players Redknapp wants: Joe Cole, Scot Parker, Diarra, Friedel, Crouch and so on. We could have had Suarez but our dumb scouts said he was not good enough. Why are we not going after Hulk, Falcao or Leandro Daimiao. Must we keep going after has-beens or old mates.

    • Naughty Governor says:

      We still seem to be doing a decent job aquiring young talent Coulibaly, Ceballos and hopefully that french fellow Ba

  • Gabriel says:

    Will we get anyone at all?
    I’m trying to imagine going through the season with the current squad – no new arrivals ad no getting rid of the deadwood.
    That way any surprise improvements will be a bonus

  • Super_Spurs says:

    Cant see the story on the Marca website that was “quoted” as saying this… all i can find on there website is this..

    The Real Madrid and Tottenham have reached an agreement for the transfer of Diarra Lass, in the absence of official confirmation, could be closed around 12 million euros.

    The player and the English club had closed for day aspects of the contract. All that remained was the consensus among the Londoners and Real Madrid.

    One of the things that kept stopping the negotiations is the commitment of Madrid to include a clause that Tottenham had to undertake to give the white club of the money could be collected in a subsequent sale.

    • Super_Spurs says:

      Sorry my bad… it was “quoted” in AS, which is Spain’s answer to Daily Star, Marca are far more believable.

      Either way Lass wasn’t there last night when they won the Super Cup… read into that what you will when the team was made up of more fringe players and Lass would surely have gotten some game time

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Funny, I was always of the understanding Marca were the true sensationalists in the “Spanish sports gutter press” stakes when I was living there.

        They’re probably as bad as one another – see Mirror vs Sun.

        Either way, AS are quoting the player. And usually when players are quoted, it means they said something to the effect.

        • Super_Spurs says:

          Marca are normally spot on with a very high percentage of there stories… AS just tend to re-hash older stories to fit the mood.

          Cant see Lass saying he’s spoken to Jose and he said he wants him to stay when the club have 13 midfielders on there books and can only name a 25 man squad.

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