
Incredible Signing This Weekend

Image for Incredible Signing This Weekend

Good morning,

A few lines into this and many but I hope not all will ‘switch’ off and indeed log off.

What I have for you is an opportunity to make an incredible signing – for yourself – and for others. Are you simply a one dimensional drone, or do you have a little more about you?

I’d like you to sign the petition for the full government disclosure and publication of all documents, discussions and reports relating to the 1989 Hillsborough disaster. HERE

The reason is quite straightforward it is an opportunity for the truth to be revealed and hopefully for not just football, but real people and that includes you, to benefit.

You may not like Scousers. You may have a ‘so what?’ attitude towards the whole Hillsborough incident, but you are a football fan and you are in a position to remind the government of the day that football fans are not some sub species who can be treated like fools. Just on the whole club thing, you do know that a Tottenham fan died that day? Andrew Sefton was his name. Mabsy went to his funeral.

Online petitions as a generally hopeless affairs. But this one currently has over 65,000 signatures. It takes less than 30 seconds to add your signature. Why should we wait for the full 30 years?  Go on. Sign.


Thank you.

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  • seppoyiddo says:

    Red shyte/scum show pretty unenlightening until the introduction of Suarez.

    • SuperSpurs says:

      Christ, I could hear the ‘booos’ ringing out from the EmptyCrates Stadium at full time … and I live in Hampshire !!

  • frontwheel 2 says:

    Great to see Arse lose,but a draw may have been better in the long run

    • LosLorenzo says:

      That was a severely depleted Arsenal, and from what I saw (missed the opening 40 mins.) there wasn’t much in it until the sending off. We’ll see what they can do before the transfer window shuts, but they haven’t exactly screamed ‘contender’ over the first few games. Second leg against Udinese is shaping up to be a crucial fixture indeed.

      ‘Poo were far from unplayable, but do look more dangerous than Scum at the moment.

      • UnkleKev says:

        An average Liverpool were made to look better than they were by an abject Arsenal. We’ll finish above both of them this season.

        And if Chelsea’s first couple of games are anything to go by we’ll finish above them as well. They were cerainly very sluggish (and a tad fortunate) today.

  • LosLorenzo says:

    “It is a very young team at the moment, but it’s one full of energy”

    Suralix basically admitting davspurs has been right all along :unsure:

  • david says:

    Great day for the gooners. Another loss, another injury, another red card.
    Nice chorus of “spend some F…ing money” from the goon supporters directed at Wenger.
    We just need to announce those signings to make it a perfect day.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      And WBA are beating Chequebookski 1-0

      • david says:

        The buggers won 2-1. No great surprise I suppose but WBA came close to getting a draw which would have been good for us.
        L’arse were poor today even before the sending off. Would not be surprised to see Udinese knock them out of the CL qualifiers.

  • Brian says:


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