
Levy & The Fuzz

Image for Levy & The Fuzz

Good morning,

An excellent statement from the Chairman this morning in relation to the criminal blitzing of N17 by opportunist scum yesterday. The full message is on the official site of course but the jist is that practical measures need to be engaged to organise a physical clean up of the area and the regeneration plans are core to the well being of not only businesses but private citizens who live locally.

On yesterday’s blog we trod a tricky path where with I think one exception I didn’t censor the views of those that felt that this wasn’t a multicultural riot and that specifically only one or two ethnic types were to blame. Despite there being numerous images available of whitey, shoulder to shoulder with criminals of all creeds.

I’d like to thank the bulk of the rest of that blog’s contributors who understood what was happening and didn’t brand me a racist cohort or the entire blog a platform for neo Nazis. As I have commented before, I’d have the BNP on TV every night at 9pm until every whitey in the country had watched enough to understand these people are actually deranged.

You don’t do away with things by hiding them away. I’m a fine one to talk, but it’s very much like going to the dentist. Horrible little cavities don’t go away on their own, you ignore them they rot and eventually the entire tooth is lost.

What has emerged in the aftermath of all this is that London, if not Britain is in trouble. Too many people have slipped through society’s net. Some appear to have been forcibly squeezed through it. People have to understand that this isn’t because they are of any particular ethnicity, this is to do with how they live.

It’s very easy to say, ‘Society is going to the dogs’ and turn the page of your newspaper looking for another article that points out who to blame but these kids aren’t just in trouble, they’re doomed. We need to actively save the next generation from following this current lot of hopeless losers and habitual petty criminals over the same abyss.

Here’s a picture from Twitter of a looter with his spoils. It looks a legitimate enough snap to me. I’d like you to just look what he has spread upon his table and then at the guy’s face for a minute. He’s genuinely happy. Like a child on Christmas morning. You could find that expression on any of a hundred thousand Facebook Albums; as one of a group having a few drinks at a party, as a guy stood in front of the Eiffel Tower on his holidays. He’s happy.

How desperate is this poor gits life that charging into a shop in darkness with the bells peeling and flames raging grabbing ‘stuff’ in the half light makes him happy? He’s amassed a few DVDs or computer games there, some fragrance, a couple of things to help him make Skype calls and a barrel of that stuff that body builders eat. Not sure what’s in the yellow tubs, it might be hair wax at a guess.

This chap is actually in trouble and I’m not talking about having his boat race on my website.

He’s in trouble because black, white, yellow or purple people like him are growing in number because society has decided to actively ignore them. Government after government has ignored them. The schools can’t cope because they are underfunded and outdated. Did anyone watch Jamie Oliver’s Dream School? I know, I know, he’s a lisping gooner mockney but we mustn’t descrimnate.

Kids like the kids on that show are being groomed by a society that hasn’t so much failed them as totally disregarded them. I honestly wonder if someone in a smoke filled room at Number 1o doesn’t explain to every new PM that, ‘well who do you think is going to serve the fast food? We can’t give everyone a leg up, the country would fall to it’s knees, old boy.’

I came into possession very early this morning of a document produced by the Met last night in relation to this situation. Just in case anyone reading thinks this is a storm particular to the N17 tea cup.  Here are some extracts as I’ve been asked not to link to the page itself.

Police are tonight responding to copycat criminal activity across London and are deploying officers to tackle it.

There has been looting in a number of boroughs in north, east and south London by small and mobile groups. Groups of youths continue to attack police officers and a number of police vehicles have been damaged.

Three officers have been taken to hospital after being hit by a fast moving vehicle at approx 00:45hrs. The officers were in the process of making arrests in Chingford Mount, Waltham Forest, in connection with youths looting a shop. Two officers are believed to have superficial injuries and the other has an injury to his knee.

Earlier tonight in Walthamstow Central more than 30 youths, many in masks, vandalised and looted a number shops including BHS. Officers attended the area and the situation is currently under control. Groups of youths are continuing to target shops in Waltham Forest and officers are on scene.

In Brixton there has been disorder and looting. LFB are dealing with a fire at Footlocker on Brixton High Road.

Rival gangs attended Kings College Hospital after two victims of minor stabbings were admitted resulting in a fight. The hospital has brought in additional security for the remainder of the night and officers remain on scene dealing with the initial stabbings.

In Enfield Town Centre and surrounding areas the disorder has been contained. Resources are in the area and the High Street remains cordoned off to contain the disorder.

Approximately 50 youths congregated in Oxford Circus. Officers attended the area and the situation is currently under control.

In Islington there were reports of a group causing a disturbance and a police vehicle windscreen was smashed.

A Tesco store in Ponders End was vandalised and items were stolen.

So look at the photo of the looter and don’t just say ‘he’s black’, that’s as useful as pointing out he’s wearing a green t shirt. You’re not looking properly. Look at the happiness. His life is so hopeless that his haul of distempered rubbish has actually made him happy.

If you care enough to berate him could I ask that you also care enough to ask the next fawning politician who knocks on your door to explain just how they are going to make kids like the boy in the photo as happy because he just had a good day at work. As happy because he got a pay rise. As happy because he could afford to take his Aunty up West to buy a new pair of glasses on his day off.

And that’s why I wrote this. To commend THFC as a large employer in the war zone for wanting to try at least to make a difference. Your job dear reader is not bitch about colour but bitch about why the schools are so bad, why the housing so meager.You’re right to be angry, just make sure you focus it on the right people, eh?


test (mp3)

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  • Sid Trotter says:

    I totally disagree.

    It certainly is NOT easy to say ‘Society is going to the dogs’ – especially when you have a mouthful of Hutton’s leg.

  • spurspad says:

    I was reading comments on here yesterday and was dismayed by theoutpouring of hatred and bile. As much as many of the views yesterday were abhorant I also dont believe that sensoring the ignorant makes them go away. Although there is no reasoning with many people of limited intelect, or rigidly fixed opinions

    • East End Spur says:

      You took the time out to say that you thought many of the views were “abhorant”.
      What did you make of the violence committed by the mainly black gangs?

  • Astromesmo says:

    Incredible post Harold – Probably your best. Made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Can you please stand outside Parliament and shout this through a megaphone. Seriously though, everyone should cut & paste this and email it to their MP.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      You’re very kind. But contributions such as yours are very much to blame, old girl :blush:

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        I would just like to point out my response was to “banana” and not to HH.

        Prime example of when replies lose their context!

  • SpurredoninDublin says:

    Not too sure about your interpretation of the photo, and another view is that he is seeking “street cred”. That in no way diminishes your point, because if that is what is needed to “big him up”, it still appears to me that his life is somewhat desperate.

    There is line from the film “187” where Samuel L. Jackson rants on about the stupidity of street gangs killing each other in revenge attacks, to which the reply is made, “Yeah. Well sometimes stupid is all I’ve got”. Perhaps, the “stupid” picture of Green T-shirt and the “cred and respect” it gives him, is all he’s got.

    I’m an old-fashioned unreconstructed socialist, and I believe that the reason why we have such an unequal society is because of the willingness of successive governments to let the rich get richer while the poor fall over the cliff.

    Sometimes you hear people say, “This country is getting more like America every day”. Some stats about the US: The richest 500, own 1% of the country. The richest 1% own 50% of the country. The richest 5% own 95% of the country. That’s the way we are heading. Do the rich really need to be Billionaires? Could they not survive on half that as well as leaving a nice nest egg for their children?

    The rich only have two priorities in life: The first is to keep as much as they can in their own pockets, and the second is to take as much as they can out of our pockets.

    During the meantime, if you really want to understand the aspirational poverty of the black community in particular, you need look no further than the welcome they gave to that animal Mike Tyson, a thug and convicted rapist, when he visited London and Brixton in particular.

    • Peter Ag. says:

      You have a point – when the ‘great’ and the ‘good’ are found to be as corrupt and greedy as anyone else is it any wonder that we have these problems. Our society has become stupid – we glorify celebs and their crappy lifestyles, craving for ‘bling’ and consumer goods and devalue people that have more substance but do not have all the material riches which nowadays is the only thing that people seem to respect …

    • Chrispurs says:

      Don’t you think that there are rich people in China, or North Korea? I want the rich to spend their money, on yachts, cars, new homes, clothes, etc, and create jobs. the world is unfair, but it shouldn’t be unjust, and there is the difference between left and right. by the way you can not be an anarchist and be left-wing, by definition anarchy is no government, far right. Far left is total government.

      • SpurredoninDublin says:

        And what do you think the poor would do with money if there was a more equitable distribution of wealth? Stare at it? You seem to be under the misapprehension that only the rich can spend the money. We all know what the world economy needs right now is a billionaire to order a yacht.

        Regarding China, there are 7,000 (Yuan) Billionaires in Shanghai alone.

        We all know the about the job creation aspirations of the rich. You only have to look at last weeks record profits at HSBC and the announcement of 30k redundancies worldwide as evidence. The reality is that the only real aspirations that the rich have to create jobs, is usually amongst Jobcentre staff dealing with all the people they have put on the scrapheap.

  • cornerstone says:

    Brilliantly written HH,

    I read but rarely comment – because much of what is written on blogs is ITK bollocks. But you’ve underlined what is actually happening in our so called society today..

    Enfield is my home town – although I moved away some time ago – parents still there – young people they know running past their house last night with telly’s and what not…… and why?

    Because as you say they are ignored by us and our governments. I’ve worked with some kids like these and I could run on for ever with why I think we are where we are (parents, education, too focused on the short term)….. but I’d never stop. This brings something into their lives is is normally out of reach – like drugs/booze etc. for others..

    Levy is right to voice concerns about what is going on – and the club can make a real long lasting difference to the community (as long as they stay there), it is more important to the borough than just a football club – I just hope they continue to take the lead.. cause it’s needed.

    Well done again Harry

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