
Modric Laugh Like Drain & Adebayor Taste Like Humbug

Image for Modric Laugh Like Drain & Adebayor Taste Like Humbug

Good evening ladies.

Another day of the old transfer window behind us, then.  Deep joy. I see the domino theory has well and truly kicked in with our ITK bretheran. Everyone’s saying Adebayor and Diarra’s done. Nailed on done. Or your money back.

My money is on a signing coming from well off the ITK radar. I’m not going to be cute with you here, I don’t have a clue. And that’s my point.

A pal of mine however …who is not without rather bleedin’ decent City contacts thinks there has been some severe gun jumping going on re: the Adebayor deal.

Adebayor to us and City to pay half the money? If this happens I’ll be very happy …but right now I see it as bedtime tales from Lollypop Land in the same category as the Tevez ‘loan’ to the Gunners.

Why would City advance us so significantly? I just don’t get it. I wanna get it but don’t yet. I know you need me right now. I know you want a new Messiah, because I do too… meh.

So, why is this bar steward laughing like a drain?

Prize for the best example of super human funniness this evening wins The Nolan Sisters. This troupe of clapped out songbirds/born again wimmin come complete with a legally questionable lease, a variety of outfits from British Home Stores PLC and a handgun.

Let battle commence.

The t- shirt below will be available on Monday…so don’t blow all your money on hookers and muscle relaxant this weekend  :whistle:

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  • Chinup says:

    Back on topic:
    Oh no tealeaf he said chicken badge!

  • Gary M says:

    Harry to Modders what are you laughing at ? Bassie had a few to many last night and pulled a bird with a face like a kicked in fridge…….SORRY !!!!! Yeh he reckons he banged her all night but shes a bit thick got something called OPLC, what is that guv ?

  • Spurstacus says:

    Modric: no I’m not worried my transfer to chelsea will fall through. I have a gentlemen’s agreement with the chairman.

  • Spurstacus says:

    Can’t wait for some more intelligent debate to be provoked. Perhaps I could try to provoke some.
    Oi you c****s! You can’t spell properly, or use punctuation! You mugs, you’re idiots! You’re not as clever as me. I know more words than you. I can start a fight in an empty room. So what if I’m a frustrated homosexual, I provoke intelligent debate! Thats why my last wife left me. She couldn’t handle all the intelligent debate I was provoking. And she couldn’t use punctuation. You c***s!

  • southcoastyid says:

    bassong-“well, arry said he can get 3 or 4 players to improve the squad if he lets you go to chelsea, in fact he said we’ed be better”
    ratboy- what do you meen we, you sebo are about as popular as the plague and even j**** is more likely to get a game before you, ha ha ha ha

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