
Modric Laugh Like Drain & Adebayor Taste Like Humbug

Image for Modric Laugh Like Drain & Adebayor Taste Like Humbug

Good evening ladies.

Another day of the old transfer window behind us, then.  Deep joy. I see the domino theory has well and truly kicked in with our ITK bretheran. Everyone’s saying Adebayor and Diarra’s done. Nailed on done. Or your money back.

My money is on a signing coming from well off the ITK radar. I’m not going to be cute with you here, I don’t have a clue. And that’s my point.

A pal of mine however …who is not without rather bleedin’ decent City contacts thinks there has been some severe gun jumping going on re: the Adebayor deal.

Adebayor to us and City to pay half the money? If this happens I’ll be very happy …but right now I see it as bedtime tales from Lollypop Land in the same category as the Tevez ‘loan’ to the Gunners.

Why would City advance us so significantly? I just don’t get it. I wanna get it but don’t yet. I know you need me right now. I know you want a new Messiah, because I do too… meh.

So, why is this bar steward laughing like a drain?

Prize for the best example of super human funniness this evening wins The Nolan Sisters. This troupe of clapped out songbirds/born again wimmin come complete with a legally questionable lease, a variety of outfits from British Home Stores PLC and a handgun.

Let battle commence.

The t- shirt below will be available on Monday…so don’t blow all your money on hookers and muscle relaxant this weekend  :whistle:

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  • H says:

    You been listening to talk sport H? the guy on at the Manchester evening news says Adebeyor wont join Spurs unless we pay his £150k a week wages, well he can jog along, feck that!

    • DAVSPURS says:

      If we play passing football like we did at Hearts i could score this is the way we should play and Crouch will score. Never mind pundits saying Hearts where crap we made them look more crap than they where by Liver,ore Kranjcar Linking with each other and doing run around passing one twos in the Box Lennon’s pass was superb in any language and Livermores goal also Huddlestones pass Townsends pass and Defoe was magic. Never mind people saying they where rubbish if it was one all they would be saying Heart where tough. City beat Swansea with a rookie defense in the second half and Talk sport Durram said they where world class So was Spurs/ Coys and Utd will find out unless Clattenburgh is in charge

  • fatlad says:

    “did i really say chelsea was a big club”

  • LosLorenzo says:

    (from off screen)

    Harry Redknapp: It’s like I said last fall. If we deliver performances like last night and add a bit of consistency, we can challenge the other top, top teams for the title.

    Modders: Hahahahahahaha!!!! (snort) Haaaaahahahahahhahaaaaa!!!

  • hotspurhartley says:

    I just spat out my tea when I saw that T-shirt….Funniest thing I’ve seen for ages :lol: :lol: That’s not my caption competition entry by the way, although it probably could be..

  • Indyfan says:

    Maybe he’s laughing at your posts – they are rather funny, I admit. Do you do stand up comedy?

    • gilbo says:

      I dunno – I heard that guy on TalkShit and he’s the only person who says it ain’t happening unless we pay full wages – We won’t.

      I’d take Adebayor (I don’t mind the goons coming to us, it only annoys me t’other way) over any of our current wage earners, but maybe City would rather be paying half his wages rather than all and never play him.

      Would they loan to us? I think that City don’t really see us as direct rivals now; honestly, it’s them and Utd fighting for the title in my opinion. we’re not gonna get near them.

      But fourth is fine, and for that we need to outscore Suarez, Carroll, Kuyt Van Rapist and Bender. Emmanuelle PLUS ONE MORE!

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