
Redschnapps Verdict Is In

Image for Redschnapps Verdict Is In

Morning all, I trust you’ve all got the coffee on and are all ready for the Longest Day in the footballing calender.

The name in the frame  virtually every day these days is that of Arry’s. In the a past few days we’ve seen why. He tells the post match press at The Lane on Sunday that transfer rumours about ‘Crouchy’ are causing discontent and a sense on unease amongst his jittery show ponies.

Wot a shocker, this was Arry squealing uncomfortably knowing full well a striker he likes despite an abysmal strike rate was edging out the door. For the love of God, he’s quick enough to bench Gomes, but what would 3MP have to do to feel Arry’s wrath, get caught propositioning Louise?

Anyway – the results of the Survey are in and make for good reading as the bulk of you appear to be balanced, well meaning types. So well done.


Nigh on three quarters of you agreed that Arry done good, but is now wallowing in excuses and might well be getting out of his depth.


You were spit over this. Just over half of you acknowledged that few managers are tactically brilliant. The just less than half of you remaining are quite angry about the old hoof it to Crouchy, he offers something different sketch.


An emphatic 50% have seen through Arry and realise his ability to communicate with foreign players is woeful. A third still believe his arm around the shoulder makes for a safe,  comforting and happy place to be.


No surprises here. the majority simply want him to talk far less to the press and focus on managing. Calling some fans ‘idiots’ was a PR disaster that still stings. Only 13% of those who responded feel that the daily calls to talkSPORT are refreshing and fab.


Over half of you ticked the box relating to the answer containing the words, ‘dross’, ‘English’, ‘clapped out’, ‘moth’ and ‘flame.’ But you’re not completely unsympathetic and the bulk of the remainder answering understand that genuinely ‘top top top’ players cost a small fortune in wages.

Who’s On First Base?

Landslide. Seventy five percent believe that Levy is pulling the strings in relation to transfer dealing and when Arry says the Chairman’s dealing with it, he isn’t lying. This is good news, as the next most popular response was that Arry had flushed millions since his arrival. Only 3% called him a good buyer.

Blame Game.

This question essentially confirmed that most people get the picture when it comes to Chairmen and managers. They begrudgingly coexist as best they can. Arry is frustrated, Levy views most of what Arry gets up to with suspicion. Itchy & Scratchy with less arterial spray.

Long term.

Arry’s clearly got a few backs up. Nearly half who voted have ‘273 reasons’ to replace him with what they obviously perceive as a safer pair of hands in the shape of a Moyes or a Coyle type character. A third recognised Arry as a good crisis manager, but the jury yet to come back on him as a safe bet long term.


Optomistic lot aren’t we? About 80% of you anticipate a mid table position on the cards come Crimbo. You think that with the scalps of a few teams who aren’t Manchester United or Manchester City under our belt, things will naturally pick up. The remaining 20% are more mindful of how rotten we were against ‘lesser’ sides last season and are less cheerful.

£40M in cash.

I was surprised by this one. When asked what you would do – in theory – with a few carrier bags full of used notes in exchange for Modric over half of you wanted to go back in and spend, spend, spend. Only a third bought into my hair brained scheme to pretty much guarantee the NDP. Oh well.

So there you ‘ave it. My sincere thanks to all of you who participated.

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  • DannyBoyyid says:

    Damaio could be a pre contract!

  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    Aim low – avoid dissapointment.

    Cahill – excellent !
    Bellamy – no thanks

    Parker – wasn’t to sure before but with injuries this is a Gallas type signing. (Hurry up Sandro)

    Huntellaar – Jaw drop time and Levy will have done it again.

    With VDV injured as well as “no like cross ball” Lennon, we may see arry forced into 442 or onther system that could return us to the unpredicable team we were when finishing 4th.

    Everyone now knows Lennon and Bale will trot up to them and then push it past them and rely on pace. Cover that space behind and bingo – you’re on the counter attack.

    Fresh ideas are what’s needed not just players.

    …..and good on Jake. Staking a challenge to get into the 1st team…I shall now refer to him as “Jake the Stake”.

    Cue the meat-based pun fest….

  • rogerspurs says:

    Devonshirespur speaks heap big wisdom. I’ve thought for some time that Arry’s problem is that he has not got the sense to know when to speak and when to offer a polite ‘no comment’. Sadly ‘no comment’ doesn’t make news headlines and the chance to grab a few ‘I’ll speak to you for a one-er’ opportunities. I’m sure the “wheeler -dealer” in him just can’t pass up an opportunity to promote brand Redknapp.He is beginning to cut a rather sad figure – he is Freddo Corleone to Ferguson’s Don, Wenger’s Michael etc – he wants to have some ‘business responsibility’ but hasn’t got the gravitas to deal with the big boys on their level of brain power. The reason Ferguson and Wenger have been successful is that they have vision beyond the immediate personal financial gain – love ’em or hate ’em they have both been on a mission for their clubs. Arry’s mission appears to be, sadly, no greater than his next financial gain – which is one reason why he and Levy appear at odds I suspect – Arry cannot be part of Levy’s vision for the club because he’ll never commit to “the grand cause celebre” . Like Arfur and Delboy he needs a mug punter to make a sting.

  • Colin SC says:

    The reality is we had 3/4 of a squad most of last year because we had aging players (good but unable to play through injury a lot of the time). We had a season that had the extra games the Champions league gave us ( which caused additional stain on the limited resources). Towards the end of the season we at times struggled to fill the gaps. Buying in older players can be good but they are liable to become injured quicker and heal slower.
    The baying for blood this season because we have been thrashed by two teams that cost squillions is crazy, all the other teams have to play them too (with probably the same results). we need the young ones to play and gain the experience and ( not sure about this correct me if I am wrong) the ones under 21 do not count towards the 25 man squad? We need to be able to cover the gaps that will inevitably occur towards the end of the season.
    One thing that is becoming more apparent is that the leading teams are building a 25 man squad that will be rotated often and well to build different threats. A team that only uses one formation in one way is easy to defend against and score on. We need to have this kind of rotation to move forwards not a billion dollar striker. We need group of good young all rounders rather than two to three expensive want away when they Go off the ‘Chicken Badge’ types.

  • Stu Barney says:

    Tweet from Huddlestone

    ‘Can’t believe who just sneaked into the training ground the back way! Wow.’

    I bet it is Carlo Ancelotti!!!

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