
Sunday Sermon #FaceLikeAKickedInFridge

Image for Sunday Sermon  #FaceLikeAKickedInFridge

Beloved In Christ,

Karren Brady. There’s a clue in the name pointing to an inherent neediness that made her parents opt to shoehorn in an unnecessary, extra ‘r’ in there. Presumably to pave the way for their little girl being extra special, a standout Karren amongst all then other also-Karens.

MORE stories today that the delay in confirming West Ham’s move to the Olympic Stadium threatens to thwart the nation’s bid to host the world athletics champions there in 2017.

No. Questions marks over the Olympic Games arose from civil disorder on the streets of the capital city and live images of the assaults, lootings and vandalism being beamed across the globe.

To suggest THFC hiring corporate detectives to go through dustbins to reveal questionable business relationships in a £500m deal probably didn’t have the same impact.

Spurs have taken their baton home on this. And I don’t like the way they are behaving. When a club reportedly stoops to employ private detectives to dig dirt on another, they’re discrediting the game and themselves.

Ha. I don’t like the way you where Miss Piggy wigs, but the way you behave has no bearing on facts.

Here’s a fact for you Karren. You said repeatedly during the bidding process for the OS that there was a waiting list for WHUFC season tickets. The figure seemed to vary dependent upon which day you were asked. But 15,000 was mooted at one point.

So why are you still advertising season tickets as being for sale, if there is even a waiting list of one single person?

I’ve told police my phone has either been hacked or private records acquired in what I’m sure will be a frustrated attempt to blacken my name and West Ham’s.

I’ve told Father Christmas I want a swanky new touch screen PC for Christmas. Oh sorry, where were we? This I hope is investigated thoroughly. And should it transpire that it cannot be proved your phone was hacked, you apologise in your column.

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  • devonshirespur says:

    How dare THFC go through West Hams bins to discover that a WHU OS bid employee was literally in bed with an OPLC bid employee, who was also being employed by WHU. WHU’s own investiagtion shows no conflict, well of course it would!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      It’s the old Sheriff Wiggum sketch in the Simpsons, stood in front of a fireworks factory that’s burning down – the sky alight with a thousand gunpowder stars…

      “Nothing to see here”

  • dawson4president says:

    Excellent article Harry, Wouldn’t hold my breath on an apology piece being written.
    She seems very deluded at best…

  • Chrispurs says:

    Off topic, but did you hear the interview with Woy, before the game, he ended the interview, with the erstwhile manger, by saying ‘thank you Jim’. He is now forever Jim. Or possibly Wim. :hae:

  • david says:

    Reports saying Man U without Rafael, Vidic and Rio for our game and even Evra is a doubt.
    Still, I dare say we will get Howard Webb reffing which means a 3 goal start for them.

    • Lodvic says:

      even worse….i hear it’s clatenberg

    • Finn says:

      Shame we haven’t got a forward to exploit it….as for the ref I don’t know why they don’t stick Webb on the OT staff.

      I think we should really lodge an objection if its Clattenberg and everyone in the EPL should always lodge an objection every time its Webb, maybe the message might get through!

      • NellyYiddo says:

        A friend of mine owned a nag with a ref once. It eventually won a crappy race at a course called market rasen. They duly celebrated. Clatt turned up to join them. They all had a few too many yet my friend was amazed listening to Clatt who had no qualms in freely admitting how big a utd fan he is… my friend by the way is also a utd fan, he couldn’t believe it.

        • frontwheel 2 says:

          Says it all,i thought a ref had to state his fav team to the FA,or are they thought of as so professional that they would have no bias? Like international cricket umpires.

  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    “I don’t understand the red card,” said Wenger. “I am 100 per cent sure the referee did not see what happened.

    Ha ha…..but you did for once did you ! :lol:

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