
The End Is Nigh

Image for The End Is Nigh

Guten Morgen,

It gave me little pleasure to have my old oppo Arseblogger confirming that Arsenal Football Club have officially ceased trading, knocked the football lark on the head and gone into the pork belly business after yesterday’s game.

Arsenal were disappointing last season. They suffered humiliation at the hands of the now relegated Brum in a Cup Final. But they still delivered their supporters Champions League football – yet again.

Apparently the usually tranquil Emptycrates was finally ringing with the sound of thousands. Booing. Easy to say, ‘so what? because it’s them, but this is appears to be yet another good indication that Pop is indeed well on its way to Eating Itself.

I know writing this that a vast percentage are mentally switching off in droves. All you want is the name of the striker. Just give us the name or delete the blog – it’s no use without the name. But it’s you snide, shiftless, squinty eyed and soulless lizards that I’m barking on about.

Defoe was booed at Milton Keynes last week. I went to Milton Keynes once. Everybody I was with hadn’t been there before either. All we knew was the place had been ‘made from scratch” about year before and that there were replica cows made of concrete – rumoured to be there to encourage real cows to take up residence in what was previously just a wasteland.

The booing is a  manifestation of unreciprocated emotional investment. Which is to say, fans declaring their support, but then the players failing to beat everybody 5-0 as a thank you.

This smacks of immaturity and an absence of perspective.

So where am I going with this you ask? We covered booing the other week and we’ve certainly covered it before. Where I am going is that I kindda wish that the Murdoch Empire had not just had a few billion knocked off it’s share price, but been put in Intensive Care. That the corporation had gone into meltdown and the money that so noisely slops about the game – overnight whistled and gurgled down the drain.

‘When we buying Rossi?’  replaced with, ‘where you watching the game?‘. ‘Harry out!’ replaced with, ‘Our defense needs to work on corners.’

Yes, we all want more and we all want better, but if fans don’t get a check of themselves their seats at games would be better filled with replica fans. Make them of fibre glass or concrete, it’s all the same to me. They’ll be better company than all too many of the existing whiners.

Your pal, H.

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  • b greenway says:

    i cant understand the boo boys . i dont remember hearing it when i was young and at the lane ,or at the os or even walthamstow avenue . i remember feeling unhappy when we lost . To boo( or not to boo that is the question ) is pointless , what do they prove except that they are wankers or clunts as has been mentioned earlier (whats a clunt by the way). wheres the feckin striker hh :-p

    • Essexian76 says:

      In many way’s it’s probably better now than when I first bought a seated season ticket after many years of being a standing ticket holder (Enclosure and Shelf). I’ve seen Falco booed relentlessly yet for no apparent reason. I’ve taken physical action when the guy behind me was always slating Samways but failed to notice that he wasn’t playing on this occasion. I’ve never booed, and the only time I’ve left in disgust was against Man City in a home game when Hoddle was in charge. Standing supporters seem more likely to cheer than moan and away support even more so, perhaps it’s expectation. perhaps it’s a question of ownership, but in any event it also appears that the term supporter is fast becoming follower as on many blogs the lack of nous is unbelievable bordering on the insane..still roll on the new term, only 5 weeks to go!

  • Spurfect says:

    That’s it, enough is enough. Its bad enough that someone who wanted to win things with us now wants out of the club because of our ‘lack of ambition’ but Redknapp really has overstepped the mark now.

    “It’s gone beyond belief and made it really hard to compete for top players. If you want to be a top-four side, it’s difficult because we can’t pay those kind of wages.” – Well thats obvious we cant be paying them 200K a week but it doesn’t mean they’ll all be going to 3 clubs does it. Let alone the fact if you’d concentrated on the league instead of your one man mission to bask yourself in the glory of the Champions League we might’ve actually made 4th this year at the same time hoisting out the goons.

    “Our chairman Daniel Levy runs the club well, we get 36,000 fans, you’re not going to put the club in hock. How do you compete with the Man Citys of this world?” – Oh really? didn’t stop you getting Pompey the the hock did it sunshine, perhaps you were hoping that Dan the man would just give you an open cheque book after the miracle of keeping us up after 2 points from 8 games? on par with walking on water and turning water into wine no doubt? And now you cant just spunk the club up the wall and need to actually excel at your job you don’t fancy it so much?

    “Fergie didn’t mention us. He stuck Liverpool in there this year and probably with what they have brought in, it’s looking that way.” – So we finish above Liverpool for the last couple of seasons yet because the splurge money on people such a Charlie Adam and Stewart Downing we should pack it all n a raise the white flag?! After all who can mess with the history and Liverpool should surely deserve to be there ahead of us? Maybe if you’d put your neck on the line and signed the Strikers they did in January the club would be way ahead of them still, seeing as you had the chance to sign Suarez, passed it up, and have done nothing but praise the arse off of him ever since?

    Seriously, with these comments he’s just pushing players like Modric further out of the door and deterring any player that may be on the brink of signing away from us.

    I mean if you were Mata and you had Spurs on one hand and the arse on the other. Arse have Champs league but Fibreglass and Nasri cant wait to get out after Clichy. Spurs have been in Champs League, have players like Bale, VDv, Modric all there and could see ourselves back in it with that extra push and signings this year. You’re considering Spurs. Then you here your manager to be saying we’ll be lucky to get 6th. Would you sign??


    • hotspurhartley says:


    • toddspur says:

      I cant see anything wrong with the article. We all know its the truth so why hide behind it?

      Pretending to ignore it is a little naive. Arry didnt put Pompey in the mire mate; the owners did that and unless DL does the same our club will be in fine fettle (and a very viable proposition for new owners).

      The one part I do agree with you on is that there are players who will come to Spurs for a decent wage and Mata is an ideal example; he’s young so not earning the big bucks yet so to him 50k PW is good money.

      If we are dreaming of getting any player Citeh or Chelscunts or Manure desire then we have a very small chance of getting them; may as well move onto other targets

      Also I have wagered a few quid on us being ahead of Liverpoo; I dont think they have a squad anywhere near the quality of ours. And the Goons are in a bit of turmoil and are vulnerable.

      4th is def achievable, anything more is now a pipedream until either we sell to a billionaire or the owners of Citeh and Chelscunts get bored and fuck off elsewhere

      My only criticism of Arry is his love of the media; I wish he’d stay in the background a bit more and give the media nothing; thankfully thats his only failing in my eyes

      Oh to be a Spurs fan eh

      • frontwheel 2 says:

        Totally agree about us finishing above Liverpool,i think you can get about 6/4 on it.I’m expecting 3rd myself Arse and Chelski are there for the taking too.Harry should shut it though

      • Spurfect says:

        I think we can finish above Liverpool. This King Kenny nonsense, what is he king of exactly? The difference is they have a spring in their stride, a manager whos positive and selling the dream. We have a manager who takes every opportunity to knock us publicly, and talk down the club as a also ran. Do you seriously want a manager like this? Taking us back into mid table mediocrity with a whimper and a ‘we cant compete with the big bullies.’

        Or while we still have a sniff at it going for it and talking us up. All Harry’s worried about is covering his backside and being a media darling. If he wants to sit infront of a camera so much and speculate about other teams then go an be another pundit.

        He’s talking our best players out of the club, because does he really care about the long term success of Spurs?, and putting of any ambitious players we have any chance of signing by telling them we cant compete.

        Last year it was we can win the league, this year its lets crawl back into our shell and accept defeat. Thats not the Spurs way. Why bother turning up.

        • UnkleKev says:

          I seem to recall that ‘King’ Kenny’s first signing as manager first time round was David Speedie. Fast forward 25 years and he’s signing the likes of Charlie Adam and Stuart Downing. He didn’t have much of an eye for a player then and he still doesn’t now. I have absolutely no doubt that we’ll finish above Liverpool this year, and if Arsenal continue on their path of self-destruction we’ll finish above them too. Fourth (or above) is a very real possibility this year.

          Also, I very much doubt that Harry’s public voice tallies with his private one — and the players will know that. By contributing to the bigging up the Citys and Liverpools of this world he’s simply adding to the pressure they’ll undoubtedly be under. I suspect he’s a lot more shrewd than a lot of people here give him credit for.

        • Spurfect says:

          That makes no sense. Harrys ‘public voice.’ What does this gain him exactly? Are you ACTUALLY trying to say that Harry is some sort of psychological genius? hahaha, heard it all now. His cunning plan eh? Whatever his reason for his verbal diarrhea its not going to attract a high quality of player to our club, unless he’s going to let them in on his cheeky little secret? Its certainly not going to instill ‘morale’ where it is needed most importantly when the players take the field – the fans!

      • Devonshirespur says:

        Harry is just managing expectations…..yes he does need to say a lot less because what he says maybe true but its not becoming of a top team. But it seems that some “idiot” fans expect us to be able to go into the market and pluck out 2 world class strikers that no other big club wants and players who will accept half or less than they can earn elsewhere.

        Those with half a brain know this to be the truth and understand.

        Those with less than half a brain need to be reminded of the dfifficulties and realisites of teh transfer market and this is what Harry is doing! Spelling it out to the simpletons amongst us.

        So if you are one of those exasperated that Levy & HR have not bought 2 worldies up front, and fail to understand why they are “dithering” of “concentrating on the OS” etc, then you know which category you fall in!

    • Freddie says:

      Harry is right we don’t stand a chance with the pathetic wages we offer and no top striker!

      5th 6th or 7th this year unless something drastic changes!!!

      • frontwheel 2 says:

        Yabba yabba yabba

      • Spurfect says:

        So go any publicly announce it to all and sundry yes? dont bother coming ere cause you’ll earn a pittance, plus we’re not going anywhere. Thats leadership at its finest eh?

      • Devonshirespur says:

        You do realise that £80k a year = £4m.

        Not what I call pathetic and probably the highest payers outside of the SKy 4 (who have all had CL money for years) and Man City

        Our wages are within our means.

        Arsenal have paid much higher wages but in recent years have had little transfer money…a balance is to be made. We chose tarnsfer kitty over wages.

        • Spurfect says:

          I was laying out what Redknapp has said, £80K a week is a pittance in his eyes to what they could get at City etc so go join them instead. Thats not a battlecry, its a whimper away with your tail between your legs.

    • Essexian76 says:

      I just wish the guy would piss off and take those cronies leeching off the club with him..coaches my arse!

    • Paul f says:

      Look spurfect, I don’t know what your problem is but frankly your comments are downright dimwitted. Redknapp is the best manager we’ve had in decades. We’ve punched well above our weight for 2 years. He’s taken us to the last 8 in Europe and has us playing some of the best football I’ve ever seen at WHL. And the club has brought in players of the quality of vdv, sandro, modric, bale, Lennon, gallas etc at reasonable prices and on sustainable wages.

      Why are you do anti redknapp? What do you think would happen if he left? It’ll be a 50% chance that we’ll get another Gross or Ramos. If your lucky it’ll be another Jol. And guess what? Statistically Jol isn’t a patch on Redknapp. Check the facts.

      The naivity you show in the idea that Redkapps big mouth actually makes any difference is frankly an odd mixture between being charming and just plain dumb. You think footballers spend all day trawling newsnow for random quotes on obscure radio shows? Hate to break it to you but they don’t. Really, they don’t. Keeping and signing players comes down to money (oops, sorry, I forgot the football word code for a minute, I mean ‘ambition’.

      You know what your getting with Redknapp. He’ll over achieve on the pitch and demonstrate the verbal threp’ney bits off it. Just live with it.

      • Paul f says:

        Sorry spurfect, I meant to say comment, not comments

        • NN says:

          Didn’t quite over achieve last year though eh? Too busy pretending big bags of money at City prevented us from beating blackpool. Or Wigan. Or…….

          I think that the frustration lies behind the fact that Harry’s sound-bites go against the clubs interests but are in his. As such, there is a problem whatever the truth of it.

  • crespur says:

    Football being live theatre and if, show and performers are of poor quality then patrons should not be restricted to only booing. Copious quantities of rotten fruit and Veg should also be hurled in the direction of the rotten artistes…. BTW who is this Dalmatian player Triffic that ‘Arry keeps banging on about?…

  • mus says:

    what is you say make. fakinel speak the english

  • mus says:

    i got the everton ticket harry you got the ticket?

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