
The End Is Nigh

Image for The End Is Nigh

Guten Morgen,

It gave me little pleasure to have my old oppo Arseblogger confirming that Arsenal Football Club have officially ceased trading, knocked the football lark on the head and gone into the pork belly business after yesterday’s game.

Arsenal were disappointing last season. They suffered humiliation at the hands of the now relegated Brum in a Cup Final. But they still delivered their supporters Champions League football – yet again.

Apparently the usually tranquil Emptycrates was finally ringing with the sound of thousands. Booing. Easy to say, ‘so what? because it’s them, but this is appears to be yet another good indication that Pop is indeed well on its way to Eating Itself.

I know writing this that a vast percentage are mentally switching off in droves. All you want is the name of the striker. Just give us the name or delete the blog – it’s no use without the name. But it’s you snide, shiftless, squinty eyed and soulless lizards that I’m barking on about.

Defoe was booed at Milton Keynes last week. I went to Milton Keynes once. Everybody I was with hadn’t been there before either. All we knew was the place had been ‘made from scratch” about year before and that there were replica cows made of concrete – rumoured to be there to encourage real cows to take up residence in what was previously just a wasteland.

The booing is a  manifestation of unreciprocated emotional investment. Which is to say, fans declaring their support, but then the players failing to beat everybody 5-0 as a thank you.

This smacks of immaturity and an absence of perspective.

So where am I going with this you ask? We covered booing the other week and we’ve certainly covered it before. Where I am going is that I kindda wish that the Murdoch Empire had not just had a few billion knocked off it’s share price, but been put in Intensive Care. That the corporation had gone into meltdown and the money that so noisely slops about the game – overnight whistled and gurgled down the drain.

‘When we buying Rossi?’  replaced with, ‘where you watching the game?‘. ‘Harry out!’ replaced with, ‘Our defense needs to work on corners.’

Yes, we all want more and we all want better, but if fans don’t get a check of themselves their seats at games would be better filled with replica fans. Make them of fibre glass or concrete, it’s all the same to me. They’ll be better company than all too many of the existing whiners.

Your pal, H.

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  • legoverlass says:

    I have never heard any manager in any league talk down their club as much as this crettin.. it beggars belief and this clown is just looking to lower the bar so that he does not appear to fail and damage his “percieved reputation”. He is a legend in his own mind and I sense that the entire squad is feeling less than excited about the forthcoming season… great preparation.. I also believe that the gnome that is Kevin Bond has spluttered into life and told the worlds media that depsite what the chairman ahs publicly stated Modric is for sale at the right price… get these pikey west ham chancers away from this club before they drag it down to the mid table medicority that they are comfortable with..

    • Spurfect says:

      Just listened to Bonds interview. Brazil seriously is puke worthy. Laughing his head off, ‘oooohh Chelsea an ay gonna give ooop!!’ Like its inevitable that we’ll bow at the feet of the ‘mighty Chelsea’ Money talks blah balh blah. The guys a huge sell out.

      • chickenbadge says:

        If he must go, and don’t get me wrong he shouldn’t be allowed to, he absolutely does not go to Chelsea.
        It may be a huge nose spite face cutting exercise but if he’s acting up again and becoming a disruption I’d sell him to United for £35m. Chelsea can shit in their hats.

        • Spurfect says:

          To United? Are you seroius? Fergies been tapping him up for the last two years. He’s only not come forward becasue he’s letting Chelsea play the bad guy. Not to anyone in the Prem

        • chickenbadge says:

          Well yeah, I suggested that it wasn’t exactly ideal. I was trying to be realistic about who would actually want him and had the required money.

        • Spurfect says:

          The only club in the prem id sell hm to IF that was the only option is City. With their money it doesnt matter well sell to them because they ill buy success whatever. They will pay more than Chelsea and Utd. On top of which it will put fergies nose right out of joint along with Chelskis.

  • Ed says:

    id wager the “boo’ers” are the corporate set anyway – far too many seats given(sold in preference)to companys and the average fan struggles to get a seat while Director A has an away day with Director B and his hangers on to garner more work or as a “treat” for the work already acquired

    in every club not just ours

    so “boooooooooo” to them


    • NYSpurs says:

      Agreed. I had my nose rubbed in it a couple of seasons ago by some wanker who had been invited to see a game in a business partners corporate box at The Lane. He was a Boro fan FFS!

    • John White says:

      No. Those in the corporate seats can’t be bothered to boo. The booing is misguided passion, often fuelled by booze, and is done, in the main by those who regard themselves as the “real” supporters, just as those who ring in to radio talk shows regard themselves as “real” supporters. The problem is they react to disappointment in a very immature way, and flail about looking for scapegoats. They also want everything now, and can’t accept gradual improvement, any more than they can accept that transfer negotiations often take time, and that there are financial limits on what the majority of clubs including both Tottenham and Arsenal can afford, mistranslating all this into the board not bothering, not putting their hands in their pockets, not understanding the game like “real” supporters do because they are businessmen.
      It is the “real” supporters who need to take responsibility for their actions, and not blame others, nor shoot the messenger as they so often do.

  • ufluckingplick says:

    Modric is class but it’s not about one player. Levy has said we must sell to buy as we still have a huge squad. Now if it means getting 40 million for Modders and we then go straight out and get a couple of quality strikers then it’s fine by me. However ‘Arry the twitch’ moaning about we don’t pay the salaries is bollocks to a certain degree, the reason we have crap in the squad is because PSB, Jenas etc will only go to smaller clubs who won’t or can’t pay the wages they are on with us. Think we will finish above the bin dippers because they’re defence will be like watching the proverbial parting of….

  • CLaw says:

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the way ‘Arry often speaks about our club and the fact he’s everyones mate, but don’t we think he’s try to send a message to the chairman?
    We have to accept that if we want to have a shot at CL football again, the only way this will happen is with major investment in the squad. If DL is not prepared to pay £30m+ for a player or the wages they require, how can we expect them to sign for us? Perhaps we need to be smarter with how we pay them (lower weekly wage but larger appearance fees/bonuses?).
    ‘Arry IS right that we can’t compete with the other clubs wage-wise, we just don’t like hearing the facts

    • Spurfect says:

      Sned a message to the chairman? doenst he have his mobile number then? Is he no allowed to through his office door? All this pish about ‘sending a message’ ‘playing mind games’ is nonsense. Levy isnt some dumb f&*k who sits in his office all day with wads of cash needing Redknapp to come and tell him what to do with it. It was Redknapp himself who pre christmas said Levy had a hole burning in his pocket wanting to spend it (which resulted in everyone know we had it on the hip which inflated prices even more) Hes using the media to cover his arse. Simple as.

      And its not that we dont like hearing the facts, its that we KNOW the facts, so does everyone else, he doesnt have to state the blindingly obvious facts and USE them as a tool to belittle our chance and make them an unattrative prospect to potential signing (which we are obviously struggling with already) as well as players on our books already. Hes becoming a liabilty and unsettling his own ship.

      • CLaw says:

        Do you honestly think that will unsettle the players? I know some of them aren’t the sharpest but it doesn’t take a genius to work out that, with our CURRENT squad, we aren’t going to win the league.

        Do you actually think that the chariman/board of another club base their transfer prices on what ‘Arry says?!? It’s always expensive to buy in Jan and I don’t think it would have been sensible to spend £30m+ on a striker with no PL experience who you can’t guarantee will hit the ground running.

        There’s no way that we’ll sack ‘Arry anyway. No point in a new manager coming in mid-august and not being able to buy his own players etc or work on a proper pre-season. Also think DL is waiting for the FA to come sniffing next summer, that way we don’t have to pay compensation to sack him as well as any potential comp to new managers club.

        Personally, I still think we’ve got a very good chance of finishing 4th this coming season. Arsenal haven’t improved and I don’t really see Liverpool finishing above us (as someone earlier said, they are shocking at the back). Hopefully Defoe and Pav will come to the party with more goals this season to complement the additional goals we get from MF.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    On a very very self indulgent note, it’s triffic to see a HH headline that was pretty pedestrian & published at breakfast time storm NN’s top ten.

    Wait til you lot listen to the Podcast.

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