
The End Is Nigh

Image for The End Is Nigh

Guten Morgen,

It gave me little pleasure to have my old oppo Arseblogger confirming that Arsenal Football Club have officially ceased trading, knocked the football lark on the head and gone into the pork belly business after yesterday’s game.

Arsenal were disappointing last season. They suffered humiliation at the hands of the now relegated Brum in a Cup Final. But they still delivered their supporters Champions League football – yet again.

Apparently the usually tranquil Emptycrates was finally ringing with the sound of thousands. Booing. Easy to say, ‘so what? because it’s them, but this is appears to be yet another good indication that Pop is indeed well on its way to Eating Itself.

I know writing this that a vast percentage are mentally switching off in droves. All you want is the name of the striker. Just give us the name or delete the blog – it’s no use without the name. But it’s you snide, shiftless, squinty eyed and soulless lizards that I’m barking on about.

Defoe was booed at Milton Keynes last week. I went to Milton Keynes once. Everybody I was with hadn’t been there before either. All we knew was the place had been ‘made from scratch” about year before and that there were replica cows made of concrete – rumoured to be there to encourage real cows to take up residence in what was previously just a wasteland.

The booing is a  manifestation of unreciprocated emotional investment. Which is to say, fans declaring their support, but then the players failing to beat everybody 5-0 as a thank you.

This smacks of immaturity and an absence of perspective.

So where am I going with this you ask? We covered booing the other week and we’ve certainly covered it before. Where I am going is that I kindda wish that the Murdoch Empire had not just had a few billion knocked off it’s share price, but been put in Intensive Care. That the corporation had gone into meltdown and the money that so noisely slops about the game – overnight whistled and gurgled down the drain.

‘When we buying Rossi?’  replaced with, ‘where you watching the game?‘. ‘Harry out!’ replaced with, ‘Our defense needs to work on corners.’

Yes, we all want more and we all want better, but if fans don’t get a check of themselves their seats at games would be better filled with replica fans. Make them of fibre glass or concrete, it’s all the same to me. They’ll be better company than all too many of the existing whiners.

Your pal, H.

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  • Gez says:

    As a rule I don’t even boo the opposition as I spend most of a game chewing my fingers unless we are leading 11-0!

  • Gez says:

    Does anyone think there is something going on in the background, Levy is perhaps pulling something out of the bag again? Or am I just wishful thinking…

  • Spurs Will Eat Itself says:

    Wise up sucker, you speak of 16 different flavours of hell… Stop preaching to the perverted – ich bin ein auslander will have us sitting pretty, pretty…

    Wake up! time to take our place as Englands finest!

    The fuses have been lit, everything’s cool – not now ‘James’, we’re busy… Can u dig it?

    This is the day…This is the hour…Right Now! :daumen:

  • George says:

    Billionaire please

  • watermelon says:

    Shopping …….free shipping….free shipping
    Let’s go —[[ w w w – (upsfashion )- c o m ]]—

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