
Trading Standards Set To Swoop On Redschnapps

Image for Trading Standards Set To Swoop On Redschnapps

Good morning.

I was looking forward to last night. Judging by the size of the crowd at The Lane I was not alone in my enthusiasm. Judging but the largely silent home support and mass exodus before the final whistle I wasn’t alone in being bored senseless by the first stage production of SNES’ Sensible Soccer On Ice.

It was contemptuous of all concerned that we were served up a reserves game. I’ve only watched one before and this was pretty much identical. Chase ball at lickerty split and barely a brain cell on the premises.

I’m not anti these kids, but having them inflicted on me for a UEFA game isn’t on.

I’m partial to a fish finger sandwich. But if I go to a restaurant and am presented with one when I’ve ordered the lobster I don’t think I’m being unreasonable asking the waiter if it’s a windup.

I challenge anyone who thinks I’m being harsh to explain how the atmosphere amongst Spurs in attendance was so rank and what was with all the empty seats? Did everyone suddenly remember they left the gas on?

Hearts made seven changes themselves and can take a hit while we’re at it. They also played a second rate mob compared to the game fielded at Tynecastle. By rights, Hearts fans should be mailed a refund inc. travel etc.Their only saving grace was the fact they we also ran out our Clearasil Kids.

You want player ratings? Everyone gets a solid 1 for managing to put their shirts on the right way round. I’d rather eat photocopier toner than watch another game like that. Unmitigated toss.

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  • Spurlative says:

    Scottie Parker is quality! better attitude than Modders. He actually looks like a superhero in my opinion and he will slot in beautifully> First choice CM for sure. If modders stays that would be quality..

  • sinkingfeeling says:

    HH – You really are a negative old soul, arent you.

    What were you expecting with 4 academy players – Barca MK2?!

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Come on, I’m not making this up, people were leaving in their droves.

      My issue lies with the lack of balance and the fact it wasn’t a discounted ticket.

      As I said earlier, Livermore looked decent in Scotland. Last night I genuinely couldn’t tell him apart from anyone. Well, maybe Joe Jordan…

      • eastanglianspur says:

        It also makes me wonder what Jordan and Bond actually do in training when we witness such mediocrity. Can’t imagine Manure youngsters playing like that.

        Then add in the fact they can’t teach Lennon to make that final ball count, perhaps my mantra should be Levy out; Redknapp out; Jordan out and Bond out.

        Nothing like a clean sweep eh? :daumen:

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        For the fans that already bought a ticket, would you be proposing a partial refund, then?

        I’m not saying it couldn’t be done, but the logistics probably aren’t straight forward.

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          And people leave with 5 minutes to go when it’s 2-2 in a Premiership match. This was game over from the first minute, but people love to try and beat the traffic, get a head start out of the place. In this instance can you blame anyone for leaving 5 minutes earlier than that? I bet it would be no different if we’d sent out a full strength side, under the circumstances.

  • Parker talks….? How on earth is that going to happen, Levy and the Porn Barons getting cosy in a east london boozer? I can’t picture it.

    He is an arf decent player, but Im guessing this means the Lass Diara deal is off, which is a shame as he would have been the bette choice.

    • UnkleKev says:

      No, it just means we’re keeping our options open. I have absolutely no doubt that Diarra is the preferred option, but should that not come to pass (for any number of reasons) it would be negligent in the extreme not to have a contingency plan of some sort. That’s all I suspect Parker is, back up should the Diarra deal fall through.

  • PLN says:

    Kinda agree, but if we played a full strength team, win 3-0 and pick up 2 injuries to key players, then we’d arguably be even more bemused….

  • Bruxie says:

    Who is worse:-

    The ‘Spurs ticket office for not filling all seats?

    Season ticket holders who sold their tickets (two home cup games included in season ticket package)for £20+?

    ‘Arry for picking the Kids?


    It’s definately not ‘Arry.

    Shows the real gap in the business/football people at the club.

    Incidentally, this new challenge for the OS is I think no more than an attempt to gain compensation for a State aid bollocks-up.

    We ain’t going for the Stadium – merely a lump of money to compensate for time wasted on the original bid.

    Finally, why is your site so slow? Takes an age to type anything.

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