
Trading Standards Set To Swoop On Redschnapps

Image for Trading Standards Set To Swoop On Redschnapps

Good morning.

I was looking forward to last night. Judging by the size of the crowd at The Lane I was not alone in my enthusiasm. Judging but the largely silent home support and mass exodus before the final whistle I wasn’t alone in being bored senseless by the first stage production of SNES’ Sensible Soccer On Ice.

It was contemptuous of all concerned that we were served up a reserves game. I’ve only watched one before and this was pretty much identical. Chase ball at lickerty split and barely a brain cell on the premises.

I’m not anti these kids, but having them inflicted on me for a UEFA game isn’t on.

I’m partial to a fish finger sandwich. But if I go to a restaurant and am presented with one when I’ve ordered the lobster I don’t think I’m being unreasonable asking the waiter if it’s a windup.

I challenge anyone who thinks I’m being harsh to explain how the atmosphere amongst Spurs in attendance was so rank and what was with all the empty seats? Did everyone suddenly remember they left the gas on?

Hearts made seven changes themselves and can take a hit while we’re at it. They also played a second rate mob compared to the game fielded at Tynecastle. By rights, Hearts fans should be mailed a refund inc. travel etc.Their only saving grace was the fact they we also ran out our Clearasil Kids.

You want player ratings? Everyone gets a solid 1 for managing to put their shirts on the right way round. I’d rather eat photocopier toner than watch another game like that. Unmitigated toss.

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  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Bad news. Barton has agreed terms with QPR.

    More bad news. We’re in talks for Scott Parker. :sick:

  • kojac says:

    the ropa is fun when you get to the knockouts though with the bigger teams,but there should be one massive knockout european competition now,everyone together but that would benefit everyone so the morons in charge won’t do it

    i can’t believe the pikeys and us would be doing business,i thought they were never going to sell to us again,i guess they had keano so relations can’t be too bad

    i’m up for giving anyone a go now people talk like they know what a player will be like when they play for us,but they don’t,see where we are on sept 1st and harry will get sacked if he doesn’t make europe i’d assume

    you say you are worried about our midfield against city,dawson and kaboom are going to have their hands full too,the strikers speak for themselves,hopefully we win and everything will be alright


  • LosLorenzo says:

    Fairly boring A&E interview with talkshite.

    I love how they introduce the clip with “Benoit Assou-ekotto has given the strongest indication yet that Luka Modric could be set to remain at Spurs”.

    So the chairman cateegorically stating that he is not for sale at any price wasn’t a hint?

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Maybe it could be taken as a possible hint, but then again, it might possibly be ambiguous if you are uncertain.

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