
What Did The Brass Polisher Say To The Barber?

Image for What Did The Brass Polisher Say To The Barber?

I am indebted to Citizens Fatfish and Seppoyiddo for supplying some of the most excellent caption competition fodder in living memory –  Salute.

And so here is the first in a – be warned – rapid fire succession of funny bone seeking snaps.

Pictured is the happy go lucky 3MP having his Barnet done courtesy of a local man who’s premises were looted by some animals that broke free last week. 

Last time I looked the old boy had £35,000 squeezed into his sky rocket courtesy in large part to the wit of Björn, Sophie and Omid at Bartle Bogarty Hegarty who kick started an online appeal to aid the uninsured 89 year old tonsorial artist. Quality work :daumen:

Anyway he’s trousered loads, crisis averted, so let’s get merciless on Pet’s boney behind. Innit.

Best caption wins The London Eye. This high profile London landmark comes complete with a nearby river and lots of buildings that scattered nearby for convenient viewing.

Your ownership pack include a large tin badge bearing the legend, ‘Do You Like My Eye?’ , some photos of the Eye and some paperwork. All entrants must be either on their lunch hour or at a loose end.

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  • Yachtsman says:

    ‘Arry’s at it again!

    If he’s right, what we may be witnessing here is the playing out of the ultimate end game. We stick our heels in until the price is in the high 30s (while lining up a number of appropriate deals – Ruiz, Diarra, Cahill, etc.) then we sell Modders and close on the aforementioned deals.

    Only, ‘Arry’s wrong. We have to keep Modders. Unload the timber everyone here has identified, plus bring in two top notch others. That way we scale the PL heights again, that way we keep Baler, etc. next year, that way we start on the road of becoming a permanent presence, that way we’ll the more easily attract the funds for that new stadium.

    I’m getting carried away… Sorry.

    • SteveSpur says:

      Did you write that whilst standing on top of a building shouting, “top of the world, Ma”?
      Next we take Manhattan. Chill, dude.

      • Yachtsman says:

        What’s wrong with being carried away if the horses are headed in the right direction? Cool.

        The issue is partly ‘Arry’s media performance (see my post of 5:19 pm), partly Levy’s manoeuvres/intentions, and mostly how both impact on the club’s short and mid term future prospects.

  • SteveSpur says:

    Crouch: Dear barber person, why is that strange man filming us?
    Barber: I told him if he gave me a pony, I’d let him film me shave a cunt.
    Crouch: Then who’s the man with the camera?
    Barber: That’s HH, he’s hoping I’ll slip.

  • Jerard says:

    I’m getting sick and tired of Harry and his comments with the press. I honestly hope Levy fires him on the basis of his last press interview. Levy has promised that Modric would not be sold, and on 3 seperate occasions Harry has come out and condradicted him. Levy has every right to make Harry sell the sh*t he brought to our club before buying anybody. Harry knows that he can’t clear his average buys and would opt for the easy route of selling our star, Modric, for an absolute bargain to a direct rival in order to finance ‘3 or 4’ of his average deals eg. Parker who we will be stuck with once Harry takes the England job / gets imprisoned. Harry can’t sell the deadweight he saddled us with and now he wants us to part with our best player to free funds for him to buy sh*t. I’d rather we have a poor season with our current squad and levy can name his price for any of our players and give us a proper chance to replenish the squad with a manager who instills confidence to our players. F*ck You Harry Redknapp. Our club is going in the right direction under Daniel Levy, its gremlins like Redknapp who fuck with clubs financial balance and then step aside when the shit hits the fan… THOUGHTS, if you man enough???

  • SteveSpur says:

    What’s green and hangs from a cunt? A Barbour.
    It’s the way I tell ’em.

  • SteveSpur says:

    Harry, for his many faults, is not the Antichrist. Levy is not the reincarnation of Scrooge. Our team is not not doomed(unless one of you delusional twats takes over).
    I would refer all you misguided people to my comments on the last post. Let’s be having you.

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