
From Inside The Lane: Arry & Tim Want Les OUT

Image for From Inside The Lane: Arry & Tim Want Les OUT

Guten Abend.

This won’t go down well (that’s what she said) with some but it comes from a depressingly decent source.

Answer me this. Is there a thing, a device more transparent in the known world than that of Arry Redschnapps? I think not.

If you ask any Spurs fan who our striker coach is they will all answer with the same name. Les Ferdinand.

So why does Arry raise the issue HERE???  

“although we already have Les Ferdinand who comes in to help our strikers”

“Comes in to help our strikers”  – Sorry Arry, comes in to help? You dirty rotter. Can’t you do anything behind closed doors?

There’s been a royal bust up between Sherwood & Les that will see Les walk from The Lane very shortly. How could his position remain tenable? 

My guy tells me that it is Timothy Sherwood that has Arry’s ear. And if you will forgive the vernacular, it is Timothy that is being groomed by our tight lipped supremo in the hope that Levy & Co will see him as the ‘natural’ and ‘inexpensive’ successor.

I could weep. 

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  • dixta says:

    can’t believe Les as striker coach is dominating the boards today!! talk about a slow news day. btw anyone see 20 Goals That Shook The World? Nayim from the half way line and Ricky Villa, absolute class.

  • Cheeseybell says:

    Ferdinand has a helicopter, you people need to respect that fact more..

    Sherwood has a goat – no respect

    Harry a Van with three wheels

    And Levy keeps loaning out his expensive Bentley, that turned out to be totally shit

    And Joe Jordan rides a tandem bike with Kevun Bond..


  • Harry your so fully of shit, you pulling these stories out of your arse again?

  • hiddeous1 says:

    Johnny Two Saints show us what you gottt!

    Dear John(ny), The game is but a pint of lager. Drink it-all-u-u-u-p!

    I know you’re learning tough lessons as you mature. That natural talent alone is not enough. Perhaps you start doubting those early dreams as a boy on the books of Barcelona .They may flicker across your mind like off a cracked mirror but never doubt your god-given talent right now. Work it boy!

    spend some time kicking about alone with Ade. Watch his enthusiasm and work-rate not just his majesty with the ball. And then take him out for a pint. On me(I’ll happily join if Ade is okay with that). What makes you think I’m using you to get to Ade?

    Dear Johh(ny) you are riddled with doubt get over yourself and breathe. Breathe in the colour of peace and relaxation…may I recommend green. Grass green.

    Actually thinking about it perhaps let Ade have a non-alcoholic pint we really prefer him at full magic. A non-alcoholic pint you ask? I say WHAT IS WRONG WITH A NON-ALCOHOLIC PINT OF LAGER Johnny?? I am having a non-alcoholic pint as I type this and I swear I’m happier than with any other liver-bedevilling alcoholic pints I’ve ever had. But not as happy as I might be if, say, you plucked one out of the sky at Wigan and lobbed home from the right-hand edge of the box….

    ..anyhow where was I?

    Aah yes Ade! Do send him my love..

    and drink-it-ALLl-u-u-u-p!

    Come on You Spurs

  • Alspur says:

    Walker-Kaboul-King-BAE/Bassong (fitness)

    Defoe for VDV after 60 mins
    Sandro for Kranky/JDS after 60 (push Modric out wide)

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