
From Inside The Lane: Arry & Tim Want Les OUT

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Guten Abend.

This won’t go down well (that’s what she said) with some but it comes from a depressingly decent source.

Answer me this. Is there a thing, a device more transparent in the known world than that of Arry Redschnapps? I think not.

If you ask any Spurs fan who our striker coach is they will all answer with the same name. Les Ferdinand.

So why does Arry raise the issue HERE???  

“although we already have Les Ferdinand who comes in to help our strikers”

“Comes in to help our strikers”  – Sorry Arry, comes in to help? You dirty rotter. Can’t you do anything behind closed doors?

There’s been a royal bust up between Sherwood & Les that will see Les walk from The Lane very shortly. How could his position remain tenable? 

My guy tells me that it is Timothy Sherwood that has Arry’s ear. And if you will forgive the vernacular, it is Timothy that is being groomed by our tight lipped supremo in the hope that Levy & Co will see him as the ‘natural’ and ‘inexpensive’ successor.

I could weep. 

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  • Yachtsman says:


    Livermore for VdV after 60minutes.
    Sandro for VdV after 60 minutes
    May be Kane for either one of the strikers (if we have a lead of 2 goals, it might be Adebayor, so as not to over work him), may be Townshend for baler if the two strikers stay in the game.

    That should do it. We win 1-3 or 0-3.

  • Yachtsman says:

    Sorry for the slip. Either Sandro or Livermore…

  • Finn says:

    Old Puffenstuff has been running off at the mouth again, this time about Gomes and how he’ll want to leave at Christmas….or is it?

    How does a comment that a player under contract, has the ability to leave at his own behest, play out with Modric, at a time where negotiations are being conducted about his status at the club?

    This seemingly innocent piece of “just telling it, as it is” cannot be timed at such a moment with merely a dense lack of perspective can it? Surely not; this is a comment that has to have been designed to suggest to Modric that his situation is being dealt with differently and that double standards apply at THFC.

    That this is being done DURING a negotiation is frankly a sackable offence in most places. Given this and the constant destabilisation of the summer, I can only conclude that Harry wants Modric out.

    Maybe this is something personal, Harry doesn’t like certain people for unknown reasons, or maybe the thought of 30-40 million quid is just too much to walk past when there are dozens of last-leg pros out there looking for a life-line. Whichever, I am getting really tired of him vomitting Haw Haw like into any available microphone

    • melcyid says:

      sorry to have to say it but the man is a complete dense thicko,his cerebral depth is very close to the outside of his cranium probably no deeper than his hair follicles.I believe that he thinks that what comes out of his mouth is just fine in whatever circumstance.Us spurs fans have been subjected to this foolish banter for too long.I wonder what Levy really makes of all this.
      Finn I have read your posts for a long time and you make well thought out reasoned points ,but I can hear your exasperation with this imbecile.What to do ? :hae:

      • Finn says:

        A three pipe problem methinks!

        For myself I think that the ‘front’ of being a chummy, ‘onest guv’, straight talker hides the real Redknapp (not particularly well imo) who is a calculated sod, who whilst putting the arm around the shoulder, is either picking a pocket or measuring them up for a box and ribbon to ship them out in.

        My fear is that the draw of the money is too great for a man, who despite my ongoing support in the face of you and TMWNN and other solid posters, is fast pissing me off with behaviour that is quite clearly not in the interests of THFC. For me that is a sin I find hard to ignore or forgive.

        If he makes errors in team selection or tactics I can wear that, but this quisling type shit is really too much in that it does nothing but stir up negatives amongst the squad; a squad that hitherto has looked solid and appears to be enjoying their football despite him.

        This business with Doc Oc is no fumble. This is timed and dropped as a smart bomb in what increasingly appears to be a game of brinkmanship with Daniel Levy. Last year I’d have been on the side of “well he’s as good as we’ll get, but there are people like Martin O’neill out there and there are also a number of managers that would like to be a part of our dream with the stadium, the squad, the trainihg facilities, etc. With a fair wind he may not be as good as we can get; the irony of which, is that this is probably due the good work he’s done….when he’s kept his fucking gob shut!

        I’m afraid that his antics are fast becoming counter-productive and as a really long term supporter of THFC, I put the club first, which he appears not to do: that puts us on different sides!

        We are playing well and I hope we tank Wigan today, but HRs mouth is an elephant in the dressing room…. I’ll refrain from any “washing” comments.

  • melcyid says:

    not looking forward to last minute scrambling around for a stream for the mighty wiganers game,even on the web thingy its always top 4 whoever they play. why do we always get shunted to the back of the queue.

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Modric is first name on the teamsheet.

    Gomes is third choice goalkeeper.

    To compare any transfer speculation between the pair is ridiculous.

    • Finn says:

      It is NOT ridiculous, it is an example of double standards that one player cannot leave by choice but another it seems can: their relative values is entirely irrelevant to the principle.

      That the comments are made during negotiations taking place between the club and Modric is what is ridiculous and frankly my friend if you cannot see any link or association between the two situations and the timing involved, I’d like to sit down with you for a game of poker!

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