
From Inside The Lane: Arry & Tim Want Les OUT

Image for From Inside The Lane: Arry & Tim Want Les OUT

Guten Abend.

This won’t go down well (that’s what she said) with some but it comes from a depressingly decent source.

Answer me this. Is there a thing, a device more transparent in the known world than that of Arry Redschnapps? I think not.

If you ask any Spurs fan who our striker coach is they will all answer with the same name. Les Ferdinand.

So why does Arry raise the issue HERE???  

“although we already have Les Ferdinand who comes in to help our strikers”

“Comes in to help our strikers”  – Sorry Arry, comes in to help? You dirty rotter. Can’t you do anything behind closed doors?

There’s been a royal bust up between Sherwood & Les that will see Les walk from The Lane very shortly. How could his position remain tenable? 

My guy tells me that it is Timothy Sherwood that has Arry’s ear. And if you will forgive the vernacular, it is Timothy that is being groomed by our tight lipped supremo in the hope that Levy & Co will see him as the ‘natural’ and ‘inexpensive’ successor.

I could weep. 

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  • Kid yid says:

    Don’t under estimate Tim…having been t the club he few times, he is much more clued up and articulate than you remember as a for sir Les, I believe Harry said that as Les is only part time…only there a couple of days a week.

    Theve real TOP NOTCH coach/manager ss GUS!!

  • DessySpur says:

    Chivers do you think Davs mad too?

  • DessySpur says:

    Yes let Bobbles choose he sounds like a sound fellow

  • calebray says:

    the point of the article reported in the paper was redknapp saying that the future of football coaching lies in a specialist manager that looks after specific players needs ie a centre half specialist or a left winger specialist, basically a coach for every role.

    What he is actually saying is that he cant do his job properly and needs help. From the staff he has assembled he isnt getting the results he needs.

    You dont just manage the players harry, you also manage the staff so get busy and get a team in sharpish that is better than the one you have publicly condemned.


    • jfdit says:

      that’s how I read/understood the article, if players need improving get the best coaches to do so

      my view is a simple one, we lack mental toughness or the minerals when the chips are really down

      I’ve met people who know footballers and it’s amazing how delicate their little egos are – 95% ability 5% supreme confidence = winner

  • chiversmetimbers says:

    Harry out, Davspurs in!

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