
Ledley King [Positive Updates]

Image for Ledley King [Positive Updates]

Me again.

Two bits of nice news. The first is that I’ve had it confirmed that Sir Ledders is being assessed for the Norf Landan Darby™ today and it is thought he will be fit and ready to participate on Sunday.

To this extent his web chat on Twitter will be slightly delayed and should now kick off about 1330hrs today.

Ledley King will appear before fans to give his opinions on the match and the 2011 / 12 Barclays Premier League so far. Fans can submit questions to the defender in advance (now) via the Barclays Football Facebook page and the Barclays Footy Twitter account, using the hashtag #AskLedley as well as live during the interview today.

The best questions will be put to Sir Ledders Of  King, giving fans the chance to interact live with our Club Captain.

If you miss the chance to watch Ledley King live, the full interview will be available on the Barclays Football You Tube channel from Friday afternoon. 

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  • Yachtsman says:

    Crikey. There’s a word for you… Inspissating, if you ask me.

  • Yachtsman says:


    Walker, Modric and VdV are already in my squad. I would have gone for Dos Santos (isn’t he also left footed; if not, it’s blinking sharp, as was evident yesterday) but he played the whole game. Lennon (yes, he has a good record against Woolwich) simply does not have the crossing nous any more; he really never has, and time has caught up with him. Sorry.

    • Alspur says:

      Fair enough – we’re all entitled to our opinions!

      I don’t think Townsend’s ready for this game (but, then again: Rose probably wasn’t “ready”, either, when he scored that screamer!!)


  • Yachtsman says:

    In Lennon’s case, it’s like with boxing. A good littl’un never bests a good big’un. Townshend’s close to being the big’un. Now’s the time to give him the opportunity to cement a place.

    isn’t that what shiney nose has done with some of his youngsters up north?

  • emspurs says:

    Dear Ledley,

    Can you teach Charlie to horse clop like a champion?


  • eastanglianspur says:

    Here you go, some rent-a-gob classics for you to all enjoy.

    The one I liked best is this: “When you pay players a lot all you can ask is that they work hard and this group do.”

    So what he is saying is that the work rate is directly related to the wages. So this must mean low paid players don’t work hard. Is that offensive or not to the lower division players?

    • spurious supporter says:

      Utter Bollocks.
      You’re continually looking for offence where none exists.

      The team and our success rate have improved since Redknapp has been manager, yet you denigrate him at every turn. If we win it’s down to the players and if we lose it’s Harry’s fault WTF. Did he roger your wife, run over your dog or swindle your grandma? It seems very personal with you and your spite invalidates your viewpoint.

      You’ll probably choke on your dinner at this

      COYS keep it up HR and the boys.

      • frontwheel 2 says:

        I just wish Arry would shut it,why the fuck does he have to keep talking about players salaries,and all the other shit he spouts.He should talk about Tottenham football or keep schtum.Schtum would be nice.

        • spurious supporter says:

          I wish he’d learn to shut up too.

          I also wish my dog didn’t stop to sniff and then piss up every post to the park and back, but he does, because it’s in his nature. Harry has always been a soundbite merchant, the press love him because they’ll always get a byline. He is rent-a-quote, but then we knew that before he came, it’s in his nature too.

          That and the tactical shortcomings aside, he has taken us forward. We’re serious contenders for the top table and look a better side than Woolwich for the first time in years.
          I’m not a lover of the man, but he’s doing ok and I see no good reason to change things at the moment. It’s no coincidence that the most successful team in the Premiership hasn’t changed manager for over twenty years.

      • eastanglianspur says:

        @Spurious supporter – yes very spurious and with rose coloured specs to boot.

        Of course it’s the players when we win and trout chops when we lose. Who’s the manager? Who has to take responsibility for non-existent tactics? Who is supposed to tell the players how to change their play if the opposition “get after us” as in the Wigan match? It’s not rocket science, it’s football FFS.

        • Essexian76 says:


        • spurious supporter says:

          The name was by way of an accusation against some of the fickle posters on here, back when I was posting under various stupid names, mocking those I thought were fans and not supporters. HH pointed out that it wasn’t acceptable so I stopped and have been stuck with the stupid name.
          Hoist by my own Petard so they say.
          The club is in my blood, so it bugs me a little when some of us post more negatives about our players and management than they do about the opposition.
          As to the rose-coloured specs, I prefer to be positive. HR’s not the second coming, but we’re improving and I’m enjoying our play (mostly).

          When we win it’s a combination of manager and players, the same when we lose. Your position is too negative and focussed almost entirely and unfairly on Redknapp.

        • eastanglianspur says:

          I only post negatives when they are deserved and because I think we can do better. I won’t accept spin or BS (lies) for an answer. And as for the opposition, well with a mouthy manager like we have, who each week gives us a running commentary on how good all our opponents and their managers are (just wait till we play Swansea) why would you want me to be critical of our opponents?

        • spurious supporter says:

          You almost exclusively post negatively, you’re a glass-half-empty type.

          “why would you want me to be critical of our opponents?” Perhaps because you’re a Spurs fan, or are you ?

          Let’s be frank you’re no supporter.

          Invariably, those that post on here want only good things for our club. There are a few, and you’re uppermost amongst them, who post as if they want to undermine what Levy, Redknapp et al are achieving. On almost every level the club has improved, but if your posts are to be believed, we’re going backwards.
          Redknapp has huge flaws, who hasn’t? his mouth is often on autopilot, you’d have to be deaf and stupid not to notice this. On record he’d be a shite President, Prime Minister and yes, England Manager. He does do wrong, he’s not the best thing since sliced bread and I’m not a screaming nut job. He deserves both criticism and praise where it’s merited.
          The major spinner and bullshitter here is you.

        • Essexian76 says:

          I only post negatives when they are deserved and because I think we can do better WHAT A CROCK OF CRAP!. You Old fruit, are consistant only by your negativity. You are truely taited and how on earth you profess to call yourself a Spurs supporter is beyond comprehension. Over the past weeks you’ve bitched about “Trout Chops”, (what hilarity by the way), and must seeth to distraction everytime “Trout Chops” proves you wrong.As a self-confessed bigot (in your own words), you argue, but as a bigot you’ll never change your tune or opionion, so that surely makes you a fool as well as a bigot.Please, please, please-don’t bother replying, it’s pointless-after all, a bigot never changes, it’s what being a bigot is all about!

      • Billy Legit says:

        When we win it’s all down to ‘Arry, good ol ‘Arry, ‘Arry can’t do no wrong, ‘Arry for England, ‘Arry for Prime Minister, ‘Arry for President etc, etc, blah, blah, b*llsh*t, b*ll*cks.

        When we lose, well god forbid anyone criticise our beloved Dear Leader for the defeat! Don’t you all realise that this man is the ‘chosen’ one!

        The corporate media love him because he’s always good for a quote (never shuts the f*ck up), and they want him to be the next England failure manager, so they’re just keeping their powder dry until he starts screwing up the ‘big one’.

        I’m not saying that he’s a bad manager, but the best thing since sliced bread?!… me a favour. The scariest aspect of all, are the Dear Leader’s disciples. Those who shout and scream like demented nutjobs at even the mearest hint of criticism towards dear ol ‘Arry; coz he just can’t do no wrong.

        • Essexian76 says:

          Tend to agree in the most part, however there are some who look (Almost with pleasure) at anything negative about the side whether it’s team selection or certain players as a stick to beat himm with, why?, well, I have no idea.
          Personally? cannot stomach the guy, but equally I’m prepared to acknowlege that he’s created one of the best sides we’ve had the pleasure to witness for an awfully long time. Are they a bad side to watch?, well, no, they’re not. Does he try to get the best of players?, well, yes he does and lastly, do I wish he’d shut the fuck up and be consistent in his press releases-yes I do, but then again I’m a Spurs supporter, not a Harry hater or lover, it’s whats best for the club that suits me best!

        • eastanglianspur says:

          This comment means you’re as two faced as they come.

        • eastanglianspur says:

          @Billy Legit The thing is, are you saying he’s a good manager, ‘cos the latest revelation that he doesn’t travel with the team in the coach tells me lot about how good a manager he really is?

        • Essexian76 says:

          How So, oh wise one? prey enlighten me with more of your words of wisodom, baited breath and all that!

        • Billy Legit says:

          By good manager i mean he’s a ‘steady eddy’. H-H hit the mark by stating a while back (although i may be paraphrasing a bit here) that Twichy is a good man to have when you’ve hit the skids. Crisis management seems to be his niche, and once he has got a team into relative safety that’s about your lot.

          He got us into 4th. Great, fantastic, wonderful. But a really good manager (and some will say i’m being harsh here) would have sustained that and made sure it was not a one-hit-wonder. He may do that this season; time will tell.

          My biggest gripes are his mouth, sycophantic media coverage (not exactly his fault but he still laps it up and does nothing to dispel it), and his ‘disciples’, which i’ve mentioned earlier. Personally, like you, i just don’t like the bloke. He is incredibly overrated, his track record of 30yrs in football management reads one trophy (and Pompey should have that wiped off their records for dodgy dealings), the stench of pikey-Dagenham-West-Ham-Mafia seems to ooze out of his every pore and last but not least, i think he’s using our club as a stepping stone towards his ultimate goal.

          A self-serving opportunist.

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