
VdV Will Be Back For The Wolves Game

Image for VdV Will Be Back For The Wolves Game

Good evening.

And good news from the East. Specifically Holland.

Rotterdam’s finest, Dick van Toorn a highly esteemed physio who Arjen Robben to name but the only other player I know he’s worked wonders on has fixed up Rafael way ahead of schedule.

“Rafael is dealt four days in a row. A total of six times together we went to work. Friday I tested it fully. Turn and turn went flawlessly, a full sprint was not a problem. The muscle showed a length of thirteen inches cloth.

That, Dr. Niek van Dijk, a pure craftsman, noted. But for me he is fit again, although the question is what does the medical staff of Tottenham. Again, I would just back him up Saturday. “

So he’ll be back walloping balls up the tunnel in no time. Triffic.

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  • wisky says:

    i NEW it – I knew that all this talk of VdV tearing his hamstring was utter bollocks!! We went down to ten man and he basically couldn’t do it (breathe that is) Great bloke but legs are gone….

  • wisky says:

    PS – Walking off the pitch like that deserves a round of applause…. A very slow one!!

  • Azza's Eyebrow says:

    No wonder he gets injured if his muscles are made of cloth. What the hell?

  • TMWNN says:

    What is the consensus on weasel bollocks then?

    By weasel bollocks, I mean rat face, or Ratboy.

    Shouldn’t there be some kind of public apology before he is allowed to don the shirt again, or is everyone fickle enough to pretend none of it ever happened?

    Boo, ignore or applaud?

    I’m in the ignoring camp, but would boo if there’s an obvious lack of effort.

    • toddspur says:

      Firstly you need to offer US an apology about your prediction (you were never gonna get away with that TW) :-p

      As for ratboy;

      I will make my mind up after watching him play against Wolves. Very interested to see his body language but doubt you can tell much from that as he’s a bit of a shrinking violet.

      If he plays with passion then personally I will move on; if not then the worst I will do is ignore him.

      Personally I think he will be exactly the same; in his eyes he’s still in the shop window

      • TMWNN says:

        You might be able to easily forgive rat face, but has rat face forgiven Levy? Can he be trusted?

        If not a full blown apology, then at least some kind of statement is needed. The whole sorry episode has left a nasty smell about the place.

  • wisky says:

    All heart no doubt!! But he’s shot!!

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