
Ultras At The Lane

Image for Ultras At The Lane

Gooda mornin’.

A special welcome to any Rover fans who might be dropping by in the next 24 hours. We trust you enjoy your stay and manage to resist the urge to hospitalize yourselves on our half price beer. 

Word from Arry Redschnapps is that this side will contain [and I quote] “seven or eight Internationals.” Well Arry if you can be bothered then what the heck, so can I. See you on Channel 5 my old son. 

So there is a distinct possibility of a football match breaking out this time around? We’ll have to wait and see. Super Roman Crazypavinchenko is likely to run out again and hopefully an Azza Blud/Krankie combo will dramatically improve his game.

He’s taken a few volleys of abuse of late. I’m convinced he’s a quality striker. That said I’m increasingly convinced he’s at the wrong club and perhaps in the wrong League. He’s not getting either the breaks or the time and if he scores 3 tonight it’ll be the old, …it was only against…

Dos Santos is another likely starter and given his sensational cameos in the Copa America, if he does naff all again his problem is straightforwardly Arry. A few booze hound tales and a snap of him collapsed in the Daily Mail and who wouldn’t believe he was a waster? But his performances  in the Summer were frequently breathtaking.


I’m Carlos Tevez and answering the iron was my idea.



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  • picasosdog says:

    saw a glimpse of the real GDS tonight hopefully sign that he’s starting to find his place in the squad

  • Sid Trotter says:

    Lovely and Gawd bless the wild rovers.

    Townsend … ooh ahh, … lovely
    Defoe …. good goal good assist
    John 2 Saints … I now believe the hype
    Carroll .. bless his cottons
    Rose … did all the plucking, good man
    Carrol … bless, past your bedtime but good job done
    Cudiccini – detention
    Pav … when you were awake you were … interesting
    Livermore … good job, filled a hole
    Bassong … badsong, badgong, hopefully Badgone soon

  • barking says:

    Not a lot of conclusions to draw from a game against part timers but if any did themselves favours then Townsend looks a possible late sub in EPL games and Carrol/Livermore are ticking along nicely. One other thing is that Walker+Lennon just don’t look right.

    • david says:

      Lennon wants a defender behind him like Corluka rather than a RB who keeps going past him like Glenn Johnson when they played for England.
      Townsend is raw but a real impact player.

      • barking says:

        Townsend’s lower league loans might give him the advantage over the other wingers in the crosses for Ade’s head stakes. He must have been told to get down the line and cross to over the penalty spot plenty of times. Whereas since Berba left Bale/Lennon have had no reason to practice that skill because none of our strikers could head for shit. Agree about Johnson.

    • picasosdog says:

      lennon just dont look right

  • david says:

    Bookies all have us as favourites to win on Sunday.
    Watched the goons last night. Good going forward but defence was shocking. Just need to put them under pressure and watch them crumble.

  • Astromesmo says:

    Looks like G2S & Pav finally realised that their phoney-baloney jobs were on the line if their goalless streak included a home defeat to Irish part-timers. When we stopped trying the step-overs and went for goal we actually looked like we meant it.

    Well done to Shamrock – Played like a 3rd round knockout cup tie and deserved their moment of glory. If there were a few more nights like this in this competition, maybe people would start watching it again.

    Knockout competition is the key – Proper competitive game as opposed to endless meandering around Europe to half-empty houses.

    • barking says:

      I am sure their fans will say different but for me all G2S & Pav tonight did was arrest the idea that they had actually stopped even trying to do well for the team. After PAOK/Stoke etc they will need to do a lot more than a decent performance against bricklayers and postmen to win me around.

      • Astromesmo says:

        I certainly don’t think board meetings were being called at Old Trafford and Abu-Dhabi-Towers to discuss their resurgent threat.

      • burstin says:

        I disagree with G2S… he played really well. He lost the ball a couple of times but he showed that he has a lot of class and put some excellent balls in. I thought he was one of our better players… I agree that Pav was shite, total waste of space, when balls were skimming past the six yard box time after time he was continuously still 10 yards out, not even making an effort to get a touch on the ball and nick it in the net.

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