
Arry Redschnapps vs Big Martin Jol: FIGHT!

Image for Arry Redschnapps vs Big Martin Jol: FIGHT!


Good morning.

There is rather interesting website that goes by the name of and Paul, the chap what owns and writes it is a Tottingham fan of some considerable standing. If you want to go missing for a while and enjoy yourself while your gone, give him a click.

I’m easily distracted and hadn’t looked at the site for some time but whilst taking a peek at Spurs Community I clocked a thread that had highlighted an interesting ‘milestone’ that had been originally highlighted on Paul’s site.

Big Martin Jol and our Arry have now been in charge for precisely the same quantity of Premier League games.

       ARRY REDSCHNAPPS                          BIG MARTIN JOL

Played:                         114                                                               114

Won:                                56                                                                 47

Drawn:                           29                                                                30

Lost:                                29                                                                 37

Goals For:                  175                                                              169

Against:                       133                                                              148

Goal Difference:    +42                                                              +21

Points Won:              197                                                              171

Average Points
Per Game:                   1.73 (66 per full season)                     1.5 (57 per)

Win %:                         49.12%                                                       41.23%

Now of course anyone can argue that all these numbers may be correct and in proper order but at the end of the day you’re not comparing like with like. The players were different, the fixtures were in a different order against teams fielding different players …yadda yadda ya.

But that doesn’t stop the figureseing of interest…

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  • Phil McAvity says:

    I’m sure if you compare ‘Arry’s stats to any manager in the last 30 years ‘Arry will come out on top in terms of win %.

    And yet he still doesn’t get the love from quite a few on here!!

    • Phil McAvity says:

      30 years and some if you look at the link from HH!!

      But I do still feel the love for BMJ also. He was a top top manager, triffic!!

      • essexian76 says:

        BMJ=Loved the guy, but hated the results
        HR =Love the results, but hate the guy.
        As it’s Tottenham Hotspur I support, I’d chose Harry of the two because of those stats and his achievement of getting us into the CL but anyway Jol’s the past now and we’ve both moved on since them, actually in Jol’s case, quite often.

        • Hartley says:

          Fair summary….but I thought Jol and Arry got the same results more or less, but watching Spurs under Jol was horrible….
          I’m not a big Jol fan and I can’t stand Arry…..but to be fair to BMJ, if it hadn’t been for that pesky lasagne he too would have got us into the Champions League…

      • essexian76 says:

        And I’m convinced if we had qualified, Carrick would’ve stayed in London with us, but it’s conjecture.

        • Hartley says:

          So is just about everything else on here apart from maybe that John Terry is a racist, pig dog…. ^^

        • essexian76 says:

          Well, yes that’s true, my only concern at the moment is the lack of feedback regarding Modric’s proposed new offer and our ‘links’ with other mid-fielders, but other than that I’m pretty content I guess.

  • AFelching says:

    Says what all? Our midfield was shite back then

  • Jerard says:

    Martin Jol was a hopeless tactician…

  • wisky says:

    All very well – but I notice no mention of the fact…..’play on play on play on’ So BMJ pips it !!

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    Will never forget BMJ and all he did for Spurs. I remember watching a press conference he did on Sky and he was asked to comment on some issue that Chelsea were involved with. He said roughly…. 2I am not here to comment on Chelsea and even though they are a big club, I am the Manager of Tottenham Hotspur…. this is Tottenham Hotspur we are talking about”. Typical of him and my other memory of BMJ is him confronting Auntie Whinger at the Emptycrates when Edgar Davids crossed for PSB to score when the team in red just stopped.
    Will not forget what he did for Spurs and will always regret how badly he was treated at the end . Will always wish him the best and will follow his progress wherever he goes. A Spurs legend even if he had quite a few tactical shortcomings. He was the start of turning us into serious contenders again and for that alone we should always be grateful.

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