
Arry Redschnapps vs Big Martin Jol: FIGHT!

Image for Arry Redschnapps vs Big Martin Jol: FIGHT!


Good morning.

There is rather interesting website that goes by the name of and Paul, the chap what owns and writes it is a Tottingham fan of some considerable standing. If you want to go missing for a while and enjoy yourself while your gone, give him a click.

I’m easily distracted and hadn’t looked at the site for some time but whilst taking a peek at Spurs Community I clocked a thread that had highlighted an interesting ‘milestone’ that had been originally highlighted on Paul’s site.

Big Martin Jol and our Arry have now been in charge for precisely the same quantity of Premier League games.

       ARRY REDSCHNAPPS                          BIG MARTIN JOL

Played:                         114                                                               114

Won:                                56                                                                 47

Drawn:                           29                                                                30

Lost:                                29                                                                 37

Goals For:                  175                                                              169

Against:                       133                                                              148

Goal Difference:    +42                                                              +21

Points Won:              197                                                              171

Average Points
Per Game:                   1.73 (66 per full season)                     1.5 (57 per)

Win %:                         49.12%                                                       41.23%

Now of course anyone can argue that all these numbers may be correct and in proper order but at the end of the day you’re not comparing like with like. The players were different, the fixtures were in a different order against teams fielding different players …yadda yadda ya.

But that doesn’t stop the figureseing of interest…

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  • rogerspurs says:

    Well said Fatfish – if it’s a results business Arry’s doin ok!. We ain’t gonna get another Arthur Rowe, Bill Nick or Keith Burkenshaw who could combine results with commitment to the club – but BMJ was the next best thing. A decent bloke who got shafted (in my opinion) by Commolli.Let’s hope the door is open when Arry goes off to sort his next 2 points from 8 games problem. Maybe if we have a strong settled squad at that point we will get ‘good bloke’ plus ‘results’ equals ‘trophies’.

    • Fatfish says:

      I wouldn’t want BMJ back at the club though.

      Sentiment doesn’t win you trophies. It might make you feel warm for a while, but so does pissing yourself.

      Ancelotti after ‘Arry for me please, with Nigel Adkins as his assistant.

  • DBs Knees says:

    You lot are so over-emotional here, eh?

    Apart from being a gobsh*te – I’m not sure what ‘Arry has done that is so wrong for our club? In this day and age where there is no loyalty and money rules – I think you have to be pragmatic.

    I would have Mourinho or Wenger in, in a heartbeat, as long as they did a job for us, and didn’t do anything to tarnish the reputation of our fine club (which I don’t believe ‘Arry has done).

    I loved Jol as much as the next man – but seriously, this ‘but he was more likable’ is so weak….

  • Marc says:

    There’s a fantastic dutch tv interview with BMJ from a few years back and before he came to us. Standing by the sea on Dutch soil he is asked where he would like to be in 5 years time. His reply ‘over there’ pointing out to sea ‘managing Tottenham’

  • Fatfish says:

    Gallas & Pienaar are back in training. Hopefully Billy G will make the bench this Sunday.

  • Hartley says:

    It’s not about win % for me it’s all about winning silverware…
    Harry has been in charge for 159 games league and cup and is yet to win a trophy with probably the best squad we have had in 30 years, in fact he has only won 1 major trophy in 30 years of management…
    Ramos has a 1 trophy in 54 games record at Spurs, George Graham 1 in 125 games, Burkinshaw 1 every 107 games and Sir Bill Nicholson an incredibly consistent 1 every 104 games….

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