
Highlights: The One Trick Pony Edition

Image for Highlights: The One Trick Pony Edition

Good afternoon.

Good being comparative of course to the unmitigated migraine that was not only this morning but indeed also the bulk of yesterday. Imagine being trapped in a confined space with Ainsley Harriot for an indeterminate length of time. That’s my joy trying to apply reason to why this blog won’t work like what it oughtta.

So a win against a bunch of Premier League bottom feeders. Just as well. I don’t know if I could have coped with another backlash quite so soon. The terrain of the online football junkie is littered with characters from a 1970’s sicom. “Everybody out!”

Well brothers and sisters the boy done good. And that is my thought for the day. All good evangelists have one I am told.

Van der Vaart is a one trick pony. You field him and he plays to win. He plays to score. The man is a delight. Sometimes the old legs are weaker than the heart, but by Jiggins his heart was forged to not just to fight but flourish in the face of his foe.

The tactical talents of Mr Redschnapps have been called into question and maybe it’s an over simplistic solution to this is for VdV and Modders to be played in their favoured positions and build all else around them.

I warmly recall lengthy chats with an old pal of mine, Dave [a security guard] and I [a man permanently on his way somewhere else] in the cultural experience that is the Stillorgan Shopping Centre .

Dave is one the best. A Manchester United fan, bless him, but one blessed with a phenominal footballing knowledge and more vitally a  understanding of football. Frequently we’d chew the fat over one game or another. The memory that makes me smile as I type is he and I almost taking it in turns to routinely deliver the punchline, ‘its a simple game – for example – you and I  understand it, perfectly.’

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  • Hartley says:

    VdV is my God….nuff said.. :angel:

  • Alspur says:

    What about some rating, Harold?

    On the upside, I thought Kaboul and Bassong did (surprisingly…) well and I thought Friedel gave the defence some good reassurance under the barrage…

    On the downside, I was slightly disappointed not to see more of Adeboy (against Wolves, he was everywhere and held the ball up & brought others into play, beautifully, for example…) and I was disappointed with the number of high balls we played from the back…

  • Delovely says:

    These are halcyon days for Spurs. We are actually going into our games believing that we can beat anyone. VdeV is a gem.

    Thanks to HR – just love him while we can. I worry about the next manager choice. Hey lets have another Ramos or better still lets have a European George Graham (read Ancelotti).

  • jim says:

    Its got to be said, that boy really knows how to finish a move. Definitely will start and probably get a run, don’t see how HR has any other choice. 2nd goal was spectacular, the 1st was a goalscoring masterclass.

    • david says:

      First goal had a touch of the Greaves about it.
      Getting some great results but performances have not been that convincing and the worry is that unless we can improve in that department, we are going to get beat sooner rather than later.
      Every point counts in our quest for a top 4 finish and good to see we are beating the teams at the bottom of the league, unlike last season.

      • jim says:

        Think some of that is due to Gallas, King, and Daws being injured. After all Bassong doesn’t seem to make the grade for most and Kab is a RB really. This begs the question. Do we need another CB?

        • david says:

          Samba looked decent against us on Sunday, perhaps we should go after him in January.
          Assuming Gallas and Ledley will always have age and fitness doubts, we are a bit short at CB, especailly when Bassong seems a bit shaky at times.

        • jim says:

          That’s the man for me, Samba. Will cost a bit though.

        • jim says:

          I’m no manager or coach, but i dont understand the cahill hype.

  • UnkleKev says:

    Redknapp out! Eriksson in!

    • ric says:

      thumbs down! Ancelotti!

    • Astromesmo says:

      At least the geniuses calling for Owen Coyle seem to have found an aeroplane to stare at or something.

      • Hartley says:

        And of course our Arry has never been in that position, how many times has he been relegated, pray tell?
        We have a fantastic squad, the best squad this club has had for decades we now need a manager who is can take them places. Yes we are winning games and yes I’m chuffed to bits that we are, but as many have pointed out, we are not playing very well.
        Good players together can win games, good players with a good manager will win them well……we have been taken apart by the two form teams in the league and will be again as long as Arry is here.
        Owen Coyle is a good manager whose teams play good football, give him (or a few others) this squad and you might just understand quite how inept our Arry is as a football manager….

        • jim says:

          Hartley me old china, although your points are valid and are indeed food for thought. We both know that its not strictly true that good managers and good players always win well. Chelsea for example. And before we go losing a manager who’s record at our club so far is faultless (finishing position wise), who can we reasonably replace him with? No doubt in a short while we will be faced with that question for real and i hope you are totally right mate. We get a new manager and spurs kick on and win Cups, Leagues and Trophies and i will praise your knowledge of managers. But i suspect that when he goes we’ll be wishing he was back. :daumen:

        • jim says:

          I’m really am struggling to think of one. Who you got in mind?

        • Astromesmo says:

          Owen, I’m sure, is a lovely chap. He’s honest and yes, sets his teams out to play some nice attacking football – Great when they’ve got the ball. Not so good when they don’t, when they make keystone cops look like the Sweeney. Sadly, I don’t think his next managerial move will be upwards to a bigger club.

          Redknapp on the other hand, after admittedly suffering relegation with I think Bournemouth & Southampton (Correct me if I’m wrong), has grasped his ‘big club’ opportunity with both hands. Has taken them to the Champions League, beaten both Milan’s & is consistently challenging the supremacy of the ‘big 4’. Redknapp’s next managerial move – Regardless of court case, will probably be an upward one or at least one on a par with Spurs.

          You and I can argue the toss for an eternity about what might be or what could be about this squad, but you can’t guarantee me that another manager will get better results with these players than Redknapp. You might think one will, you might suppose one will, you might even put money on that one will – But you can’t guarantee it…. And there’s the rub.

          History is strewn with dead certs, and the bookies still seem to make a fortune despite all the dead certs that run every day. Ancelotti it could be argued, should have done much better last season with the squad he had. Mancini should have done better the season before with his. The Galacticos, no matter how much everyone says Maureen walks on water don’t seem to be breaking the grip Barcelona have on European football and Wenger hasn’t taken his kids to world domination.

          Show me a football punter who says that they know that the grass will be greener on the other side and I’ll show you someone about to hand over the keys of the house to a bookie.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      Another manager who doesn’t appear to have had a plan b.

    • eastanglianspur says:

      UncleKev I like the humour, but I think I can better it: Sherwood promoted and in!! :lol:

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