
Luka Responds To The Daily Mail

Image for Luka Responds To The Daily Mail

Good morning. 

Late last night I received a phone call from from a withheld number. Here is a brief transcript as best as I can recall it. 

HH: Hello Manny’s World Of Erotica how can I help?

Voice: Mr Harry?

HH: Dad?

Voice: No Dad. It is me.

HH: Who me?

Voice: No. no you it is me.

HH: Who’s on first?

Voice: No like Abbott & Costello.

HH: Luka?

Voice: Mr Harry I need you help.

HH: If this is about that tee shirt money…

Voice: What tee shirts?

HH: Sorry, different Luka. How is your chicken badge allergy?

Voice: Better, but I still a speech pattern like Chico Marx.

HH: No good?

Voice: No bad.

HH: So what’s occuring?

Voice: No like Daily Mail.

HH: Nobody like Daily Mail. I mean nobody likes the likes the Daily Mail.

Voice: Daily Mail full of chicken poo.

HH: Guano.

Voice: I am go on. You interrupt.

HH: They don’t have a source?

Voice: No source. Daily Mail chicken poo. I like Tottingham training.

HH: So it’s not old fashioned?

Voice: In Croatia we have sheep head in bag for ball. Turnip for cones.

HH: Beckham trained at Spurs didn’t he?

Voice: I am married.

HH: Eh?

Voice: Not my type anyway.

HH: I was saying Beckham trained there so it must be decent…

Voice: No indecent. I always wear truss to stop raunchy time mistakes.

HH: So you are happy at Tottingham.

Voice: What you hear?

HH: Listen I have to go. 

Voice: I have to go too. Where are you? We go together.

HH: Goodbye and good luck.

*dial tone*

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  • ricewireless says:

    good side ? they were pants kick and kick did you see Pardew on the side line ? one of theirs kicked bale and he shouts “fucking class well done” we played awful i thought couldn’t keep the ball for toffee. Modric on the right is a complete waste I am seriously worried about buffonsong at the back shades of vega

  • Yachtsman says:

    Have to disagree with Ricewireless.

    Toon played well, kept the ball wide as and when they could with profit. They were resisted because most of the time our defence played decently, too. Problem is, we did not control the midfield. We shared it, and they did somewhat better with their share.

    Bale had a spotty game; he was closed down surprisingly often. I suggested this two years ago about Lennon, and it applies to Bale: perhaps he would have gained more had he driven/dribbled into the area sometimes rather than crossing. Penalty possibilities. He was also less conspicuous in coming back to help his left back – pay back for A&E’s comments during the week?

    On a different tack (heading away from the coast). There’s our state of the art facility moving (O so slowly) towards completion. Will it be staffed by similarly state of the art training and fitness personnel? Modders’ alleged complaints notwithstanding (is this another warning shot across our bows? blimey, give us a break!) there are are reasons for concern.

    As long as the coaching staff/players analyze where we could have done better and practice the remedies in mid-week. That’s all.

    • Colin SC says:

      I think there might be some truth in the training/fitness story, we have had problems getting guys healthy again. We have had too many injuries during training and this has negatively impacted the team.A player might be justified in complaining if they consider their short playing career will be lessened by facilities in a club, if we need to improve we need to start on the necessary changes asap.
      We did have a lot of shonky passes in yesterdays game, what was with that? Parker does spray them a bit but yesterday a most of the midfield seemed to be chasing the ball getting it then giving it back? Is this some new kind of game they know, but as a group have decided not explain the rules to us yet? Ah well one point wasn’t that bad as long as it doesnt become a habit.

  • Paxton Dave says:

    I cant stand that Daily F**king Mail Burn the Fascist Pile of Right wing Shite… And if Modric does’nt pull his F**king socks up Burn then too…. 2pts Lost today and our Captain Crooked again!!! Gutted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Billy Legit says:

    Pardew for England?…..

  • ScottParkerVsTheWorld says:

    An acquaintance of mine wiped his backside on a Daily Mail during an evening of wild japery. Two months later he died of colon cancer….. Allegedly.

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