
Luka Responds To The Daily Mail

Image for Luka Responds To The Daily Mail

Good morning. 

Late last night I received a phone call from from a withheld number. Here is a brief transcript as best as I can recall it. 

HH: Hello Manny’s World Of Erotica how can I help?

Voice: Mr Harry?

HH: Dad?

Voice: No Dad. It is me.

HH: Who me?

Voice: No. no you it is me.

HH: Who’s on first?

Voice: No like Abbott & Costello.

HH: Luka?

Voice: Mr Harry I need you help.

HH: If this is about that tee shirt money…

Voice: What tee shirts?

HH: Sorry, different Luka. How is your chicken badge allergy?

Voice: Better, but I still a speech pattern like Chico Marx.

HH: No good?

Voice: No bad.

HH: So what’s occuring?

Voice: No like Daily Mail.

HH: Nobody like Daily Mail. I mean nobody likes the likes the Daily Mail.

Voice: Daily Mail full of chicken poo.

HH: Guano.

Voice: I am go on. You interrupt.

HH: They don’t have a source?

Voice: No source. Daily Mail chicken poo. I like Tottingham training.

HH: So it’s not old fashioned?

Voice: In Croatia we have sheep head in bag for ball. Turnip for cones.

HH: Beckham trained at Spurs didn’t he?

Voice: I am married.

HH: Eh?

Voice: Not my type anyway.

HH: I was saying Beckham trained there so it must be decent…

Voice: No indecent. I always wear truss to stop raunchy time mistakes.

HH: So you are happy at Tottingham.

Voice: What you hear?

HH: Listen I have to go. 

Voice: I have to go too. Where are you? We go together.

HH: Goodbye and good luck.

*dial tone*

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  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Great to see so many Mail readers online. Which only serves to reflect their plummeting paper figures.

  • essexian76 says:

    Why don’t you do something useful yourself, like bombarding the Daily Mail and Sun with EMails about their spurious ‘insider, source’ attacks on the club. Just think it could be your very own contribution in trying to discredit and satirise some of these professional scumbags? Many, like me have, but unfortunately I’m now banned, you try! It obviously easy

    • essexian76 says:

      Sorry- that was aimed at Honest Spur

    • spurious supporter says:

      I’m surprised at you, spreading rumours about me. I’ve made no “insider, source’ attacks on the club”. Although I did once squirt ketchup from a burger in the Park Lane in 1976, does that count?
      I’m not a professional scumbag……………. just a very amateurish one.

  • shitehawk says:

    must try harder……

    a win today would make my week

  • Jerard says:

    Ok Harry, since there’s no pre match prattle, here’s my 11:


    Defoe and Lennon @ 65mins…

  • Mikespurs says:

    Can’t believe how people get so serious, WTF is going on, we are all here to do the same thing, that is to support spurs. So some websites have a laugh and joke about situations, so what!!! I thought it was a funny skit about something that could be true, and if it isn’t so what have a laugh relax and wait for kick off!! COYS!!!!!

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