
What A Pilchard

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Good morning.

Yesterday we had the breakfast, today the dog’s dinner. For those of you joining us late I am one of those born again moany types who went from enjoying Arry amiably providing the press with quotes …to one that has become increasingly jaundiced with his inability to break wind without calling talkSPORT and shooting – if not literally talking them through – the breeze.

Arry has responded to Rafa’s gripes via not only the same medium but via the same newspaper. 

“Yes, it does seem to be a problem. Rafa can’t run back and chase the full-back. Against the better teams it is a problem. Rafa’s best position is in the middle, playing just behind the front man.

The only problem is that Jermain Defoe plays there too and Jermain is playing very, very well at the moment.

So, I guess I have got a decision to make, haven’t I? I suppose it’s now between Rafa and Jermain over who plays in the team.”

Dear Mr Redschnapps, if you genuinely feel you have a decision of such mind numbing stupidity such as this to make, please make it your last. 

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  • Me Again says:

    A bit fishy. Newspapers blowing things up out of all proportions. Little more than a red herring imo.

  • Highgatespur says:

    I am really fed up with this – every international break EVERY reporter is looking for leads and Spurs ‘boss’ never failing to oblige and his charge following his lead…. no news here I suppose more on the NLD would be too boring…. only one thing left to say “Shut the fcuk up Redknapp at al !”

  • Benson says:

    Both as bad as each other but ffs just as ‘Arry started to ease my ire he does this. Getting ready for the inevitable public bust up during a match followed by Rafa publcally stating he wants out in January. :( ffs ‘Arry you really are a pillock

  • Tony says:

    So Jermain Defoe and VDV play the same position do they Harry?? hmm Interesting, I expect this is because you havent told Jermain to play off the last man like he should do to look for through balls and balls in behind! I find it alarming the amount of times I see him dropping off into the midfield looking for the ball and then losing it with his non existent pace.
    With the amount of creative players we have in midfield I find it crazy that the 1 or 2 up top dont do exactly that and stay up top, we create so many chances and the amount of times im seeing balls flash across goal with our strikers languishing a few meters behind play really does get to me, in summary Jermain and Rafa the same type of player?? Pull the other one!

    • Lawrie says:

      I agree!
      VdV palyed further up than normal against Wigan. Whenever we counter-attacked, he couldn’t keep up and get to the box, and we either had Ade on his own or nobody (as Ade often moved out to the right.

  • Spurfect says:

    Just more journos squeezing ‘quotes’ out of people and tryng to upset our happy apple cart – same with the Pav quotes. Funny they all come out when the players are out of the country and have o ‘translate’ it.

    Its obvious that Rafa isnt a right winger, and all he’s done is state the obvious… that hes not a right winger and its not his game.

    As it is obvious that either we play the 4 – 4 – 2 with a Modric and Parker/Sandro with Defoe up top

    or we play with Parker and Sandro in the middle with VDV in behind Adebayor.

    Its just stating the bloody obvious but trying to stir up a bees nest with ‘gained quotes’

    Load of old tosh, but Redknapp should be a bit more diplomatic about his comment knowing EXACTLY how the press will ‘relay’ players quotes.

    • Essexian76 says:

      Thanks for saving me typing the same, it’s called stating the bleedin’ obvious.

    • eastanglianspur says:

      “Load of old tosh, but Redknapp should be a bit more diplomatic about his comment knowing EXACTLY how the press will ‘relay’ players quotes.”

      Thanks for confirming he cannot handle the press either. What can he manage?

      • spurious supporter says:

        “I’m hoping to thrive from that and keep improving. Harry’s very good with people.

        ”He knows what he wants to set his side out to win football matches. It’s clear for everyone to see what a fantastic manager he is.

        “Confidence is massively important. When I feel that someone believes in me they’ll get the best out of me.”
        Scott Parker 6/10/11

        What does Parker know anyway, we’ve got the ‘benefit’ of your expert opinion ‘Angular’. :whistle:

        • Essexian76 says:

          It’s best to insert fingers in ears and say La-La-La, but what that’ll do is open to debate, but it feels so good- La-La-La Ah,Bliss! ‘Trout Chops’ Just love it, Wahahahahaha!

        • eastanglianspur says:

          A vote of confidence usually needs more than one vote, other than in the cuckoo land of Spurious Supporter and Numpty76. :lol:

        • spurious supporter says:

          “The gaffer and the chairman know exactly what they want the club to be doing and are taking us in the right direction.
          “We have added a few players and I think we are now a better team than last year.
          “Everyone is confident we can get in the top four and I am sure we will.
          “We know it’s not going to be easy. It’s going to be a long, hard season but we are prepared for it.”
          Gareth Bale 20/9/11

          “I’m very happy to play them, not because I think it’s going to be easy – because I don’t think it will be – but because I get to go back to London, to an English stadium and I get to see Harry and I can congratulate him for the great job he’s done,” he said, according to the Daily Mirror.
          “I left England in 2007/8 and Spurs were not in the UEFA Cup, they were not even finishing in the first six of the Premier League.
          “Martin Jol started the good work and Harry has continued it in amazing ways.
          Jose Mourinho 18/3/11

          “Harry is a very special man, that’s why I already feel at home at Spurs. It feels like I’m back on the street,”
          Rafael van der Vaart 17/11/10

          Hey, but what do they know about football, your opinion is based on years of professional experience isn’t it Angular?

          Cuckoo land? One of us is posting from an institution similar to that in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” and It certainly isn’t me. :whistle:

        • Essexian76 says:

          I think Matrons left her computer on again, naughty, naughty EAS, back to bed and get your medication, there’s a good boy!

        • eastanglianspur says:

          Yes it’s amazing what one or two people will say when they are on fifty grand a week! :whistle: Anyone for rocking boats? Not likely guv.

          Having said that it looks like VDV has changed his tune.

        • spurious supporter says:

          I’ve shown positive comment from three current players. I’m sure I could find loads more from players, peers and pundits who know the game inside out. You’d just ignore it or make some peurile remark. Let’s face it, you’ve managed to contradict yourself within two sentences, a record for you. You’ve nothing to say about Maureen’s opinion either.
          The truth is, you’ve nothing worthwhile to say at all. :gaehn:

        • eastanglianspur says:

          And I have explained why they have said what they said. Unlike you, I don’t pay a lot of attention to what people say, I watch what they do and how they perform.

          This means when we listen to Trout Chops tell us what a great season last season was and then look at the reality we find that it wasn’t quite as great as rent-a-gob would have us believe. This in turn was confirmed by Gallas. :winke:

      • spurious supporter says:

        The truth is, you’ve nothing worthwhile to say at all. :gaehn:

        • eastanglianspur says:

          We’re all entitled to an opinion and you won’t change mine and like I’ve said to Numpty76 you don’t have to reply so just go away and bore someone else with your delusional sycophantic comments.

        • spurious supporter says:

          The truth is, you’ve nothing worthwhile to say at all. :gaehn:

        • Essexian76 says:

          Please EAS, I know you’re a moron of the highest order but refrain from commenting on other opinions until you can offer one of your own. I’ve requested on several occasions you post something remotely resembling an insight as to why you are constantly bitching about the team and or it’s manager. You’re even too stupid to subtle, thus leaving your obbvious lack of intellect exposed for all to see. Personaly I think you’ve got massive piles and your HRT is not strong enough, but it’ll be interesting if not hilarious to discover the real source of your apparent discomfort?

        • eastanglianspur says:

          @spurious jerk The truth is you know nothing about the truth. :lol:

        • spurious supporter says:

          I rest my case.

        • eastanglianspur says:


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