
Jail Threat Confirmed

Image for Jail Threat Confirmed

Good evening legal eagles.

Andy Gray and Richard Keys could face contempt of court charges after having a pop at Arry Redschnapps on their awful  talkSPORT radio show

A spokesman for Attorney General Dominic Grieve confirmed he is considering action against Gray and Keys and Talksport radio station.

Of course yours truly was on the end of call from the Met last week after very interesting online documents were linked to from this blog. No two ways about it, the Redschnapps’ Corporation have mounted a massive damage limitation exercise here.

I should declare my interest. 

I hope Arry walks and continues his good works. But as far as Richard Keys and Andy Gray are concerned… my contempt is unchecked.

Forget the specifics of this situation. These two reprehensible hyenas were expelled from Sky Sports and managed like the cockroaches that they truly are to scurry into the hopefully short-lived safety of talkSPORT.

I could go on for page upon page as to how awful these two crumbs are. But all you need to know is that their’s is the only show that doesn’t take calls on a station called …talkSPORT.

Interesting when Keys was on his own the other day that he broke down and blurted, ‘I will of course respond to all Tweets and emails, but not abuse!’

Oh Dick…



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  • Rob says:

    Could somebody in the know explain something to me. I know if Harry is found guilty the England job won’t go his way, but would his position at Tottenham become untenable? I remember Pleat had to go for his kerb crawling.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      I don’t honestly know the answer. I honestly believe that regardless of the result of his case he will not even be interviewed. In case anybody wants to start a new row with me, it’s nothing to do with his abilities. I just don’t think his face will fit. Anyone recall the last time they had a cheeky chappie cockney? He appears to be the “peoples choice”, so if I am right, a conviction will suit the FA.

      Regarding Spurs, again I don’t know the answer, but Pleat was fired under Sugar. If DL wants, he can always use this as a reason to sack him, or come up with a reason not to sack him. The only certainty is that if he is sent down, they will not hold his job open for him.

      • onedavemackay says:

        I agree. I think that the current regime at the FA is ‘same old same old’ they are terrified of controversy and Arry fit’s in to the same bracket as Clough and Venables. I’d be quite surprised if they appointed him.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I can almost hear the press officer now: Regrettably, Mr Redknapp, who would have been our first choice had he been available….

      • Alspur says:

        Might also be worth noting that we won’t be a public company by then, so that strengthens DL’s hand if he wants to keep HR, I’d have thought…

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          Don’t see how that affects it. I think Lewis is a majority shareholder on his own. It could always go to an EGM. I can’t see that they would want to get rid of him currently, though obviously, a case can always be made to keep or fire somebody.

      • John White says:

        Pleat was employed by Irving Scholar in 1986, and fired by Scholar after the kerb crawling scandal in 1987, not Sugar, who took over in 1991.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I stand corrected.

        • royalspur says:

          a stitch up if ever i saw one, el tel was suddenly available and , wait pleat gets done within the week. here we are david have a few drinks , says mr. artificial sweetener, go on have another, and by the way i really fancy a prossie tonight,” i know where you can get one, but we musht be careful, i,ve got previosh” well you show me, me ol son, i,ll follow in mine, an hour later at an unknown kerb,” you,re nicked mr.pleat. car behind, aman chuckles to himself and says ” you,re fired “, then makes a phone call ” terry, i,ve got the perfect job for you”

  • Chrispurs says:

    Adrian Durham, is worse.

  • Chrispurs says:

    I can’t believe, that Arry went to all that trouble to hide the money. Going to Florida, then Cayman Islands, or where ever it was. Under false name etc…Someone might have done it for him. Lets be honest Arry thinks North of Watford is abroad.

  • AFelching says:

    Put them in the stocks

  • My fm tuner is 20 years old and I can’t find Talksport anywhere on the dial. Am I technologically incompetent or lucky?

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