
Jail Threat Confirmed

Image for Jail Threat Confirmed

Good evening legal eagles.

Andy Gray and Richard Keys could face contempt of court charges after having a pop at Arry Redschnapps on their awful  talkSPORT radio show

A spokesman for Attorney General Dominic Grieve confirmed he is considering action against Gray and Keys and Talksport radio station.

Of course yours truly was on the end of call from the Met last week after very interesting online documents were linked to from this blog. No two ways about it, the Redschnapps’ Corporation have mounted a massive damage limitation exercise here.

I should declare my interest. 

I hope Arry walks and continues his good works. But as far as Richard Keys and Andy Gray are concerned… my contempt is unchecked.

Forget the specifics of this situation. These two reprehensible hyenas were expelled from Sky Sports and managed like the cockroaches that they truly are to scurry into the hopefully short-lived safety of talkSPORT.

I could go on for page upon page as to how awful these two crumbs are. But all you need to know is that their’s is the only show that doesn’t take calls on a station called …talkSPORT.

Interesting when Keys was on his own the other day that he broke down and blurted, ‘I will of course respond to all Tweets and emails, but not abuse!’

Oh Dick…



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  • Jameson says:

    Anyone actually know what was said? Keys and Gray do other stuff apart from plugging Wickes on TalkSport then?

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      The problem is that if you report what was said before the Attorney General disposes of the case, you might also be in contempt.

      • Jameson says:

        Yea thought that might be the case, but surely posting the court articles could be considered contempt also?? Bloody legal stuff.

  • dixta says:

    i called talksport a few years ago when Adrian Durham churned out some cack about spurs swapping ledley with Sol who was at the end of his time with the goons. it was such a blatent piece of garbage designed to get calls in. i told him as much and he tried desparately to convince me (and listeners) that he’d heard this “genuinely, from a Tottenham source”. i also recall alan brazil saynig the day after the sheik takover of City that “this deal is NOT done an dusted, believe me”. yeh, spot on Al.

  • jim says:

    Dick and Drew are a couple of monotonous idiots. They speak about my beloved game like their views are the letter of the law. I don’t hate them, i don’t like them, they are just there. Like Des O’connor.

  • royalspur says:

    the most entertaining guy on that show was mike-porky- parry, very funny played the blithering idiot, a bit too well at times, and i believe he left out of principle,when the sad duo were hired, good man, hawksbee and jacobs are worth a listen to, mainly cos the formers a yid, COYS

  • Essexrocks says:

    Talk sport and the sun go hand in hand, full of lies and both feature a pair of big tits.

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