
Operation Hernia

Image for Operation Hernia

Good morning Ladykillers.

It’s all very well owning lots of stuff on DVD but the umitigated joy of switching the telly on to discover the opening credits of an all time favourite rolling is a gift. Last night I would have merrily agreed to never switch on – that thing we have all our furniture pointed at – ever again.

Enthusiasts for our approach to this tournament must be mentally exhausted from rehearsing the positives to be drawn from the game. There weren’t any. And if anyone trots out the old ‘good to see the yoofsters get a run out line’ they need to have their head examined. From the luxury of their living rooms hundreds of thousands of Tottingham fans will have gone to bed grateful they weren’t paying up to £40 to sit on a cold hard plastic seat watch it.

Did we learn anything? Tough question. Have we had enough of Pav or is it he’s had enough of us? Bassong is a waste of rations and Livermore may need to see a pharmacist this morning as he’s bound to have a rash come up after resting on his laurels for 90 minutes.

Roll on Fulham then.

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  • Anthony In That Number says:

    Gallas was composed, reliable, calm, classy and in control. Sadly Bassong was, as usual the complete opposite. The January sales for him.
    Carroll will be a very good player, he is very good on the ball, can see a pass and can actually deliver one. He needs time and games but he has great potential.
    Cudicini was outstanding thank goodness but apart from him, Gallas and Carroll nobody else exactly covered themselves in glory.
    Pav must be sold. For his sake and ours he needs shifting out in January for whatever price we can get. As a replacement Leandro Damaio please

  • chivermetimbers says:


  • Ledge says:

    Last nights game was everything i expected and less.
    Really wouldn’t bother me to drop out of this competion.
    If i didn’t think we had a chance of making the champions league, I’d want us to have a good go in this.. But we do.. So i don’t. So there.

  • bringontheclowns says:

    Even back in Russia Pav looks like a statue. Please please please can someone buy him and put us out of our misery. Even occupying a seat in the dug out is beyond his capabilties.

    As for Bassong, boing in January and he’s gone. I can’t wait.

    Result as expected. Next.

  • melcyid says:

    will we have to draft in our seniors to save face at not qulifying for the the knock out stage,and if we do qualify we will draft them in for the knockouts as I dont like seeing us lose when we have the capacity to win.

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