
Operation Hernia

Image for Operation Hernia

Good morning Ladykillers.

It’s all very well owning lots of stuff on DVD but the umitigated joy of switching the telly on to discover the opening credits of an all time favourite rolling is a gift. Last night I would have merrily agreed to never switch on – that thing we have all our furniture pointed at – ever again.

Enthusiasts for our approach to this tournament must be mentally exhausted from rehearsing the positives to be drawn from the game. There weren’t any. And if anyone trots out the old ‘good to see the yoofsters get a run out line’ they need to have their head examined. From the luxury of their living rooms hundreds of thousands of Tottingham fans will have gone to bed grateful they weren’t paying up to £40 to sit on a cold hard plastic seat watch it.

Did we learn anything? Tough question. Have we had enough of Pav or is it he’s had enough of us? Bassong is a waste of rations and Livermore may need to see a pharmacist this morning as he’s bound to have a rash come up after resting on his laurels for 90 minutes.

Roll on Fulham then.

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  • devonshirespur says:

    The right plan is to get through this group stage without burdening the stars in our fairly compact squad.

    IMO we are doing it in exactly the right way….anyone promoting a 4000 mile round trip for the likes of Parker, Sandro, Bale, Modric et al before our weekend derby must be soft in the head.

    Yes ideally having 4 or 5 youngsters in the team is not great, even worse when half are playing out of position but needs must. I am sure that if Dawson, Kranjcar, Rose & Huddlestone were fit then we could have afforded more experience on the trip.

    The fact that this group stage is a dull as ditch water is a product of the tournament format not THFC. We can afford to play a weak team and still get through.

    By the time it ends we will have had 8 games in the EL and need another 8 games to reach the final.

    If our top 4 tilt ran out of steam come March then many would be criticisng Harry for not rotating enough. Harry was urged by fans to give youth a chance and when he does he’s criticised…damned if he does damned if he doesn’t…no wonder his heaart cannot take it!

  • Hamish says:

    Not sure what you’re trying to say, Yidfield General, run it by me again…?

  • TMWNN says:

    Can someone take dumb and dumber to one side and tell them that they’re wearing the same shirt because they’re on the same side?

    Two strikers, 0 shots on goal in 90 minutes!

    They disgust me.

    • kojac says:

      they should set a better example to everbody else,it was clear they were never going to pass unless it was more than a no brainer,disappointing really for such well paid tottenham players

  • Yidfield General says:

    I do like the boy Carroll. He looks to have the right stuff. Was good to see Carlo perform well between the sticks too as good backup keepers are a necessity. Pav/pi$$/poor. Bassong/buffoon. That is all.

  • Yidfield General says:

    I do like the boy Carroll. He looks to have the right stuff. Was good to see Carlo perform well between the sticks too as good backup keepers are a necessity. Pav/pizz/poor. Bassong/buffoon. That is all.

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