
Canary Flavoured Player Ratings

Image for Canary Flavoured Player Ratings

Good morning.

All a bit hairy to start off with. If your definition of hairy of course meant you couldn’t believe we’d managed to go in at half time without being at least two goals to the good. 

If Manchester United had gone up there and won one-nil you wouldn’t have heard a peep out of their lot. Just sensed that satisfied air about them that they had gone in, done a job and got out again. Winning, the breakfast of Champions.

Can I add that I am dead chuffed. Genuinely dead chuffed with the performance. The era of the shirker appears to thankfully to have come to an end. No bellies still creaking from too much festive fare among our lot.  No half a mind on getting back into the warm to play with their diamond encrusted video game controllers.

So thanks for that lads. And well done.

 7.845 If I had to sum him up in one word, that word would be reassuring. Like a draw full of freshly laundered underwear, or a cupboard full of lovely food. Or a gun under your pillow. He’s reassuring on so many different levels. 

 6.045 Not the world’s most reliable defender and simultaneously one of the world’s shoddiest attacking forces. Needs some serious coaching in order to harness what is obviously a bundle of talent.

 7.432 Looked very much like one of them top notch centre back types out of  one of them big swanky Premiership sides that comes down from that London. 

 7.432 Another genuine positive. He and Younes gave a good impression of the the old, your name’s not down, you’re not coming in sketch to Morrison and that pig dog Holt.

 7.432 Some cheerful holiday racism from the local yokels didn’t deter a generally excellent shift. His aerial passing is far too hit and miss and he needs to improve or remove this from his game.

 8.001 His attitude is extraordinary. Let’s hope that we can keep him in a Spurs shirt for many many years to come. Not the same shirt of course, that would actually deteriorate into a human rights issue.

 7.765 His appointment as captain sends ripples of satisfaction through the Tottinghamsphere. He talks to his team mates and appears to be rather useful when it comes to asking referees what’s occurring in their tiny minds.

 8.439 The egg that binds. Try baking without eggs. Go on. Off you go. We’ll wait. We’ve got as long as you need… See? it doesn’t work. Without him we wouldn’t even be half baked. And that is science.

 8.455 Passing wise, he can place an emu strapped to a grandfather clock through the eye of a needle, yet unless his corners are taken short they seem routinely not to find a team mate.

 8.797 His early shots made me swear, but not as joyfully as those that went in. He was pretty much unplayable. Roddy McDowall would have been proud of his celebratory ‘simian reel’.

 7.992 It is a wonderful sight to see him in the shirt. He smiles, he thinks, he grafts and more often than not he delivers. The wit and variety he offers make him well worth a monster fee. Let’s pray we get him long term.

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  • cockeralyid says:

    These players collectively may not be the very best in the world but like Barca they gel beautifully as a unit and one ego does not outway another. This is why we are seeing the fruits of our labours. Everyone is pulling in the same direction. Bale/Modric/ et al are modest but singlemindedly fighting for the cause. I believe they are all seeing the bigger picture and maybe just maybe 2012 will be our year so long as the world doesn’t end! That would be just our luck!

  • Cptcaveman says:

    Yeah just echoing whats been said really. Played a great passing game yesterday and love how the formation looked. I was very worried when Lennon got injured as we looked like we did at the begining of the season, just alittle out of joint…but sure enough, one average performance (against Sunderland), and Harry tweaked it, and now I think he’s cracked it. Giving Bale & VDV freeroles just made everything tick along smoothly. VDV wasn’t isolated on the wing and there’s just no stopping a confident Bale! COYS

    • mille147 says:

      Agreed….with Sandro and Parker in front of the back four allowing the attackers freedom to penetrate is great to watch. Bale was all over the feild and VDV and modric picked him out time and time again. Sandro needs to be one of the first on the team sheet each game…

      • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

        Don’t agree. Sandro cramps PNB’s style and thus he is much less influential than before Sandro was in the side. Nevertheless if it was a choice of one I’d pick Sandro.

    • Jubaspur says:

      Lennon’s injury a blessing in disguise? No right-sided midfielder forces some creativity. This was as good as I’ve seen Bale – definitely related to the 4-3-3 look and not being stuck on the left.

      From my admittedly amateurish point of view (six year football fan), it seems the best teams have players in “freeroles” destroying defenses and impacting the match from all over the pitch… Messi, Ronaldo, Silva, Mata… freeing Bale in that way, could be what takes us to that level – regularly dismantling the opposition…

  • kojac says:


    that’s the thing about football,its a funny old game,sandro,parker and ratboy can do the job well enough to beat anybody and we will need lennon and bale outwide for some jobs and remember super pav got the three points against sunderland :shocked2:

    bale could get us the english title if we are lucky enough,he is that good,levy get the bosses cheque book out for christmas sake

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Complained after the Sunderland game we didnt have a plan B.

    Nice of Harry to unveil plan B in the next game.

    I think if he can work the 3 – 5 – 2 into the plans as in Stoke away second half then we should be able to deal with anything the opposition throws at us.

    It was only Norwich, but geeez we totally dominated that game.

    I don’t think I’ve seen such a fluid passing team since the Pleat ’87 team. But this team has added steel. Sandro and Parker amazing.

    Also noticed Parker talking to BAE after he got forearmed smashed by Holt. Sure he was telling to not get involved in afters. Parker a real mature leader.

    Can’t wait for the next game.

    • onedavemackay says:

      Re Parker talking to BAE good point. Whatever he said he was taking responsibility, he is a real leader and I think the way forward is with him and Sandro in front of the back four.

      That set up makes us very compact at the back but still allows the full backs and all the offensive players free reign to attack at will. Arry has either shown us his master plan or more likely stumbled on our best formation through Azza Blud’s absence

      • Bruxie says:

        Harsh on ‘Arry, ODM!

        Lennon is a home team player and plays well at WHL. That’s not to say he’s rubbish away – he has his moments. He needs the feelgood factor and plays his best at home. We didn’t miss him last night.

        The team last evening was our “triple purpose” team. If needed. we could defend. If we needed to counter or play all-out attack, we could have.

        When teams “click” the manager should take the plaudits, too.

        • onedavemackay says:

          You should know I’m a big fan of Arry but as I said to the blogmeister earlier today Arry does have a reputation as a bit of a ‘lucky’ manager and it may be luck or it may be nous or a combination of the two. I don’t care as long as he keeps getting right.

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I have to agree with ODM, that frequently, there is an element of luck to HR’s game. He was on the verge of loaning Bale out when BAE was injured. He played Bale as a FB, and it was only because of his attacking runs, they he played Bale as a LW.

          Of course, I don’t really care how he does it as long as he does it, so I am not complaining about his “luck”.

        • Hartley says:

          Arry Was quite willing to get shut of the Unlucky Bale……say no more, but I will…..he bought 3MP, 3 times….

  • jim says:

    Now my Christmas duties are finally fulfilled (visiting family) I am back to the serious issue of my/our Spurs.What a joy it was yesterday to sit there simmering with scotch and bloated with mince pies watching that gang of talent play one of the most complete games of football I’ve had the pleasure to watch. Yes, there are areas that still can be improved, but for sheer entertainment, that was definitely a Christmas Special. This could turn seriously into a merry one. A very merry one indeed.

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