
Curiouser And Curiouser

Image for Curiouser And Curiouser

Good evening.

Curious ain’t the half of it. Only Professor Stephen Hawking and Margaret Thatcher pairinbg up on Strictly Come Dancing could have possibly dropped more points than the Premiership ‘big boys’ did today.

Fulham haven’t been playing convincing at all this season yet this lot are suddenly overachieving  footballing warriors who can waltz into Second Hand Fridge and nick a point before tea time.

Manchester City up until this morning were a handing out jolly good hidings  like Mario Balotelli was handing out twenty pound notes. Yet West Brom, possibly one of the dullest football teams ever devised by man – managed to successfully muffle them.

Liverpool have admittedly been carrying Andy Carroll about like a damp sack of cement in human form all season. But Blackburn are so godawful even they have fewer points/reasons to continue trading than Bolton Wanderers. Yet they too audaciously swooped into Afield and grab a point.

Meanwhile, the mighty Tottingham are still third and still with that increasingly valuable game  in hand. Wow.  And our next three fixtures in apple pie order are Norwich(A), Swansea (A) and West Brom (H).  

To try and construct some comparative analysis between our next games and other team’s next three would be not just tricky but actually insane. However what we do know is that football form is self propelling beast. Just ask Owen Coyle.

If we can add another 9 points to ‘the haul’ so far – which we really ought to – then the momentum should keep us securely in the top four for a good while yet.

Happy Christmas so far, anyway.

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  • Frontwheel 2 says:

    I can’t see anything to worry about,5 wins in a row and a few cricket scores on the way.Keep on dissing the Thatch please HH

  • Yachtsman says:

    Perhaps the time has come for the unpredictable label to be removed from our club, i.e. for us to drop the “9 points are doable but we are Spurs” refrain and its variants (which is the way I used to think) for something more like “we expect to win the next three games but what sort of opponents/challenges will we have to cope with.”

    The last two years we were on the cusp. This year we are well and truly past it and into the top level. We have shown that we can deal effectively with the leading clubs, and also with “difficult” clubs (Stoke being the exception which proves the rule). Manure took a while moving through this stage, as did Cheatski and the Arse. Citeh is at about the same point as we are, only their resources are such that their continued presence seems a no brainer. With the improvement in our facilities we are not that far behind.

    My argument is that our results indicate that the squad now has the experience, which creates the confidence, which results in the steel and determination that one associates with top, top clubs. Two more years like this one, with the training facility in full operation, the stadium on the way to completion, and the squad incrementally strengthened, Spurs will be in permanent orbit around the CL, etc.


    • MysteriousStranger says:

      “This year… We have shown that we can deal effectively with the leading clubs…”

      That aren’t from Manchester.

      I wish I shared your optimism, but long may our stay in the Top 4 continue til the end of the season.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:


      Looking back on last season, where IMHO, we should have finished 2nd, we were let down by the tactics of 4-5-0. This year, we have been able to eliminate the 0. That IMHO, is the difference between this and last year.

  • LarnacaSpur says:

    I fear these dodgy away games vs lower opposition more than I do the Man-Shitty and goons away.. We seem to ‘not be at the races’ for long periods against lesser opposition(refs don’t help either). 4 points from the 2 away games coming up then maximum at home for the next 3 and we’re flying all the way to the CL.
    Is it just me or is everyone else just expecting the wheels to fall off at any time?

    • jerkinmahjurgen says:

      The wheels CAN fall off at any time. Every game is a close call, a wafer-thin of difference between winning or losing, that sees us perched nervously on seats, seemingly unable to call or predict an outcome. Great stuff. It’s how football should be.

  • Cusop says:

    I was at the Sunderlamd game without Lennon and Bale, when Lennon went off, we were a tad crappy, but once the ping ping of one time passes started flying around it all seemed so easy. Chavs experienced about 10 minutes of it before Mr Webb stepped in with his usual controversial fuck up. Norwich are a tough side to play and can get the first goal, but they find it difficult to hang on for the full 90 minutes.

    So don’t fear fellow YIDs we will overcome them or face the prospect of sharing 35 points with the Pikey goons.. Nope it ain’t going to happen

  • royalspur says:

    at the start pf the season i looked to see when we were playing the newly promoted away and was pleased to see our 1st was well into the season, as they do really put it in at the start(blackpool), so i am confident, i think we need sandro and parker away at these unglamorous places

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