
EXCLUSIVE: Photo Of An Item Discovered In Stoke’s Dressing Room This Evening By A Cleaner

Image for EXCLUSIVE: Photo Of An Item Discovered In Stoke’s Dressing Room This Evening By A Cleaner

Good evening.

This just in from one Edith Scrunge, a part time domestic who does a number of public toilets in Stoke City centre and occasionally agency work which tonight happens to include the city’s flagship branch, the Britannia stadium.

Exclusively Edith told HH this evening, ‘ I don’t normally like to interfere, but my Ray – our eldest – said if I was to tell you about what I found, I could possibly get £30,000 tax free cash off you.’

What started off as an innocent item of lost property has now spiraled into being  a key exhibit in what football fans are calling, ‘a full on investigation into a proper diabolical liberty.’

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  • Finn says:

    The Potties?

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Was Foy taking the piss ?

  • Oliver says:

    It’s so annoying when officials blatantly cheat.

  • Jol 5:5 says:

    We got a few soft / top 4 decisions recently. We should have started today’s game in battle mode. Kaboul’s first card came when he said “that was handball – you missed that one ref”. The second one presumably was for “put the jersey on ref”. At the end somebody should have swapped shirts and put a striped one on Foy’s shoulders.

    • Good2BYid says:

      Your first two points depict the stone-cold truth:

      We’ve had a couple go in our favour recently
      We got battled off the pitch in the first half

      The ref had a bad game, sure, but we weren’t good enough in the end.


        Don’t mistake work rate for good play because i live down the North west and trust me its not normal. I told my fellow Cockerels what would happen and we would win 4-2. The only thing i got wrong was the score but Foy the St Helens Everton fan sorted that out and at 9/4 he got the n right price One little foot note fast starts are and high tempo cant be trained its in the toilet bowl in the piss not flushed. (intheno)

  • Billy Legit says:

    We lost.

    It ain’t nice.

    The ref was incompetent……

    …….as was our first half performance.

    It’s happened, we can’t do anything to change the result so lets just try to forget about it, tuck it away, never to be spoken of again and focus on whats coming up.

    *Oh, and if you’re a Stoke fan reading this blog just one question- you pay good money, during a recession, to watch that tripe and actually enjoy it do you?*

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