
FAO Overseas Supporters

Image for FAO Overseas Supporters

Good afternoon.

This is a public service announcement. Sort of.

Are you interested in a becoming a foreign correspondent for Hotspur’s Half Hour?

Do wot Aitch? Yes, the aural fine dining experience that is soon to be this blog’s online radio show is gently simmering in the HH kitchenette. Hotspur’s Half Hour will be presented by One Dave Mackay and myself with the support of many others with who possess not only genuine talent but patience that would shame a coach party of Saints. 

So here’s the dealio.

One great element of this gig is hearing from our friends across the oceans. Most people do not live within a tram ride of The Lane. Most people do not travel home and away. However …most people recognize that overseas fans are just as passionate, committed and interesting to talk to as anyone else.

In fact, I’m probably keener to hear about how you felt about the game watching it in some a bar in Poland with some random Man Utd fan you share a few glasses of anti freeze with on such occasions.

We’re not looking for anything particularly professional or lengthy here (that’s what she said) by the way. Just a minute or two on the blower now and again to give the 3 men and a dog that will be listening a flavour. Hell, if we had you on every week you’d lose your exotic mystique!

So if you fancy having a chat and finding out a bit more about becoming an broadcasting megastar, in the first instance bung us an email on the old

That is all.


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  • Alspur says:

    Harold – after 15 years on the Shelf, I’m now following the Mighty Spurs from the deliciously carniverous & utterly football-mad Uruguay…

    It might be slap-bang between Brazil & Argentina, but the footie here is frenetic & tough as old boots… it’s like watching the Championship with fireworks (and I mean that, literally: a LOT of fireworks… the pitch occasionally looms into view through the smoke…)

    …I’d be delighted to provide my occasional thoughts on Spurs with a bit of Latin, pre-World Cup spice thrown in, if that would fit the bill…

    But, more importantly: there’s the small matter of Stoke (a), tomorrow – which, rather conveniently, is being shown live on TV, here… HAPPY DAYS! Let’s nab the three points & maintain the best run of form we’ve had during my lifetime (I think)…


  • stu spur dooper says:

    Been living in melbourne for over 3 years now. The europa cup is perhaps most cruel to yids in oz as it means practically all our games play on sundays – ie 3am monday morning, not a good look coming in puffy eyed at the start of each week.
    We also have a club her named ozspurs, there are pubs in major cities dedicated to putting the spurs game on every week and you know you can find a fellow spur to have a pint with when your own scummy liverpool mates cant be arsed

    • TMWNN says:

      Is ‘The Keeper’s Arms’ still there?

      • stu spur dooper says:

        I think it is mate, iv not been to it mind you. The charles dickens is the best place to see the spurs games although my best experience was watching the arsenal v spurs match at the emirates last season in thr celtic club – unaware that it was the arsenal supporters pub until walking in at kick off. Happy happy days

    • Razspur says:

      Remember in 1995 being taken to a converted garage in Dandenong, think it was near the Prince`s Highway. It was the Spurs SC, great bar, pool table and Memorobilia all around the walls. Just 13,000 miles from home and i was in Fosters heaven, Lost 24 hours and almost 1 wife, as Arnie would say……….I`ll be back.

  • Hartley says:

    I’m a Nigerian business man and also relative to the Nigerian Royal Family if you let me be a correspondent Mr Harry I will send you £2 million Nigerian 5 bob bits to your bank account. All I require in return is your account number, sort code, pin number, mothers maiden name, date of birth and password…I am very much looking forward to your reply…. :shifty:

  • Ginola14 says:

    When will the show air Harold and where can we find it?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Might be out for a Christmas Special, but every time I say this to ODM he laughs so hard his seventh wife has to take him to hospital.

      • Ginola14 says:

        Very good, but surely Dave reports to you as the gaffer no?

        Will it be in the form of a podcast that we can download or a link on here?

  • osvaldo villa says:

    Arry, I am now exiled in the Wonderful country of Australia. I have been a TOTTENHAM fanatic since 1960. Before the last 12 years of my exile I have seen many of the great SPURS games everywhere, I touched Martin Chivers boot after a throw in against Wolves when he scored the most incredible goal that left the Wolves goal keeper stranded.
    I now go on holiday to the south pacific, which is close and I am NOT RICH here I meet an ex-pat who eat sleeps and drinks SPURS.
    His claim to fame is that he white washed Ricardo Villa in a game of darts, apparently he was a pal of John Lacey at the time.
    COYS> and a Happy Xmas from OZ>

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