
If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Twitch It

Image for If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Twitch It

Good morning.

Our tight lipped, ashen faced supremo Arry Redschnapps has decided to confound his critics and implement a managerial masterstroke. 

“Aaron’s been in good form lately. I think he’s better on the left than on the right, in all honesty. When he comes on the left, like he did at Fulham and against Bolton, he can score.

He likes to duck inside on his right foot, or he can take it past you.

“I think he gets more opportunities to score goals when he plays on the left. On the other side he tends to go one way. 

When he gets on the left side, he squares people up and he can come inside around the box and he’s got that shot on all the time. I think he’s happier on the left.

Now I’ve seen this work on a couple of occasions. I admit that. But I’ve seen it not work more frequently.

Yes, Arry has done brilliantly, but he’s got this wrong. This is the same guy who thought the boy Bale was in his best position as a left back.  Mixing it up mid game is a good idea but swapping Bale and Azza over on a permanent basis is surely going to generate play as ‘predictable’ as it is right now. 

This is all about facilitating Azza who appears to routinely lack inventiveness and of course a decent final ball. Harsh? Well we spend every season watching essentially the same spiel. Gets the ball, hares off like a lunatic, crosses into row G. That’s if he’s not recovering from some injury at a pace that would put an octogenarian to shame.

No, what’s needed to greater variety in Azza Blud’s play opposed to accommodating his weaknesses. 

Lennon – on his day – is an exceptional player but to my mind he is at most exciting when he breaks from the clock work mouse drill of pelting up the wing. I’m not suggest he knock that stunt on the head, rather he add more moves to his rather limited repertoire. 

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  • Alpha T says:

    Well I think you are nuts to suggest our play right now is anything near predictable!? We are firing all cylinders right now! who do you predict to assist & score in our next game? & what’s the score margin?… I will wait

  • Alpha T says:

    wanna see some classic morons try to banter and jostle with supposed comments from Mr Avergrumble and twitch?

    • essexian76 says:

      I used to earn fortunes betting on Chris Eubank, because many couldn’t differentiate between the boxer,the man and his ability. Much the same applies to Harry. As a bloke,I’m not impressed,would I buy a used car off him?-well, I sooner buy one from Venables! but am I lovin’ it right now?-you bet ya! and credit where it’s due I say.

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    The key to what we are doing at the moment is creating more fluidity and flexibility in the side/squad. I liken the way we are playing now to the great Brazil and Dutch sides. Football is actually quite a simple game when played well. It is all about movement and making the right decisions/passes and doing that under pressure. Liverpool achieved it in the late 1970`s and early 1980`s. I remember watching us get thrashed 7 nil at Anfield in 1978 (Dalglish in his pomp) and we were lucky to get nil. It means that you absolutely need quick passing and movement but also the ability to be comfortable turning up just about anywhere on the pitch… ie… total football. The phrase is often used but rarely actually seen. Our current squad has many strengths not least that so many of them are all still in their early to mid 20`s and will still improve (ie Bale, Lennon, Walker, Modders, Kaboom, AnE, Sandro ). It is indeed a very good time to be a Spur !!!

  • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

    Being flexible like this makes sense. Lennon has looked a bit stymied playing orthadox right wing. Popping up all over the place is better, especially with Walker’s attacking ability on the right. Lennon could also play off Adebayor in certain instances as he has an eye for a goal from central positions. Just need to make sure we do not cramp Bale’s style though.

  • Dan Mac says:

    This is the last time I will read this blog (I understand it’s of no real concern to you) but the way you have decided you’re right and Redknapp (10 wins and 1 draw from 11 games) is wrong has annoyed me. you’ve written it as if it’s not up for discussion… Playing him outright on the left and Bale on the right is not the way to go and not the way radknapp is playing them anyway… they are popping up on both sides, the way Utd used play with Ronaldo Rooney and Tevez free to be wherever they wanted in the final third, iot’s what great teams do, they do not play a rigid formation… the fact that you don’t even consider this leaves me to wonder why your ultra basic views on football tactics qualify you to write a blog… there has been very few worthwhile articles on here anyway but occasionally something funny so i’ve stuck with yo9u….b ut this is poor, really poor!

    • Doc Halliday says:

      As you`re not reading this blog any more you won`t get this message, what a pity as your view is as relevant as anyone`s.
      I would say that i hope you`re not driving this afternoon as Road Rage incidents can seriously damage one`s health. Keep taking the pills with a double dose first thing, lay off the chocolate bars during daylight hours.

      • Cptcaveman says:

        Dan, come on mate…why do you think so many people read and comment on this blog…its a must for me at work EVERYDAY!! Harry has his opinion and then the debate begins! I dont always agree either but I love the man, I love the myth and I love this site!

        I for one, will be returning tomorrow.

        oh and COYS :-)

    • essexian76 says:

      You obviously hold different views to those posted, but the real beauty of this blog in particular is expressing them and perhaps changing the mindset of others in the process. It’s called debate, and shying away won’t educate you into changing your mind, nor will it sway others who hold a similar perspective. Healthy minds as I see it,not closed ones!

    • Doc Halliday says:

      Dan Mac`s gone, missing him already.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Dan Mac all I can humbly, everso ‘umbly say is that if I really thought that my ultra basic views on football tactics weren’t up for debate…

      …I would’ve surely disabled the comments box. You chose to snap a reply that somehow your thoughts and those of others were somehow of less value than my own.

      You gotta be new.

      I even have a particularly ruthless pal of mine who after a few beers loves to throw my ,’what happens beneath my piffle is the important stuff’ line at me.

      But it was you that chose to don the role of the schmuck. And I have have no control over third parties.

      I am punter Dan. Never pretended to be otherwise. They take the screw caps off my bottles too.

      • John Pertwee says:

        Dan Mac, Come Back

        Dan Dan the opinionated man,
        Said his piece, Then he ran,
        Never more to Air his views,
        Or enlighten us with his good news,

        He dissappeared into Cyberspace,
        Gone forever from this place,
        We miss you Dan, you angry man,
        But we`ll get by as best we can.

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