
Triffic News: Rafa Back For Norwich!

Image for Triffic News: Rafa Back For Norwich!

Guten Abend.

From the horses mouth then.  


“…will be training again and if that goes well I will be back next game!”

By the by, the venerable OneDaveMackay & I were doing a few test runs on the old Hotspur’s Half Hour last night and this issue actually arose. 

ODM felt that vdV might be out for a while yet. I felt he picked up ‘strings and strains’ like ODM picked up bagels and he would be back far sooner. But where we both agreed was would it not be better for Rafa to take some proper time off and get this ‘recurring niggle’ fixed?

So apologies for the brevity and if you garnered this info for yourselves, but I really thought it was more than worth sharing …vielleicht der Junge ist gut!

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  • Razspur says:

    Parker should be taking most of the Free Kicks, centrally at least, Bale and Walker the corners.
    VDV should be in position for anything loose or spilled in the box or the deflections.
    Bale/Walker for most wide free kicks also, but we can mix it up at times.

  • essexian76 says:

    Happy Christmas one an all, have a great holiday-get ratfaced and eat like pigs, but think of those less fortunate-actually, fuck ’em they chose Arsenal and deserve everything they get!

  • melcyid says:

    God Bless the GOOD SHIP TOTTINGHAM and all who sail in her.
    Merry Christmas to all,have enjoyed all the contributions, especially those unfortunate to wander on here from other teams for a good verbal kicking. Im sick of ants,but also thanks to HH for sticking his neck out and daring to be different. I spose its the S :winke: :wub: purs dna.

  • Billy Legit says:

    Happy Hannukah one and all!

  • Spursforme says:



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