
BAE Using A Taser Gun & The David Moyes’ Myth Debunked. I Said Debunked.

Image for BAE Using A Taser Gun & The David Moyes’ Myth Debunked. I Said Debunked.

Welcome to the teatime shift.

Threads from forums rarely have enough substance to spark entire blogs. I know this blog deteriorated beautifully and may I add effortlessly into an online gentlemen’s club for wise guys/shysters/bums/stiffs  many moons ago, but  you know what I mean.

Whilst I find most stats and such quite near coma inducing this yiddodiddodo chap from Spurs Community has not only appeared to have done his homework on Everton’s manager but perhaps also righted what somewhat of a wrong.

As football pulses through us and washes by our every waking moment it is easy sometimes for even the most watchful among us to lose sight of reality.

Praise upon David Moyes isn’t lavished, it’s actually deployed in far more sinister manner as it has somehow inexplicably become a ‘given’ .

Oh Moyesy. He’s your man. Nothing but bread and dripping and his magnificence have kept Everton where they are, you know…

This guff is on a par with the veil of mystery and wonder that has managed to enshroud Martin O’Neil. You can see where I’m a heading here… Here are the ‘spends’ figures as I have them.

Friedel – Free
Walker – 4.5
Dawson – 4
Kaboul 6.5
BAE – 3.5
Lennon -1
Livermore – Free
Modric – 16.5
Bale – 7
Ade – Loan

Total £51 M

Howard – 3
Neville 3.5+
Heitinga – 6.2
Distan – 5
Baines – 6
Donavan – Loan
Bilyaletdinov – 8.9
Cahill – 1.5
Fellani – 15
Anichebe – Free
Saha – 5

Total £54.1 M

Here’s Benny widda gun:

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  • Razspur says:

    January is one of the particularly difficult months to predict PL football results. The others are Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov and December.

  • Bruce Castle says:

    Bloody worldy wonder goal from Benny last night. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke, could it?

  • Bruce Castle says:

    Harry’s favourite word last year: Triffic
    This year: diffykoolt. It won’t be easy. Its gonna be diffykoolt (twich).

    • kojac says:

      harry has a chance to go toe to toe with fergie and mancini,he must be over the moon,let the mind games begin,come on old hazza you can do it,put your back into it

  • Northern Spur says:

    I have to say I’ve been really disappointed with this latest blog. We’re doing pretty (extremely) well in the league but it’s no reason to become arrogant and boorish prematurely; traits we’ve detested in the red mancs and some other clubs closer to our N17 home. Pride comes before a fall and just look at our February fixtures and the humble pie we may be forced to eat. Enjoy the great football and our position in the table but wait until the job’s done before getting too far up our own arses. COYS!!

    • Razspur says:

      Seems like most of us are enjoying the moment and showing optimism, you on the other hand are the party pooper and eternal pessimist. If you are not in the mood why come to the party ? I`ve waited 51 years to be in a position like this and i`m damned sure i will enjoy the ride, every second of it ! COYS.

      • Northern Spur says:

        If you think the general tone has been no more then expressing optimism, then sadly you’re deluded. I’m all for enjoying the moment and that is why I’d much rather we concentrate on celebrating our performances and cut out the distateful rubbing of our rivals’ noses in it. You can do one without the other, you know! I have followed spurs for 44 years and am as depserate as anyone for us to achieve premielr league glory, but I’d much rather we didn’t tarnish the good name of our supporters whilst going about it.

        • Razspur says:

          It`s called Banter and this Blog is a prime example of Football Banter. You should note we do not plumb the depths most Blogs resort to. Better to debate differences on a Blog that take it to the Grounds. Catch yourself on make !

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I think it was an interesting stat that HH pointed out. The problem is that in typical scouse style, the bindippers have invaded this blog with (you’ve guessed it) false alibis.

          Seriously though, this would probably have been one of the more mundane HH blogs, were it not for the Evertonians determined to throw themselves onto our swords.

        • Razspur says:

          Quite right Spurred, this is as tame as it gets but you know the old saying “you can`t please all of the people all of the time”. COYS.

    • melcyid says:

      can we become arrogant and boorish when we win the title then?

    • kojac says:

      i agree with you,but we haven’t been that bad tonight have we,i can’t seem to find the ugly stuff,
      watching the russians,the arse and the poo battling for 1 place is enough for me,but you are right,i hope the lads can hold it together,we have some big games coming hard as it is to imagine from where we are,its going to get messy if we don’t make the CL

    • Discospurs says:

      I have to say I agree – elsewhere the relationship between Spurs fans and Evertonians is good, this seemed a bit unnecessary. And while most of the comebacks have missed the point, as the smarter ones have recognised, the argument that starting lineup price = reflection on resources doesn’t hold water. It doesn’t really debunk any myth at all.

      I don’t really like hubris sneaking in before we’ve won anything. We might still go into freefall. And in any case, I’m enjoying being every neutral’s title favourite. There’s banter…and then there’s being obnoxious…

  • EFC says:

    Just what exactly is your article trying to say then?

    That Moyes does not deserve the praise he gets because last night, Everton’s starting eleven cost more than yours?

    What a load of crap! You can not compare it over a one-off game, the fact is that since he took over, his net spend has been next to nothing compared to yours and others at the top end of the league but we have consistently finished around the European places similar to yourselves up until last couple of seasons.

    • melcyid says:

      its grim oop north

    • essexian76 says:

      Have ever considered how we’ve got the resources to spend and EFC haven’t? after all you’ve got the history, crowds and a pretty limited rivalry compared to us, and don’t give me the London’s 6m population, as only 1-5% actually come from or near to Tottenham, most are from the burbs.

    • seattlespursguy says:

      Why can’t we “compare it over a one-off game”? Who’s rule is that?

      Look, Moyes does a good job but the media story is “he’s never had a dime to work with, yet look at the results.” This article points out the price of the two teams. You want to quibble over the quoted prices, OK, but the values are arguably similar.

      But that isn’t as good of a story, is it?

      • essexian76 says:

        @ Seattle. We’ve never been given the credit or should I say Levy hasn’t because he simply doesn’t like the press and they love to see him as the oily little shit, whose dark dealings are the devils work. The fact remains he’s told the London Evening Standard to piss off and actually banned them from the Lane, and the Standard and Daily Mail were in the same group one upon a time. I hate the press-passionately and without reservation, because they’ve never ONCE said or lauded Levy’s stance on Modric or his resolve in making Tottenham Hotspur one of the finest clubs in England. Regardless of his motives, his tenacity is getting us up there with the best of them, but now they’re all having to eat huge slices of humble pie with dollops of cream, but use Harry as the reason, when it’s clearly evident that Levy is the driving force behind it all

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          I well remember that one commentator said it would be bad for football if Modric was not allowed to go to Cheatski.

          I never understood that comment. Of course, I am just an ignorant mug, but I always thought what was bad for football was to get the same teams winning everything, year in, year out (a la jockland), but what do I know?

          I suspect that there are teams out there looking at us and pour limited resources saying: “Look at Spurs. If they can do it, so can we”. How can that be bad for football?

        • essexian76 says:

          Are we related? my old fella used to get around around a bit, or so I’m told?

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