
Everton Indoors: The Pre Match Prattle

Image for Everton Indoors: The Pre Match Prattle

Good afternoon.

Dropping like flies they are. The look for this evening’s affair is ‘Bare Bones’, a waifish theme that is positively sweeping the dressing rooms of Bootle and N17 alike.

Phil Jagielka, Leon Osman, Jack Rodwell, Tony Hibbert, Tim Cahill  and Ross Barkley have between them; two bad knees, a pair of knackered groins, a faulty hamstring and foot that doesn’t work. They don’t need a physio they need Mary Shelley.

Pathe News Boy is maybe 50/50. Jermaine Jenas and Dances With Scones are currently appearing at the Alhambra in Bradford  in Aladdin; alongside Kim Wilde and Nigel Havers.

So the game in hand will be gone. Everton have beaten Blackburn, Bolton, West Brom and Fulham, ‘on the road’. They have failed to beat Arsenal, Chelsea, Newcastle and Manchester City. So this is a good opportunity the mighty Tottingham to demonstrate which of these two lists they belong on.

Predictions? Bale’s due a goal as First Goalscorer he is 6/1.  Modric as Anytime Scorer is at 3/1 which might just see you right if you had a spare coin or three. Prices courtesy of Boylesports

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  • Billy Legit says:

    WE :heart: BENNY AND BENNY :heart: US!!!

  • melcyid says:

    great goal from disco benny,nice celebration too.It was only a matter of time before he scored hes been teeing them up for a few weeks now. he is a huge contributor for assists as well.
    Nice to see the mancs have to look at us shoulder to to shoulder now.time for a forest gump spurt ahead.

  • AFelching says:

    I thought I’d share this with you

    [Update 26] The Goat on Benny
    Who: The Goat
    When: 11th January
    Where: SC

    The Goat has heard thus: Benny has a buy out clause in his contract which Arsenal have met. He’d rather stay but is willing to go unless he gets a pay rise. Accusations of greed would be wide of the mark however as his wages put him in the lower bracket of earners at the club.

    • Billy Legit says:

      Benny knows wot side his breads buttered on. He ain’t going nowhere, guv!

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      With the greatest of respect, even if we were to call him “greedy”, that is no surprise in this day and age.

      He’s a player who has grown on me over the the years. I could never figure out why Bale was not the regular LB, and now I’m glad he isn’t.

    • kojac says:

      well he deserves a payrise,i would have thought but i hope that is still a crock of old shite,we need to keep this lot together for aslong as possible

  • kojac says:

    7 more wins needed for the CL

    • munso says:

      I like your optimism kojak, but 7 wins = 21 points, added to our 45 gives us 66.
      Blackburn who are bottom are on 14 points with 18 games to go, with a possible total of 54 points to be won, giving them a total of 68!

      I just ran through the remaining fixtures, working out what games we should be getting 3 points from or at least a draw, and quite pessimisticaly, we should get 34 more points, giving us a total of 79? This would have got us CL football for the last 5 seasons.

      Hopefully there will be some great milestones coming up later in the season, guaranteed champions league, can’t finish below the goons, etc

      • kojac says:

        i know it doesn’t sound enough but 21 wins did the job last time,so i’m going with it and of course we can add whatever draws we get on top of that,plus we should get to 7 wins way before the end of the season

        but mainly the chavs,the arse and the poo won’t all win and get past us and will crack as we turn on the pressure even more

        79 will be top 3 no problem if you ask me

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