
The 10 O’Clocker: Enquiries Made For Jack Rodwell Arry In Scouselandia Tonight

Image for The 10 O’Clocker: Enquiries Made For Jack Rodwell Arry In Scouselandia Tonight

Hello ladies.

The sheer delight of sitting third in the table and watching the Bar Codes doing such good things against Manchester United (on a school night) really is something to savor. Triific, even.

So Archibald believes that Rodwell’s well and truly on the radar. Enquiries made. A buy with a view to a loan deal. Arry’s up there of course. His relationship with Moyes is a decent one from what one can gather. I was at Bolton vs Manchester City earlier in the season and the Toffees supremo was sat close to Arry and Joe.

Has this one got legs? Eeesch. I’m unconvinced by Rodwell. Nothing personal to the chap but while people are hurling about Lollypop Land figures like £20M about then I need someone to show me where the value is.

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  • Ginger Pele says:

    I shall be keepin me powder dry until we negotiate a very tricky February when we play
    Citeh (away end of Jan)
    The bin dippers (away)
    The Bar codes (Home)
    Le Arse (away)
    Manure (home on 3rd March)
    Once we get through that little lot and are still in 2nd or 3rd I will start to believe
    Sorry to ruin the party but I can seee us dropping points through that lot!!!!!!!

  • ChrisD says:

    My Merseyside ITK tells me Harry was down there talking to Ken Dodd. He knows a bit about getting your collar felt for tax.

  • Yachtsman says:

    The BBC and others are reacting to Manure’s defeat as though it were a blip; they suggest that Manure has strayed temporarily off the path. Fact is, the pendulum is swinging and Manure are on the way down and out of the top four slot, sort of solidly, i.e. for a number of years until the pendulum swings back.

    Which is the way nature works. And history. What counts is that we prove ourselves capable of taking Manure’s place, so that our grandchildren can say…

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      That game shone a light on the character of ‘the champions’ Rooney spat three times in about 5 yards vacating the pitch and the children in the guise of reinforcements haven’t stood up to much scrutiny.

      Blackburn was ‘arguably’ a blip. Wounded beasts and all that. But Toon in the descendant? No, Sluralix has got a problem and I don’t mean City.

      Fascinating watching the faces on the MUFC bench. They aren’t used to it. I thought Christmas was last week. Where’s my ho ho ho at?

    • Phonehackeforpulis says:

      You would be wise to keep silence Utd have friends in high places like Gill the F.A. Last season City won the cup and finished third . Then Tony Pulis done something i have not heard in 50 years of watching football he complained his team where drug tested before and after the F.A. Cup. During the game Stoke where in fourth gear City sixth and they lost. What was he suggesting City had some help by them not being tested or his team where in fourth gear because they got tested twice. The bottom line is this firstly both teams get tested randomly and one player gets target tested five times a year if he is a top player. I found this staggering for two reasons why City never got tested when they had a player banned for failing a drugs test And secondly what was Pulis trying too suggest. ( ex City Chairman Bernstien Fa Boss) friends in high places just like Utd so expect Utd to push City all the tempo way till the end.

      • Spuratacus says:

        Theres only one Davspurs Gravatar

        • Frontwheel 2 says:

          “We seek him here,we seek him there
          Scarlet DAVpimpernel is everywhere”

        • DAVSbrief says:

          You would be wise not too look for Davspurs even i cant find him he is up in court for flogging Ephedrine. The police said they have chased him for 90 mins plus injury time and they cant catch him Vrooooooommmmmm

  • Billy Legit says:

    I :heart: Alan Pardew…….if only for one night :kissing: .

    Oh, and only two teams have remained unbeaten over the xmas/new year period, one is Sunderland and the other………anyone hazard at taking a guess?

  • Sabine Cox says:

    How do i get those little hearts and smiley faces ?

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