
The 10 O’Clocker: Wolves Schmolves

Image for The 10 O’Clocker: Wolves Schmolves

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Again. It’s the same song playing again on the bedside alarm clock radio. They say we’re young and we don’t know we won’t find out until we grow, well I don’t know if all that’s true…

Groundhog Day in N17 as yet again as we awake with the same trepidations about botching it against a less than brilliant side.  And then that pang of fear subsides a little because …we don’t do botch jobs anymore. 

Wolves have only won away once this season in 10 games and that was against Blackburn. They’ve scored 8 times and conceded 19 times. In these 10 games they’ve just one clean sheet. This could be fun.

Prediction? I’m taking 7/1 on a 3 – 0 job from Boylesports

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  • Gilbo says:

    I’ve got 31p on Tottenham/Wolves halftime/fulltime.

    at 90-1 that should just about cover my commisierationary dinner on the way home…

  • i am as a spurs fan incapable of overconfidence and never think we will definitely win against any opposition. Damn eternal pessimism.

  • Razspur says:

    “Football is not really about winning, or goals, or saves or supporters-it`s about Glory. It`s about doing things in style, doing them with a flourish; it`s about going out to beat the other lot, not waiting for them to die of boredom; it`s about dreaming of the Glory that the Double brought.”
    A quote from the best player ever to wear the shirt. Robert Dennis (Danny) Blanchflower.

    • TMWNN says:

      The Bill Nick/Blanchflower quotes, however wonderful or poignant, have become a bit worn and trite.

      It’s time to make new history, and new quotes.

      ‘Well ya know, we was obviously better then them teams, yeah definitely.’

      • Razspur says:

        We do not make history, it`s history that makes us.
        How little you actually know TMWNN.

        • TMWNN says:

          Then who made history before it made us, know all? :devil:

        • Razspur says:

          We simply are part of an occurring event, through time recorded events become history. Our clubs traditions and values are steeped in history, look around The Lane. Quotes are used to spur others to greater achievements. In time i hope we shall have achieved this season and therefore written a new chapter in the clubs history which can be enjoyed in 50 years time.

        • Spurstacus says:

          I know that Tetly make teabags, and teabags make tea.

      • Razspur says:

        “Well ya know, we was obviously better than them teams, yeah definitely.” Now who will be quoteing that in 50 years time.

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          Who put wop in the bop du wop du…

        • TMWNN says:

          No one will be quoting that, that was my point. Most footballers think erudite is a glue their dad used.

        • melcyid says:

          probably some of DARREN BENTS love childs :shifty:

        • Razspur says:

          So long as their Manager as in Harry`s case show erudite he can interpolate and pass his wisdom on to the players. That`s called Learning through past events (history).

        • Razspur says:

          Sorry i did actually put Harry and wisdom in the same sentence, what was i thinking ?

        • TMWNN says:

          You ought to stop getting hung up on the word ‘history’.

          We need to win another title soon so we can stop living in the shadow (but never forgetting) the spirit of 61.

          There’s been far too much talk about ‘glory’ and not enough actual glory for far too long.

          Time to create more glorious HISTORY for the under 50s of now to look back on in the future. :dizzy2:

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          Yes: With the greatest of respect, Harry would never be guilty of Gravitas.

          Other that “Two points from eight games”, it’s difficult to think of any quotes that will be attributed to him in the year 2060

        • melcyid says:

          “triffic” “its diffy coolt realy” “for sure””top top player” “just go out and run around a bit”

        • SpurredoninDublin says:

          As it happens “just go out and run around a bit”, could qualify, if only to prove my point about lack of gravitas.

  • Razspur says:

    I shall be Spurred on relentlessly today in pursuit of the girl with the Cockerel Tattoo.

  • Dessyspur says:

    :pirat: Where’s Davspurs and his word of wisdom when you need them.
    Jake another big game for you to control again, goals from centreforwards will help

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