
The 10’Clocker: £7m Bid In, Our Striking Player & Some Lies

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Guten Ahbend.

Where to start? Ooh …wpd659 says that there is a £7M bid in for Pav. Mmmn. Without being tetchy, this news is undermined by that fact that it might pass muster for news at least two seasons old. Pav hatred is bubbling gently. I’ll give you that, but this is one occasion where Levy & Co’s hesitancy in the transfer market – so I believe, anyways – may genuinely benefit us. 

Sure Roman’s goal against Cheltenham was what it was, but I can point you to plenty of examples of why he’s a class act …but I don’t do preaching, let lone to the unconvertible.

The whole Samba Hoilett scenario has sparked a number of ‘bids in!’ merchants. Even Ray Houghton was mumbling about this on talkSport such is its complete and utter staleness. I suspect that an enquiry was made about Samba but the about Hoilett is made up cobblers.

Elsewhere assorted chancers believe the fact that Demba Ba is on a run of form gives them license to invent rumours that he is in some way, a ‘Tottenham target’. Why would Newcastle sell their one man rejuvenation to anyone? The simple sarky reply is of course, ‘Well they bleedin’ well did with Carroll’.

But that is undoubtedly the short sighted answer of the season. Carroll had a buyer for £35M in cold hard cash lined up. Ba’s buyout clause is rumoured to be as low as £10m. So yes, Mike Ashley would sell his grandmother. But not cheap. Not cheap he wouldn’t.

Charlie? Word is he’s given up. ‘Still running about a bit’, but his head is not just turned, it’s gone. This isn’t front page news of course because a) he was never that brilliant anyway and b) his profile is significantly lower than say your average Berbatov or Modric. He has plans to play for Croatia and that’s a cause not aided by failing to even land so much as a perch on our bench. 

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  • edspur says:

    When asked if Charlie was going to Wet Sham Harry gave a quite unequivocal “No chance” and I agree. Should Walker get a knock does anyone REALLY want BAE over there at right back again? I think not! And don’t tell me Livermore can do that role against anyone but the likes of Cheltenham. Kaboul could but he’s holding the middle of the defence together this season. Anyway, Charlie is injured and has not gone on strike as you suggest. Its not in his make-up.

  • Will says:

    The above has to be one of the best rambles that I have seen on a website in years.The two jims reminds me of Andy Goram & his schizophrenic twin.

    Even if Billy Legit(the noxious moronic leftie) is here in disguse he has done well for once.
    Congrats to you all although your taste in facial care products turns my stomach somewhat(yes…I had to look it up) Well Done!!

    Giovsnni is playing for his new wage as is Pav.
    Samba is a human tank and scares the hell out of people like Defoe & me.

    • Billy Legit says:

      I’ve been promoted to ‘noxious moronic leftie’!!! :freu

      Will, you shouldn’t have. I can barely contain my joy! :shifty:

      Don’t your knuckles hurt?

  • melcyid says:

    lets give the toffees a good lickin

  • Finn says:

    Ledders back legs just underlines for me the need for a new CB, however I do not think it is Samba we need.

    I’d love to be proved wrong but we have Kaboul and Daws who are “challenging-type” CBs, we barely have Bassong to play the other role in a CB pairing. No doubt having Samba will mean we field two competent CBs for the rest of the season but it does not address the longer term problem which will loom larger as we approach next season with both Ledders and Gallas moving into the too old zone as well as already being in the too frail zone.

    Samba is a bull, but is no Gallas or King and we also have to face the fact that the injuries to Sandro and PNB will expose the CBs to a greater extent at least for the near future.

    Samba would be an interim solution at best who may end up replacing Bassong. But we still need to replace King and Gallas and we need someone capable of playing in a top 4 team, who can handle the quality of forward that our competitors put out against us.

    We need to look further and find a “thinking defender” to compliment our “attacking defenders”…… on the other hand a a top top physio might be money better spent!

    • Gilzeanwasgod says:

      I think you will find we have one already – the boy Caulker is just getting his final polish down in Swansea before coming back to us next season ready to do a Walker.

      • southcoastyid says:

        thank everybodys god that somebody else remembers caulker, now with regard to the back-up for walker we have naughton being readied at norwich, keep the boy rose as a&e back-up and before you know it we have spent no overpriced january my humble opinion we need cover for adey, and not the pissed russian.

  • Will says:

    Good point but who and for how much? Collins? Tomkins? the Ajax guy? I haven’t seen any of them so I have no idea

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