
You Couldn’t Make It Up!

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Good morning and eyes down for a full house.

I quite like the phrase, you couldn’t make it up. But this morning’s Sunday Mirror headline is more proof were it ever needed that in actual fact, you can. According to the Mirror’s Paul Smith discreet enquiries made by the Etihad mob about the boy Bale were greeted with a blunt price tag of £150M.

Let me just say, even running this two bob operation I get people telling me ‘stuff’ on a regular basis. Sometimes it pans out, sometimes it does not. That’s show business. But I do try and at least give each piece of information some degree of analysis. £150m? The Mirror need to make it a sackable offence in 2012 to upload articles from public houses.

Today is incredibly exciting. Of course we play every cad at least twice a season, but never before in living memory has the outcome stood to influence our fight for the title. There, I said it. 

What will we get this afternoon? Invisible cards in hues of red and yellow from Bobby Manc? If he pulls this stunt today I sincerely hope he’s told to naff off to the stands for his trouble. It’s not jealously, Bob, you’re just behaving like a tart.

Our lot know what’s required. Or at least I hope to God they do. A terrifying article in the Telegraph where the Welsh wizard reiterates his cunning plan to not play on the wing more and more. 

Oh yes. And if TK Maxx sold people, they’d sell Shaun Custis. 


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  • Spurstacus says:

    Now we need these next mugs to draw. So close. Gut wrenching. Cheated again.

  • JimboTHFC says:

    Football people say “decisions equal out over a season”.

    Well i’m looking forward to some shocking decisions coming our way for the remainder of the season.

    Man City should ban Ballotelli themselves, that challenge on Parker is shocking. Parker is one of the most honest footballers around, he didn’t even react to the stamp.

    That Sky reporter should have asked Ballotelli about his challenge, instead of the penalty.

    • Frontwheel 2 says:

      Hear here

    • lecoqhardi says:

      “Decisions equal out over a season” is one of the most nauseating things you can hear in football (second only to anything Whinger says).
      As I have ranted before, life is unfair, so why should the trivial world of football be any different? If decisions did even out over a season it would be the only aspect of life that is fair.

    • Simonpwise says:

      Yeah. The sky reporter bottled it “mario, all our studio pundits think you tried to stamping Scot Parker and the video reply supports that view. What’s your reaction?”

    • emspurs says:

      Parker maybe didn’t react as a result of the stud shaped dents in his skull and resulting concussion. That or his head’s made of titanium so he didn’t really mind.

  • david says:

    Why did we only get going when 2-0 down ?
    Their first goal came after Silva ran away from Bale and passed to Nasri. How does Silva accelerate away from Bale ?
    Why did Bale have to beat Lescott before squaring to Defoe ? The pass was on all the time and would have left Defoe with just their keeper to beat.
    Balotelli should not have been on the pitch. The build up to their penalty was just a hoof into our defence but we were all over the place and failed to cope.
    Got to feel for Ledley, it was a penalty and the only mistake he made, coming in the 94th minute.
    Should have got at least a point and possibly all 3.

  • Snap says:

    If only Defoe’s leg was 3″ longer, a different story.

    Citeh should have ended with 9 men. Howard Webb has never done us any favours, he’s a gooner, we should refuse to have him as ref.

    But we’re looking good

    • JimboTHFC says:

      Both legs 3″ longer. Otherwise he would be running around in circles.

      Thought his finish for his goal was superb, made it look much easier than it was.

  • Frontwheel 2 says:

    When that rat Nasri scored and celebrated exactly the same way as when he did at Emptycrates,it went through my head that we would win 3-2.And it so nearly happened,alas if only Bale brilliant cross was 3 inches further back.

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