
You Couldn’t Make It Up!

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Good morning and eyes down for a full house.

I quite like the phrase, you couldn’t make it up. But this morning’s Sunday Mirror headline is more proof were it ever needed that in actual fact, you can. According to the Mirror’s Paul Smith discreet enquiries made by the Etihad mob about the boy Bale were greeted with a blunt price tag of £150M.

Let me just say, even running this two bob operation I get people telling me ‘stuff’ on a regular basis. Sometimes it pans out, sometimes it does not. That’s show business. But I do try and at least give each piece of information some degree of analysis. £150m? The Mirror need to make it a sackable offence in 2012 to upload articles from public houses.

Today is incredibly exciting. Of course we play every cad at least twice a season, but never before in living memory has the outcome stood to influence our fight for the title. There, I said it. 

What will we get this afternoon? Invisible cards in hues of red and yellow from Bobby Manc? If he pulls this stunt today I sincerely hope he’s told to naff off to the stands for his trouble. It’s not jealously, Bob, you’re just behaving like a tart.

Our lot know what’s required. Or at least I hope to God they do. A terrifying article in the Telegraph where the Welsh wizard reiterates his cunning plan to not play on the wing more and more. 

Oh yes. And if TK Maxx sold people, they’d sell Shaun Custis. 


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  • Daytripper11 says:

    Holy crap! Ledders really is back. Even if he only plays for 15 minutes that is 15 mins that we don’t have our backup pairing leaking bad goals.

    2-1 Spurs. Bring on the title boys! COYS!

  • Gilzeanwasgod says:

    Solid first 20 apart from Benny who is having a mini mare. Looking lightweight up front though and Aguerro scares me. God this is tense!

  • a+e shot my cat says:

    If johnson comes on for Shitty he will rip ekotto a new as*hole.

    • Gilzeanwasgod says:

      Half the problem is Bale’s ‘free role’. It’s leaving Richards free to run at Benny and he doesn’t look like he fancies it much. Get Bale back wgere he belongs sharpish. I wouldn’t give Defoe more than another 10 mins either. Nomthreat and terrible first touch keeps giving the ball away.

  • melcyid says:

    p 45 for mankini at the end of no silverware season. good mind games from arry.

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Anyone able to explain the advantages of Bale’s license to roam wins a cash prize – subject to me not laughing hysterically.

    • Daytripper11 says:

      Opens up space for Benny to get in alone on the left where he can then launch one of his awful crosses that never land anywhere near anyone in a lilywhite

    • Discospurs says:

      I second that. I’ve complained about it before – and it seems no coincidence that the end of our good start to the game coinciding first with the wingers swapping flanks, and then with Bale going central.

      I don’t get what he adds centrally. He loses the ball more often than not and lacks all the attributes of a world-class central man. You’d back him on the flank to beat his man, sometimes even two. In the middle? He couldn’t beat a dead chicken :(

    • Alspur says:

      Benny gets to defend the whole of the left flank on his own?

    • a+e shot my cat says:

      Do our players know what a “come to jesus moment” is because they are facing it….if they don’t arry should let them know in no uncertain terms, Bale should be bet with a rubber hose.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      I think it a variation on the “run around a bit theme”.

    • calebray says:

      easy, bale roaming means that lennon has the opportunity to bomb down the left and play a predictable simple ball backwards so he can stand and watch what everybody else is doing cos he cant put a ball in the box with his left foot (and sometimes his right) what do i win?

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