
Arry Redschnapps …England Manager

Image for Arry Redschnapps …England Manager

This whole Arry Redschnapps England manager impasse business is beginning to bug me. So perhaps a good juncture to ask supporters what they actually think.

The mood in the camp is I believe to be extremely mixed. The Arry haters have taken the whole situation as a free gift. A golden opportunity to mutter, ‘get rid‘ with each and every Redschnapp’s remark about who he would play if he were the national coach.

Now Arry’s said he’d like the job, but will the FA who are up to their knickers in debt already go the whole hog and splash out to secure his services? Somewhere in the middle lie those who are watching in slow-motion waiting to see if the chairman buckles and if the replacement makes their hearts sing …or not.

And at perhaps the furthest extreme we have the like of our old pal Norman Giller who posted on Facebook,

I have told Harry to make his decision NOT on what is right for Spurs or right for England but what is right for him and his family. Time to be selfish. There is pressure whichever way he turns.

Where do you stand on the whole issue? Click on the image below and share your views…

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  • wilboid says:

    I couldn’t really give a monkeys about who will be next Ingerlund manager.
    But I would like whoever it is to insist that we don’t wear that awful all red strip that we had at the last World Cup that made us look like Belgium.
    Blue shorts, white shirts, blood-stained head bandage.


    • Billy Legit says:

      Sod the colour they should wear shirts sponsored by ‘Hackett’ or ‘Burberry’, more appropriate than Umbro.

  • LosLorenzo says:

    Harry Redknapp. The George W Bush of football management. Not very good at the technical side of his job, but great at motivating thick people. Makes satirists more or less redundant :freu

    If he goes, what ever will we argue about?

  • LosLorenzo says:

    As for a replacement, I won’t venture too strong an opinion on who whould work and who wouldn’t. These things are hard to foresee. If you had told me three years ago that Harry would take us as far as he has, I would have told you to get your head checked.

    I general, it is tempting to assume that the manager with the most success at the highest level will be the best choice. Certainly has the best chance of keeping the best players (at least initially until results go pear-shaped). But past success is no guarantee of future success.

    And if you have a set-in-stone policy to only hire managing talent proven in a top league – then that policy would have led you to not hire Suralix in 1986. For example.

    Just sayin’, we can have all the opinions we want right now. Regardless, the proof will be in the pudding. Anyone claiming they know this person or that person will be a guaranteed success or failure is clearly deluded.

    If Harry does leave, which in my opinion is far from a foregone conclusion, I do not envy Levy his decision.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      As if he didn’t already have enough on his mind…

    • Billy Legit says:

      He could put a saddle on Rosie and……..nah, i think i’ll leave it………

    • TMWNN says:

      Sandra would have jumped that, no problem.

    • 39 39 39 says:

      That just about sums Trouty up….remind me who are we up against at the weekend…what position does the orse play ?
      Get in there Danny sack the fucker or maybe give him the humane bolt, surely his contract dont include going to the races. lets go for broke double or quits and take a punt on a fresh face, someone who actually wants to do the job,


    • MysteriousStranger says:

      To be honest I was thinking the England job would be the first opportunity Harry got to flog a dead horse :ninja:

  • nobby nobbs says:

    If we get a kickin off Utd it means Redknapps head has gone already.
    I can only assume we have already interviewed for a replacement as i find it farcical that THFC would wait for 2 other parties to make up their minds and clap hands..spiffing.
    Still we put up with warhorse Ledley and Fatboy Vart.Let em both go, Fucked and Fat like a big bad night out.

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