
FA Will Have To Fund Arry’s Replacement

Image for FA Will Have To Fund Arry’s Replacement

Good morning.

It’s far from a complete surprise of course but the jungle drums have begun gently beating in relation to this whole England manager business. How much of this is factual and what elements are conjecture are for you to decide. So here we go…

While the FA have yet to make a formal approach… the two parties on our side are making ready their respective contingencies. For Arry’s part as we all know, he wants the England job and is letting the tide of popular opinion carry him gently into it.

Levy & Co have understandably gone into self preservation mode and it’s suggested that if or rather when the FA do come a knockin’ that they better brace themselves. Oh yes and bring an articulated lorry of cash with them.

It’s been suggested to me that Tottenham will understandably not roll over and have their tummy tickled in all this; a robust stance ought not be confused with brinkmanship.

The mood at The Lane is that Arry wasn’t cheap to install, a lot of hard work has gone in during this appointment and to date it has been a massive success. The poaching of Arry is not merely a challenge to the achievements but a concerted attack that will directly attempt to undo it all.

Not only will a firm stance be taken over the remainder of Arry’s contract a financial cost be placed upon it plus – and this is the really interesting bit – the cost of organizing his replacement.

Arry came in at a reported cost of £5M and his stock has obviously soared. The expectations then – based upon achievement and the requirement to uphold the standard set – of who is an acceptable replacement are understandably high.

Who knows what goes through the FA’s mind? But if they were thinking a Arry would arrive all smiles with a carriage clock under his arm they will need to think again.

The feeling is that the Club has learned a few lessons the hard way [think the shoddy and destructive Berbatov deal] and won’t be fooled again. The firm line taken in relation to Modric will set the tone. The message is you sign a contract with us, you see it out. If you don’t want to see it out bring a good lawyer and plenty of folding. 

Both sides are keen to avoid a PR disaster. But the ball is certainly in the FA’s court. Whilst the England manager position dominates the back pages, the reality is that the national side’s stock has been in a more or less continuous slump since 1966. They may release a new Engerlund shirt every 6 weeks but it’s difficult to find someone selling them at full price.

Arry could rejuvenate the FA streams like nobody ever has. But Levy & Co. are determined to safeguard the Club’s future. 

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  • LosLorenzo says:

    Hello, is it meme you’re looking for?

  • Spurstacus says:

    Portsmouth was supposed to be HRs last job. He said he took the Spurs job as it was too big to turn down, and would be his last chance at managing a big big club.
    He won’t be able to turn England down. Who would at his age etc?
    As long as the speculation doesn’t distract; good luck to him.

  • Spurstacus says:

    Just want to say that if any of the posters on this blog would like to come out as gay, they can do so without fear of being judged or mocked. Lets adopt a, ‘So What…!’, policy.

    In the event that no one responds to the ‘coming out’, initiative, perhaps one or two chaps could volunteer. This will help ensure that the blog will remain modern, up with times, right on and also tick the homosexual quota box.

    • Hartley says:

      If I was a lady i’d definitely be a Lesbian! does that count? :ermm:

    • LosLorenzo says:

      I’ll can be gay for a good cause. Never afraid to try something new :cool:

      Bring up an important issue. Not just football, but pro sports (especially team sports) really are a bastion of homophobia. Racism is bad, but gay-bashing is no better.

      When even the US Army has realized that “don’t ask, don’t tell” is caveman bullsh*t, you can see how backwards the attitudes in football really are. You saying thereæs not one single homosexual playing in the Champions League, out of hundresds of men? Give me a break…

      • Spurstacus says:

        Los- No I’m not saying there aren’t any homosexuals playing football, that would be foolish. What I am saying is this drive by the FA is cynical bandwagoneering. Perhaps one of the reasons that gay footballers don’t ‘come out’, is that, like most people, they prefer to keep their sexual predilections private. Where is the drive for the players that cheat on wives? Or the drive for players that like ‘spit roasting’ teenage girls while their mates watch. Or the drive to support players and their wives that enjoy dogging, or swinging. Or what about this for a wild suggestion; support for players that have stable, loving relationships with the one woman they are married to and have a family with.
        I don’t care if Gareth Bale is gay. However I don’t see why he should have to tell me, or why I should have to know. I don’t expect to have to recount to strangers what my tastes are. :whistle:

        • LosLorenzo says:

          Maybe some of them don’t “come out” bacause they don’t fell like sharing. In that case, that’s fine. I believe many don’t because they’re afraid of the reaction, from the public, but also from teammates/coaches etc.

          The players that “have stable, loving relationships with the one woman they are married to” are frequently photographed with those same women. They are interviewed with them, and can show themselves in public with them. Sometimes they get married. Not so with the gay footballers. Or are you suggesting that homosexuals are by their very nature far more secretive/private people than straight people?

          As for likening gays wanting to keep their ‘stable loving relationship with the one man they love’ out of the media limelight with neanderthals wanting to keep their adultery and abuse of impressionavble underage girls; I think you’re way out of line.

          We see Sylvie Van der Vaart in the stands at every home game. Why don’t we ever see a gay boyfriend of husband in the stands cheering on their partner? Or do you think that they’re there, but the media just don’t think people would find it interesting?

          It’s not about flaming homos flaunting their sexual predelections. It’s about not having to hide them.

        • LosLorenzo says:


          “You saying there’s not one single homosexual playing in the Champions League, out of hundresds of men? Give me a break…”

          This was not directed at you. Was rhetorical.

    • Billy Legit (ski) says:

      :kissing: :kissing: :kissing: :kissing: :kissing:

  • TMWNN says:

    Levy must be panicking after hearing the news that Tottenham’s Greatest Fan (TGF) can’t keep up his season ticket.

    What is he to do without that kind of financial backing?

  • Hartley says:

    Arry and Engerland is a match made in heaven for me….I don’t particularly like either of them.. :-p

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