
THFC Getting Into Bed With AEG : Will Levy Be Tucking Them In?

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Good morning.

Four hundred and fifty million quid is the figure being bandied about. Philip Anschutz of AEG it is suggested is prepared to buy the controlling stake in Spurs. From The Express.

Nigh on twice the figure of the Liverpool sale. But aside from being at least twice the club, Tottenham come to market in rather good fiscal shape and not on their bindipping knees.

Why would this happen? Well we can only guess really. ENIC are perhaps reaching a crossroads whereby their investment is coming to the end of one chapter and about to commence upon another. They are after all an investment company and if they don’t trade now,  attempting to do so later one might argue would at best cause confusion. At worst look like they were bailing, no matter what the books said.

Anschutz’s form in the field is nothing shy of excellent of course. Not just a leading light but a driving force behind the MLS this is a guy who appears to have combined business acumen with a legitimate passion for the game. AEG owns LA Galaxy and Houston Dynamo. The potential synergies between AEG and THFC are pretty breathtaking. AEG’s wiki page.

What mustn’t be negotiable in any of this is the retention of Levy & Co. If AEG wanted to buy in talent and experience for the road ahead it’s inconceivable to suggest a better candidate.

Football clubs are generally run by a selection of idiots that nearly defy description. Bent second hand car salesmen, white slave traders, costamongers, devil worshipers and money launderers. 

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